How to Protect Psychology in the Workplace?

How to Protect Psychology in the Workplace?

Content Summary

İş yerinde tükenmişlik sendromu, karşılanamayan beklentiler, başarısızlık, çaresizlik, tükenmişlik ve enerji azalmasıyla kendini gösteren psikolojik bir bozukluktur. Bu durum, çalışma performansını ve tolerans seviyelerini olumsuz etkiler, öfke patlamaları ve fiziksel belirtilerle kendini gösterir. Tükenmişliğe yol açan faktörler arasında “hayır” deme zorluğu, iş dışında da görev üstlenme, yetersiz yönetici onayı, düşük motivasyon, iletişim sorunları ve mobbing sayılabilir. Tükenmişlik sendromuyla mücadele etmek için, işletmelerin çalışanlarına psikolojik destek sağlaması, etkili iletişim, beden dili ve duygu yönetimi gibi beceriler geliştiren eğitimler düzenlemesi ve düzenli ruhsal durum değerlendirmeleri yapması gerekir. Bu sayede, iş yerinde daha huzurlu bir ortam yaratılabilir ve tükenmişlik sendromunun etkileri azaltılabilir.

Psychology affects every aspect of human life, including work life. Factors such as constantly ringing phones, emails that come one after another during the day, files in the workflow, meetings, prolonged working hours negatively affect people's psychology and cause mental problems.
Keepingpsychologyin balancein working environmentsis very important for people working at an intense pace. Most people spend most of their time at work and people can feel exhausted because they cannot manage stress normally while working.

How to Deal with Burnout Syndrome at Work?

Burnout syndrome is a psychological disorder defined as a state of burnout that occurs in the inner world of the person with the emergence of expectations that cannot be met, failure, powerlessness, burnout and energy depletion.
In the first place, it reflects negatively on the tolerance levels and performances of working people. In people with burnout syndrome , reactions such as not being able to tolerate as before and getting angry very quickly can be observed.
As time passes, this tense mood is reflected in the person's body posture and face. The mind sends signals to the body to be especially alert as if a problem is about to occur, and tightened postures pave the way for physical pain. Immediately afterwards, the physical sleeping and eating patterns of working people can be disrupted. This state of exhaustion can go unrecognized for a long time, and when the available energy is used up, it can cause psychiatric problems such as depression.
In order to prevent burnout in people who continue their work at this intensity, they should be psychologically supported from the moment the symptoms appear.

What are the Conditions that Burnout People Working in the Office?

People who continue their business life at an intense work pace should seek psychological help as soon as the symptoms begin in order to avoid psychologically bad results. We can list the situations that consume people working especially in office environments as follows;

  • Individuals cannot use the word no
  • To take on different off-duty tasks as a purpose for themselves
  • Insufficient approval by the manager
  • Low motivation
  • Failure to use effective communication methods
  • Mobbing

Burnout syndrome is often caused by individuals not being sufficiently aware of themselves and their potential before entering the world of work.

Ways to Deal with Burnout Syndrome

Skills in business life are gaining importance in combating burnout syndrome. This need is especially important in corporate companies, where employees develop responsibility to ensure that they are in a positive mood and are provided with trainings to make a difference in human relations.
In order to apply a feedback method that makes a difference in human relations, it is necessary to learn certain practical information. Behind the success in the work that develops in plaza environments, there are usually trainings that have been received for self-development in business life.
Corporate companies should work with psychologists to carry out the necessary measurement and evaluation processes in their workplaces, and organize regular mental state measurement and motivational training days, which will positively affect the mental health of employees and increase work efficiency at a high rate.
In addition, it is necessary to organize solution-oriented briefings within the office in this syndrome. These briefings should be diverse and solution-oriented.
We can list some of these informative programs as follows;

  • Effective communication
  • Body language training
  • Correct use of facial expression
  • Ability to speak
  • How to use the word no without hurting anyone
  • Ability to manage organizations
  • Relax
  • Healthy mood control
  • Choosing a good outfit
  • Developing the ability to plan
  • Being solution-oriented
  • Develop empathy

It would be useful to organize training programs that develop such skills in office environments. After informative seminars and general psychological examinations, peaceful people in the workplace will be able to combat stress and the level of burnout syndrome will gradually decrease.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 June 2022
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