Labeling harms the child with autism

Labeling harms the child with autism

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Aksaray'daki bir ilkokulda otizmli öğrencileri ıslık çaldıkları iddia edilen velilerin karşı karşıya kaldıkları tepkiler devam ederken, uzmanlar otizmli çocukların eğitiminde ana akımlaştırmanın önemini vurguluyor. Ana akımlaştırmada sınıf mevcutlarının küçük tutulması ve diğer çocukların ve öğretmenlerin otizm hakkında bilgilendirilmesi gerektiğini belirten uzmanlar, "Bu çocuklar, doğumdan itibaren sosyal ve iletişim becerilerinin gelişimini etkileyen yaygın bir gelişim bozukluğuna sahiptir. Toplum tarafından dışlanmak olumsuz etkilere yol açar. Sosyal reddedilme içe kapanmanın şiddetini artırır" diyor. Otizmli çocukların etiketlenmesinden önemli ölçüde etkilendiğini belirten uzmanlar, ana akımlaştırmanın sosyalleşme, bilişsel işlevlerin iyileştirilmesi ve öz ifade becerilerinin artırılmasına katkı sağladığını, ancak sınıf mevcutlarının küçük tutulmasının kritik olduğunu vurguluyor. Otizmli çocuklarla birlikte eğitim görmenin diğer çocuklar üzerinde de olumlu etkileri olduğunu, onların otizmli çocuklarla nasıl iletişim kuracaklarını öğrenmelerinin ve insanlık değerlerinin gelişmesine katkı sağladığını belirtiyor. Okul yönetiminin ve öğretmenlerin de bu sürece dahil olmaları gerektiğini, otizmin bulaşıcı olmadığının çocuklara açıklanması gerektiğini ve eğitim hakkının herkes için eşit olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Velilere otizm hakkında doğru bilgilendirmenin önemine dikkat çekilerek, otizmin her insanda az da olsa mevcut olabileceği ve etiketleme yerine anlayışın geliştirilmesinin gerekliliği vurgulanıyor.

While the reactions against the parents who allegedly booed students with autism by demanding the closure of autism classes in a primary school in Aksaray continue, experts point out the importance of mainstreaming in the education of children with autism. Stating that the class size should be kept small and other children and teachers should be made aware of autism in mainstreaming education, experts said, "These children have a pervasive developmental disorder that affects the development of social and communication skills from birth. Being marginalized by society causes negative effects. Social rejection increases the severity of introversion."

NPISTANBUL Hospital Child Adolescent Specialist Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan said that mainstreaming classes are important for children with autism.

Stating that children with autism are evaluated by the guidance and research center according to the degree of autism, Leyla Arslan said, "Some of these children go to schools that are opened only for them according to the degree of autism, while some of them are deemed suitable for normal classes and some of them for special classes in normal schools. Children who are directed in this way are expected to socialize, improve their cognitive functions and increase their self-expression skills. In some cases, there are children who can be in the regular school and in the same class. Since striking this balance requires the teacher to understand special education, problems in some classes can be easily solved. We call this integration education. The most important point to be considered in this regard is to keep the number of students in these classes low."

Children with autism are negatively affected by labeling

Stating that children with autism are significantly affected by labeling, Leyla Arslan said, "These children are already afraid of normal children, they have fears of themselves, they have inadequacies, closing themselves to communication and turning inward are their biggest problems. While trying to overcome this situation with education, being rejected socially defeats the purpose of education. It increases the severity of turning inward."

Inclusive education is also beneficial for other children

Leyla Arslan noted that studying together with children with autism has positive effects on other children and emphasized that it is also important for normal children to learn how to behave with children with autism and how to make friends with them. Leyla Arslan said, "This situation also gives them human values. It increases their problem solving and communication skills. The ultimate goal of education is to learn how to live without causing harm and without being harmed by anyone."

School administrations and teachers have a duty

Leyla Arslan underlined that the school administration and teachers should also mobilize and attach importance to the practice and said, "Some children can be assigned tasks. They may not be able to cope with communication problems in the beginning, but children with mild autism can establish good relationships with normal children and they can benefit from this very significantly. In fact, the fact that a child with autism works one-on-one with a normal child or a normal adult, eats and lives with them, travels with them, grows up with them reduces autism. When a child with autism becomes an adult, they can look like a normal individual. This is a phenomenon that must be accepted in all societies."

It is necessary to explain autism to parents correctly

"Labeling and marginalizing children with autism is not good for both healthy children and children with autism," warned Specialist Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan, "This separation and labeling is the fear of one's own inadequacy and ignorance. We can say that not knowing how to solve problems and losing one's characteristics of being a human being is perhaps avoiding facing autism, which is a little bit in every person. It is necessary to explain to parents what autism is, and it is also expected that parents do not make it difficult for school administrators. Everyone has the right to equal access to education. Those children need education more. An uneducated group of disabled people can lead to bigger social problems in society. It is the duty of every citizen to contribute to solving such problems. In fact, the Ministry of National Education has eliminated this obstacle with a good regulation, it is important to explain to the children that this situation is not contagious and that both sides can affect each other in a positive way."

Autism genetic panel What is WES (Whole Exome Sequencing)?

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 March 2020
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