Healthy Eating Tips in Hot Weather

Healthy Eating Tips in Hot Weather

In hot weather, body temperature gradually increases with the increase in temperature and humidity. Therefore, we can say that these are the months when the most attention should be paid to the foods consumed. However, increasing body temperature can damage the brain and other vital organs. In order to prevent this situation, a healthy nutrition program should be made in hot weather. Especially individuals with chronic diseases should pay attention to their nutrition in high temperatures.

The metabolism tries to keep the body temperature in balance by sweating, but this is not enough in extremely hot weather. Other factors that increase sweating in extremely hot weather include obesity, high fever caused by a random illness, intense dehydration, heart disease, psychiatric problems, alcohol use, drug use and taking certain prescription drugs (such as blood pressure lowering pills). Increased body temperature at such times can cause serious damage to the brain and other vital organs.

How Should We Eat in Hot Weather?

Nutrition is very important for the metabolism to adapt in the summer months. Intensive fluid and mineral supplementation is required to prevent fluid and mineral deficiency that increases with sweating. We can list some nutrition recommendations that should be considered in hot weather as follows;

  • Avoid consuming extremely hot, spicy, fried and high-salt foods.
  • Large amounts of red meat should be consumed.
  • Care should be taken to prefer foods such as sandwiches made with vegetables, cold soups, dairy foods that are not too fatty, fruits and fish.
  • Foods that are not heavy, nourishing and fat-free should be preferred.
  • Fresh fruit should be consumed instead of dried fruit.
  • Avoid consuming foods containing intense sugar.
  • Fresh fruits that are not too cold should be consumed sweet.
  • Portions consumed should be controlled and consumption of greens should be increased.
  • Do not prefer ready-made salad dressings.
  • Even if thirst is not felt, care should be taken to consume at least 12-14 cups of liquid a day.
  • Although drinking water is the priority in liquid consumption, caffeine, tea, sugar-containing and carbonated liquids should be avoided, and dairy products, fruit juices and herbal teas should be consumed.

However, it may be necessary to consult the relevant specialist if a certain limit has been imposed by the specialist on fluid consumption or if there are conditions such as taking diuretic drugs.

Which foods should we avoid in hot weather?

Alcohol: Some people may not prefer to spend hot weather without consuming alcoholic beverages, especially when they are in nature. But alcohol is not healthy in summer. Alcohol has diuretic properties, so the body becomes dehydrated.
Artichokes Some foods dehydrate the body. Artichoke is one of these foods. Artichokes should not be consumed in hot weather.
Meat: You may not think of a summer without meat in hot weather. However, these foods should be avoided in extremely hot times.
Protein is more difficult to digest in summer and causes extra heat while digesting. Therefore, you should not consume too much protein in summer.
Frozen fruit yogurt, ice cream and other: In hot weather, we want to consume more cold foods, but such foods may not be beneficial. Because when the body tries to digest cold foods, it increases the body's overall temperature.

How to Beware of Food Poisoning?

One of the most common diseases, especially in hot weather, is food poisoning. Vegetables and fruits consumed more in the summer heat should be washed thoroughly. Foods to be consumed should not be stored in the sun for a long time.
Food should be stored under suitable conditions to avoid food poisoning. Especially in the increasing heat, foods sold outside and in the open should not be consumed. Meat products, dairy products, fish, etc. are perishable foods, these foods should not be kept in the open and should be kept well.
Viruses with a high risk of infection can also multiply rapidly in spoiled food and cause diarrhea. In addition, the use of unclean water and the consumption of fruits and vegetables washed with this water are other factors that cause diarrhea in hot weather. In addition to these, swallowing sea and pool water containing germs can cause diarrhea.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At15 January 2025
Created At08 August 2022
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