Learn how to prevent Alzheimer's!

Learn how to prevent Alzheimer's!

Content Summary

Alzheimer hastalığı, yaşlanan nüfusla orantılı olarak artmakta ve 2050 yılında iki katına çıkması bekleniyor. Uzun zamandır bilinen hastalığa olan ilgi ve farkındalık son yıllarda artmış olsa da, özellikle yaşlı nüfusun yoğun olduğu ülkelerde daha yaygın bilinmektedir. Her 60 saniyede bir yeni hasta ortaya çıkmakta ve bu sayının 2050'de iki katına çıkması öngörülüyor. Kadınlarda daha sık görülen hastalıkta yaş en büyük risk faktörüdür. Kırsal kesimde yaşamak, Alzheimer riskini iki katına çıkarabilir. Genetik faktörlerin etkisi %1'den az olsa da, kötü çevresel koşullar (kötü beslenme, travma, hava kirliliği, diğer hastalıklar, düşük eğitim düzeyi, belirli ilaçların kullanımı, hobinin olmaması, egzersiz eksikliği, sigara-alkol kullanımı, tip II diyabet, yüksek homosistein, obezite, yüksek kan yağları, kontrolsüz hipertansiyon, kronik depresyon) hastalığın ortaya çıkmasını tetikleyebilir. Risk faktörlerinin kontrol altına alınması, özellikle erken evrelerde yüksek düzeyde eğitim ve sürekli öğrenme çabası, beyni genç tutar ve Alzheimer'a karşı en önemli silahtır. Dengeli bir beslenme, özellikle B vitaminleri, E vitamini, folat ve antioksidanlar açısından zengin bir diyet ve omega-3 yağ asitleri içeren balık ve deniz ürünleri tüketimi koruyucu rol oynar.

Alzheimer's is one of the most feared diseases of our age. It is predicted that the incidence of the disease, which increases in proportion to the aging of the population, will increase 2-fold in 2050. Experts point out that people's constant effort to learn keeps the brain young and is the most important weapon against Alzheimer's.

On September 21, World Alzheimer's Day, it is aimed to raise awareness and provide information about the disease.

Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital said that although Alzheimer's disease has been known for many years, interest and awareness in the disease has increased in recent years.

Awareness increases as the population ages

Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı stated that the aging of the society also has a great impact on the awareness of the disease and said: "Although the level of awareness about this disease has recently increased in societies with young populations like Turkey, this disease has been talked about for years in countries with large elderly populations such as Japan, Germany and the USA. Our awareness about Alzheimer's disease has increased. As the society is getting older, we have heard more about the disease and we will hear more about it."

1 patient emerges every 60 seconds

Stating that the disease was first noticed by Alois Alzheimer in 1907 and then the medical world referred to this disease as Alzheimer's, Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı said, "Alzheimer's disease is a disease whose frequency increases with the average age increasing with aging in the modern world. Currently, one patient occurs every 60 seconds, while it is estimated that one case of Alzheimer's dementia will occur every 30 seconds in 2050. While the incidence of breast cancer in women at the age of 65 is 7%, the incidence of Alzheimer's disease is much higher."

It is more common in women

"The most important reason for the increase in the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease is age," said Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı and added: "Although it is slightly more common in women than in men, Alzheimer's disease occurs in 9-15 out of 100 people aged 65, 15-20 out of 100 people aged 75 and almost 30-40 out of 100 people aged 85.In this respect, age is the strongest risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease. Especially with advanced age, if the person has a history of cardiovascular disease or head trauma (trauma), it can occur more prominently."

Alzheimer's risk is 2 times higher in rural areas

Stating that contrary to popular belief, Alzheimer's disease is more common in rural areas than in big cities, Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı said: "Although many people prefer to live in a rural area for low crime rates, less noise, pollution or to establish a family life in a quiet environment, recent research shows that living in a rural area can double the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The results found that an individual born and raised in villages and suburbs doubled their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life, compared to individuals living in the city. This is the case in many studies, not just one."

The role of environmental factors in Alzheimer's

Referring to genetic and environmental factors in Alzheimer's disease, Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı said

"A genetic cause has been identified for all diseases today. Pure genetic causes for Alzheimer's are less than 1%. Of course, although we do not know all the genes related to the disease, we know that genetic causes are responsible for its occurrence at a very early age in some people. Basically, the fact that you carry the genes for a disease does not necessarily mean that you will get that disease. However, if bad and unfavorable environmental conditions create pressure in favor of that disease, the two can come together with the genetic tendency and cause the disease to emerge. What we call environmental pressure can take many forms.

This diet, trauma, breathing polluted air, having other diseases at the same time, having a low level of education, using certain medications in the past, not eating a quality diet, that is, from many sources and diversity, lack of hobby-interest, not exercising, smoking-alcohol habit, having type II diabetes, high homocysteine, obesity, serious elevation in blood fats, uncontrolled hypertension, chronic depression, many of these factors can be counted among these environmental pressure factors. As can be understood from this, even if you carry the genes for Alzheimer's disease, when you improve the bad environmental causes, you will either prevent Alzheimer's disease or, if it does occur, you will ensure that it occurs at a later age and at a milder severity."

Risk factors should be well managed

Stating that prevention of Alzheimer's can be possible with some precautions to be taken, Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı warned, "Since we know many risk factors related to Alzheimer's (cardiovascular diseases, smoking, alcohol use, uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes, depression), taking these risk factors under control in advance and managing them with the partnership of the patient and the physician can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's or reduce its severity if it occurs."

Continuous learning keeps the brain young

Stating that there are interventions that can be made for many risk factors other than genetic effects, Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı said, "Taking risks under control is one of the first initiatives to be taken. In the early stages, a high level of education and a constant effort to learn keeps the brain young and is the most important weapon against Alzheimer's. Reading, playing games, singing, traveling a lot are all important. In addition, aerobic exercise increases blood and oxygen utilization in the brain. It is good for you."

Seafood and fish should be consumed

Noting that a healthy and balanced diet is also important in preventing the disease, Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı listed his recommendations as follows
"A healthy diet is essential for everyone without a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, and proper nutrition well in advance is a way to prevent the disease. Although the effect of nutrition in case of the disease is small, certain features should still be paid attention to. But the diet we will talk about here is more protective. First of all, you should eat a diet rich in B1, B6, B9, vitamin E and folate. Antioxidant foods should also be included in the diet frequently. Essential fatty acids should not be forgotten. The word essential means that they are not in the body and must be taken from outside, and the source of essential fatty acids is seafood and fish."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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