How to Deal with Fear of Earthquakes in Children?

How to Deal with Fear of Earthquakes in Children?

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Çocuklarda deprem korkusunun üstesinden gelmek, hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik hazırlık gerektirir. Çocuklar ebeveynlerinin davranışlarını gözlemlediklerinden, ebeveynlerin sakin ve rahat kalmaları önemlidir. Depremden hafif etkilenmiş olsalar bile, medya ve akrabalarının tepkilerinden aşırı etkilenebilirler. Uyku bozuklukları, yatak ıslatma ve okula gitmek istememe gibi uzun süreli tepkiler görülebilir. Çocuklar hem korkuyu hem de sakinliği öğrenebilirler; evde ve okulda güvenli yer belirlemek ve deprem hakkında doğru bilgi vermek önemlidir. Güven duygusu, korkunun üstesinden gelmede kilit rol oynar. Ebeveynlerin kaygılı olması çocuğun kaygısını artırabilir; bu nedenle, gerçekçi açıklamalar yapmak ve çocukları haberlerden uzaklaştırmak yerine cesaretlendirmek gerekir. Çocuğun endişelerini ciddiye almak, sorularına gerçekçi yanıtlar vermek ve güven verici nesneler kullanmak faydalı olabilir. Travma haline gelen korkular için psikoterapi gerekebilir.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes are real danger situations. Children, like adults, are expected to be afraid and affected by these dangerous situations. In order to cope with the fear of earthquakes, it is important to give the child a sense of 'trust' and to have the right attitude about this issue. However, children are affected more quickly than adults and forget more quickly.

The impact of an earthquake can vary from child to child depending on the magnitude of the earthquake and the attitude of adults towards the event. An earthquake can cause feelings of stress, anxiety, worry and fear. In order to cope with the fear of earthquakes and to be prepared for crisis moments without an earthquake, some precautions can be taken. In addition, these precautions can also help to reduce the anxiety experienced.

How should earthquake be explained to children?

It is as important to prepare for an earthquake psychologically as it is to prepare physically. Since earthquakes can cause serious negativities, especially in children, it is important to approach children correctly and inform them about the subject. This is because children observe their parents' behavior when they watch news about earthquakes or when an earthquake occurs.
The more relaxed and calm the parents are, the more relaxed and calm the child will be. If the parents are not with the child and are far away, the child may be more afraid. In such situations, it is important to have reassuring people with the child. The child can relax or relieve his/her fear by imitating the adults he/she trusts.

Children can be affected by the reactions of relatives
Even if children are mildly affected by the earthquake, they may be overly affected by the broadcast media and the reactions of their relatives. Therefore, children should be informed about the earthquake, encouraged and reassured.

Children may have nightmares even if they say they are not afraid
Long-term reactions in children may include symptoms such as sleep disorders, bedwetting, inability to separate from mom and dad and therefore not wanting to go to school. In addition, children who are not afraid during an earthquake and who say they are not afraid may have nightmares.

Children can learn both fear and calmness
Children feel good when they know that they and their loved ones are safe. We should identify the 'safe place' at home and at school and discuss it with our child. Listening to expert advice on what to do in unexpected events and knowing what to do in a crisis reduces fear. If we do not prepare our brains on how to react, we may face negative and unwanted consequences. Children can learn both fear and how to stay calm. Adults who cannot calm themselves should not delay in seeking psychological help.

How to Overcome Fear of Earthquake in Children?

Fear of earthquakes can cause serious negativity and trauma in children. Fear of earthquakes in children can be controlled by the attitudes of parents. Experts say that the feeling of "trust" is important in preventing the fear experienced by children and that the child should be given a sense of trust in this regard.

Stating that trust in the outside world is always good for a person, experts emphasize that a "safe place" should be determined at home and at school and should be discussed with the child. Children who do not want to return to school after natural disasters such as earthquakes may need professional support. Because in some children and individuals, fears can turn into trauma.

Trauma is a situation where existential anxiety is experienced more severely. Since the fear is suppressed, it can cause intense internal tension and the internal imbalance can disrupt the harmony with the outside world. Daily routine tasks may become impossible. Each fear should be addressed with an appropriate form of coping and should not be ignored. Children can overcome their fears with information, but traumatized fears need to be treated with psychotherapy techniques.

However, if the parents are anxious, the child may become more anxious. For this reason, it is important to explain the reality of the earthquake and encourage children instead of distancing them from the news and such situations.

In addition, the fears and anxieties of the child should not be underestimated. The concerns of the child should be adequately discussed with the child, the concerns should be tried to be reduced, they should not be underestimated and should never be underestimated. Try to give real answers to the questions they ask. In order for the child to feel that his/her parents are with him/her, it may be suggested that the child take an object or a toy to school, which is a reassuring psychological object.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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