How Should We Protect Our Skin in Cold Weather?

How Should We Protect Our Skin in Cold Weather?

Content Summary

Kış aylarında vücut ısı kaybını önlemek için tepki verir ve bu da kuru cilt, dökülme, egzama ve sedef hastalığı gibi cilt sorunlarına yol açabilir. Kılcal damarlar ve kızarıklıklar lazerle tedavi edilebilir. Kuru cildi önlemek için bol su içmek, nemlendirici kullanmak (A, E ve C vitaminleri içeren), omega-3 takviyesi almak, bol miktarda kış sebze ve meyvesi tüketmek ve tahıl ürünleri yemek önemlidir. Ellerin çatlamaması için düzenli aralıklarla nemlendirici sürmek ve çok sıcak suyla ve cildi tahriş eden sabunlarla el yıkamak gerekir. Sık ve çok sıcak duş almak cilt yağlarını azaltır. Duştan sonra kremli ürünler kullanarak cildi nemlendirmek gerekir. Dışarı çıkarken güneş koruyucu içeren nemlendirici sürmek ve şapka, gözlük, eldiven ve atkı ile korunmak önemlidir. Elleri günde birkaç kez yağlı ürünlerle nemlendirmek, dudakları düzenli olarak nemlendirmek ve günde 2 litre su içmek gerekir. Yünlü ve sentetik kıyafetlerden kaçınılmalı ve cilt uzmanıyla uygun bir nemlendirici seçilmelidir. Kış aylarında kimyasal peeling ile cilt yenilenebilir.

Our skin becomes more sensitive as the weather shows its effect on cold winter days. Winter adversely affects the skin layer and the skin becomes more fragile. The skin, which becomes more sensitive, exfoliates and thins, dries out as a result of poor blood circulation due to the effect of cold weather. As a result, the integrity of the natural barrier layer that protects the skin is disrupted and the amount of oil in the skin decreases, thus increasing the skin's moisture requirement. Eczema seen in winter months may occur on skin with increased moisture requirement. Apart from eczema, different viruses can emerge from cracks and wounds on the hands and feet caused by dryness. These viruses cause different skin infections. Therefore, the skin, which has difficulty in maintaining its protective function in cold weather, needs more repair.

Our body reacts to prevent heat loss in cold weather in winter. Among the most common skin problems that occur in cold weather; There are disorders such as dry skin, flaking, eczema and psoriasis. Winter months should be preferred for the treatment of capillaries and reddened areas on the skin. These vascularized parts and redness can be removed with laser treatment.

What should be done to prevent dry skin?

During the winter months, our skin dries very quickly. Dry skin cracks and flakes, causing wounds on the hands and legs. When the dry skin cracks, viruses easily penetrate through the skin. Once in the skin, germs can cause infection. You can apply the following methods to prevent dry skin ;

  • It is necessary to drink plenty of water.
  • The skin should be moisturized abundantly according to preference.
  • Moisturizers applied to the skin should contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, E and C.
  • Omega-3 supplementation should be applied.
  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits suitable for the winter season should be consumed.
  • Grain foods should be consumed.

During the winter months, care should be taken for hand care as much as skin care; because the same conditions will apply to prevent cracking of the hands. Ways to prevent cracked hands, moisturizer should be applied at regular intervals, and hand washing with extremely hot water and soaps that damage the skin should be avoided.

How to Apply Skin Care in Cold Weather?

Temperature levels change in cold weather. The human body has difficulty in adapting to these changing temperatures. Therefore, cracks and wounds occur on the skin. We can do the following to prevent the formation of these wounds and cracks;
Do not shower frequently and with extremely hot water: It is not right to shower often and shower with extremely hot water while showering. Very hot water reduces skin oils and causes the skin to dry out too much. Itching, redness and dry eczema may occur on the skin.
Nourish your skin with creamy products after showering: The materials applied to the skin during showering should be cream-containing and the skin should be moisturized with a moisturizing cream after showering. This application ensures that the skin gets the moisture it needs.
Protect yourself from the winter sun: To be less affected by the cold weather in winter, apply a moisturizer with sunscreen when going out. In addition, protect your skin with hats, glasses, gloves and scarves to be less affected by the cold.
Take proper care of your hands: To prevent aging of the hands and to prevent eczema on the hands, moisturize them with oily products several times a day.
Prevent dry and cracked lips: Lips should be moisturized many times a day with moisturizers and other lip care creams . Thus, cracking and drying of moisturized lips is prevented.
Eat a healthy diet: Take care to consume 2 liters of water a day. When consuming fruits and vegetables, make sure they are fresh. Consuming cereal products will contribute to moisturizing the skin.
Keep woolen and synthetic clothing away from your skin: Av oiding direct contact of woolen and synthetic clothing with the skin will reduce itching and dryness.
Choose a suitable moisturizer in consultation with a skin specialist: Dryness on the face, puffiness under the eyes and a pale skin color make a person look older. Therefore, using a suitable moisturizer benefits the skin. Products that do not adapt to the skin damage the skin.
Have chemical peeling every winter: Chemical peeling applications in cold weather revitalize the skin and remove dead skin. Thus, a fresh, shiny skin is formed from underneath.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 September 2022
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