If he/she cannot learn and apply what he/she has learned, he/she may have dyslexia!

If he/she cannot learn and apply what he/she has learned, he/she may have dyslexia!

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Disleksi, disgrafi ve diskalkuli gibi özel öğrenme güçlükleri, beyindeki öğrenme ve bilgi işleme süreçlerindeki sorunları yansıtır. Disleksi, okuma güçlüğü ile karakterizedir ve erken çocukluk döneminde, gecikmiş konuşma, yetersiz kelime hazinesi ve kelimeleri yanlış telaffuz etme gibi belirtilerle kendini gösterebilir. Genetik ve çevresel faktörler (örneğin, erken doğum, düşük doğum ağırlığı, nikotin maruziyeti) önemli rol oynar ve aile öyküsü riski artırır. Zeka düzeyi normal hatta üstün olabilir; sorun bilgi işlemededir. Tedavi, çocuğun zorluk derecesine göre bireyselleştirilmiş eğitim programlarıyla gerçekleştirilir. Eğitim desteğinin yanı sıra, dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu gibi eşlik eden psikiyatrik durumlar için ek tedavi gerekebilir. Okul yıllarında, yoğun çabaya rağmen akademik başarıda beklenenin altında kalma ve bunun sonucunda özgüven kaybı ve depresyon gibi sorunlar ortaya çıkabilir.

Symptoms of dyslexia, which shows symptoms with reading disorder, can be seen in preschool period. Underlining that there is no intelligence problem in dyslexia, in which symptoms such as late speech, lack of vocabulary at the expected level and mispronunciation of words are seen, experts emphasized that this condition can be treated with individually planned education programs.

Every year, the week of November 1-7 is celebrated as Dyslexia Awareness Week. Child - Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center made important evaluations about dyslexia.


Specific learning disorders are seen in 3 main groups

Stating that specific learning disorders are seen in 3 main groups, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Başak Ayık,

"The first one is reading disorder: Dyslexia, the second is a writing disorder: Dysgraphia, and the third is a learning disorder in mathematics: Discalculi. The problem here is problems with learning processes and information processing in the brain. As with all neurodevelopmental disorders, genetic factors play an important role in dyslexia. Research has identified many genes related to dyslexia. Of course, not only genetic factors but also environmental factors play an important role in the development of dyslexia."

Nicotine causes learning disabilities

"Especially premature birth, low birth weight, exposure of the baby to cigarettes, i.e. nicotine, in the womb, lack of appropriate environmental educational support and nutritional problems can cause learning difficulties that we call dyslexia, dysgraphia or discalculia," says Başak Ayık,

"It is a familial condition. In other words, the presence of a learning disability in a person's family causes the risk of having a learning disability to be 5 to 12 times higher than in normal people. Some symptoms can be seen in the preschool period. In particular, symptoms such as delayed speech, lack of vocabulary at the expected level, and mispronunciation of words are observed. However, with the beginning of education and academic life, transition to reading and writing at a later period compared to their peers, problems in reading comprehension... This is very important, many children have problems in this regard, and in dyslexia, there are problems such as misreading, skipping lines and syllables while reading."

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"Intelligence can be completely normal in children with dyslexia"

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "Children with learning difficulties related to writing, that is, children with dysgraphia, may show symptoms such as difficulty in writing, difficulty in writing clearly, writing some letters or numbers in mirror image, that is, for example, writing 'b' as 'd' or writing numbers upside down."

"Again, children with learning difficulties related to mathematics may have difficulties in learning numbers, mathematical operations, even simple mathematical operations. As I mentioned before, these children do not have any mental retardation or problems, that is, intelligence can be completely normal; even in some individuals, despite superior intelligence, they have difficulties in learning and processing information in any of these areas.

Treatment is implemented through individual education programs

When approaching specific learning difficulties in the field of treatment, I would like to point out that there is no specific drug treatment. The treatment of these conditions is individually planned education programs. Individual support education is provided outside of school education, especially by trainers who are active in this field and have training in this field, according to the degree of difficulty experienced by children, according to the severity of specific learning difficulties. The main treatment is educational support. However, if there is any psychiatric picture in addition to dyslexia, for example, if the child also suffers from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, additional medication or supportive attention treatment specific to that condition will help the child overcome this difficulty."

The most important symptoms appear during the school years

"Since learning disabilities, as the name suggests, mainly manifests itself with difficulties related to academic learning skills, the most important symptoms occur during the school period," said Başak Ayık and concluded her words as follows:

"After a child starts education, although there is no problem with his/her intelligence and he/she makes an intense effort, he/she has difficulty in learning any subject and putting it into practice. He/she makes an intense effort, makes a labor, his/her intelligence is normal; but the success that the child receives in return is troubled or bad at a level that is incompatible with this. In other words, it affects academic success negatively. At the same time, it can negatively affect the child's self-confidence and pave the way for depression when they cannot achieve any success despite their intense effort."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At05 November 2018
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