How to approach a child with a bad report card

How to approach a child with a bad report card

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Çocuğunuzun düşük notlar alması durumunda, onu azarlamamak çok önemlidir çünkü bu onun psikolojisini daha da kötü etkiler. Ebeveynlerin, başarısız bir karne karşısında çocuğu suçlamamaları, bunun yerine öncelikle kendi tutum ve davranışlarının da başarısızlığın sebebi olabileceğini göz önünde bulundurmaları gerekir. Çocuğun başarısızlığında ebeveynlerin ilgisizliğinin veya yetersiz rehberliğinin de etkili olabileceği unutulmamalıdır. Her çocuğun farklı yetenekleri olduğu ve farklı şekilde değerlendirilmesi gerektiği dikkate alınmalıdır. Ebeveynler, çocuğun çabalarını takdir etmeli ve yüksek beklentiler yerine çocuğun kendi kapasitesine ve çabasına göre değerlendirme yapmalıdır. Önemli olan, sorunun nedenlerini araştırmak ve çözüm bulmak için ebeveynlerin aktif rol almalarıdır.

How to approach a child with a bad report card? Advice on how to approach a child with a poor report card...

You may be disappointed that your child, whom you expect high achievements from, has poor grades and as a result, you may treat your child badly without realizing it. However, it should be known that scolding your child in the face of a poor grade will affect his/her psychology even worse. So how to approach a child with a bad report card? Advice on how to approach a child with a poor report card...

For students who cannot predict what kind of report card they will bring home, fear of report cards will be inevitable. Children who fail their classes for various reasons may be upset when they do not achieve the success they expect at the end of the semester, and may even be under intense stress, thinking that their parents will be angry for bringing a low report card. Experts point out that parents should not blame their children in the face of a bad report card. First of all, it should be taken as a basis that your child is a reflection of you and you should not forget that even the failure of their lessons may be due to your own attitudes and behaviors. So, how should you approach a child with a failing grade on his/her report card? Advice from experts for parents with school-age children...


The parents' lack of interest or lack of proper guidance can be as influential in a failed report card as the child's influence. Therefore, if you are looking for someone to blame, you can start by looking for it in yourself. In particular, making sentences that will damage the child's personality will lead to a lack of self-confidence and accordingly, the student who will enter the second semester with low motivation will feel pressure on the student and will be dragged into more mistakes.

There is no rule that every child will have the same characteristics, this is out of the question. Some children have better verbal skills and fail in numericals, while others are successful in numericals and inadequate in verbals. Each child should be evaluated differently.


Stating that parents should not give impulsive and negative reactions in the face of a child who brings home a bad report card, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "No matter for what reason a poor report card comes, parents should investigate the reasons for this and fulfill their duties to solve the problem.

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said that the family should definitely appreciate the efforts of the child in both the behaviors exhibited in daily life and the success in their lessons:

"Every person starts to receive education first in their family. Individuals exhibit various behaviors both with the genetic characteristics they receive from their family and according to the behaviors within the family.

However, unfortunately, some parents have high expectations from their children, not taking into account their own academic life and their own lives. The success of each child should be evaluated according to his/her own capacity and effort."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 January 2023
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