It's not the screen time that is the problem, it's what he is exposed to

It's not the screen time that is the problem, it's what he is exposed to

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Çocukların ekran kullanım süresi pandemiyle birlikte artmıştır. Uzmanlar, kullanım süresinden ziyade çocukların ekran kullanırken neyle meşgul olduklarına daha fazla dikkat edilmesi gerektiğini vurguluyor. Her internet kullanımının bağımlılık olarak kabul edilemeyeceğini ve her oyunun zararlı olmadığını belirten uzmanlar, ekran karartmasıyla çözüm üretilemeyeceğini ve ebeveynlerin çocuklarıyla aynı dili konuşabilmeleri gerektiğini belirtiyorlar. Ebeveynlerin öncelikle her internet kullanımının bağımlılık ve her oyunun zararlı olmadığını bilmeleri gerektiği belirtiliyor. Ebeveynlerin, internet kullanan çocuğun dilini öğrenmeleri, iletişim dilinin cezalandırıcı olmaması gerekiyor. Aşırı internet kullanımı, internet kullanımının neden olduğu sorunlar nedeniyle ve internet kullanımından önce bazı ruhsal sorunlar varsa bir kaçınma yolu olarak söz konusu olabilir. Çocuğun temel ihtiyaçlarını, akademik başarısını etkiliyor, öfke gibi duygular abartılı hale geliyorsa ve aile yalnızca iletişim kullanarak sorunu çözemiyorsa, bir uzman yardımı gereklidir. Sorun yalnızca internet kullanımıyla ilgili olmayabilir; gerçek yaşam sorunlarından kaçınma stratejisi olarak da kullanılabilir. Bu nedenle, çocuğun diğer ruhsal sorunlarının gözlemlenmesi ve uzman desteği alınması önemlidir.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Child Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Yektaş made evaluations on internet and screen use and shared important advice to parents.

Children's screen usage time has increased with the pandemic. Experts underline that more attention should be paid to what children are busy with while using the screen than the duration of use. Stating that not every internet use can be considered as addiction and not every game is harmful, experts state that a solution cannot be provided with screen blackout and that parents should be able to speak the same language with their children.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Child Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Yektaş made evaluations on internet and screen use and shared important advice to parents.

It is beneficial when used correctly

Pointing out that screen use varies according to age periods and that screen use has increased with the pandemic, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Yektaş continued his words as follows:

"Not only the duration of use, but also the content of what the child is dealing with and what they are busy with should be controlled. First of all, uncontrolled internet use and related violent behaviors are not a problem that concerns only the family. It needs to be recognized that this is a social problem, and therefore interventions by the family alone will be insufficient. Screen use or digital media, including gaming, is now a normal part of our lives. When used correctly, it can increase very positive skills in children and adolescents such as exploration, cooperation, learning and problem solving. Therefore, we cannot solve these problems by blacking out the screen. The real problem is what the child is exposed to rather than staying in front of the screen and looking at the screen. It is only possible to regulate this with the correct and rational use of the internet and appropriate controls."

It is very important not to judge

Stating that first of all, parents should know that not all internet use is addiction and not all games are harmful, Yektaş said, "Parents have to learn the language of the child who uses the internet like a second language. If they cannot speak this language, as a parent, it is not possible to understand and help the problems the child is experiencing. It is very important that the language of communication should not be punitive or sanctioning. Generally, children with problematic screen use or internet addiction may try to hide this situation from their families, hide their screen use time or lie. A more open and transparent attitude is needed. Not judging is very important at this point."

There may be psychiatric problems...

Stating that it should be known that the existing problem is sometimes not only related to the internet, but can also be used as an avoidance strategy from real life problems, Yektaş said, "Excessive use of the internet may be in question both because of the problems caused by internet use and as a way of avoidance if there are some other psychiatric problems before internet use. In this sense, it is very important for families to be able to observe the child's other mental problems outside of supervision and surveillance, and if they are aware of such a situation, it is very important to seek help from a specialist."

Beware if he disrupts his obligations!

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Yektaş said, "At the age of 18 - 19, problems such as children not fulfilling their obligations due to spending hours in front of the computer are among the problems experienced by parents" and concluded his words as follows:

"This situation stems from psychological problems. This is actually the final picture. In fact, it is very important how it got to this point. If it affects the child's basic needs and behaviors such as eating, sleeping, sleeping, if it affects the child's academic success and distracts them from school, if emotions such as anger are too much when they are prevented and if the family can no longer solve the problem using only communication, the help of a specialist is needed. The discussions to be held must be multidimensional. Only the interaction and communication language to be used will not be enough."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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