Foods that should and should not be stored in the freezer

Foods that should and should not be stored in the freezer

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Derin dondurucular, özellikle yaz sebze ve meyvelerinin uzun süre taze kalmasını sağlar. Ancak, bazı gıdaların yapısı donarken bozulabileceği ve zehirlenmeye yol açabileceği için dondurucuya konulacak gıdalar dikkatlice seçilmelidir. Dondurucuda saklamak kolay bir çözüm olsa da, asla dondurulmaması gereken bazı gıdalar vardır (avokado, tekrar dondurulmuş et, tavuk ve deniz ürünleri, pişmiş makarna, yumuşak peynirler, süt ve kızarmış yiyecekler). Öte yandan, sert peynirler (örneğin çedar) dondurucuda saklanabilir. Dondurucuda saklanabilecek diğer yiyecekler arasında et, tavuk, deniz ürünleri, birçok meyve (çilek, böğürtlen vb.), bazı sebzeler (biber, havuç vb.), tereyağı, margarin, sert peynirler, pizza ve taze otlar bulunur. Optimal dondurma için, dondurucunun -18°C'de olması ve uzun süreli saklama için vakumlama yönteminin kullanılması önerilir.

Deep freezers are available in homes as a very useful white goods that allow food to stay fresher for longer. However, depending on the food placed in this functional item, it can cause poisoning cases in some cases.

Foods placed in deep freezers, especially summer vegetables and fruits, can stay fresh for a long time. However, the foods placed in the freezer need to be well-chosen, as some foods can deteriorate in their structure as they freeze, which can cause serious problems such as poisoning. While keeping food in the freezer is a simplifying solution, there are some foods that should never be frozen. Instead, we recommend storing harder cheeses such as cheddar in the freezer.

Foods that should not be stored in the freezer

Not all food is stored in the freezer. Storing inappropriate foods in the freezer can spoil the content of the food and cause poisoning. Therefore, we need to have information about the foods that should be stored in the freezer;

Avocado: There are different opinions about the storage of avocado in the freezer. Some opinions say that it can be frozen without being cut into pieces, some opinions say that it should be mashed to freeze, but according to food experts, avocado is on the list of foods that should never be frozen. If frozen, the texture of the avocado can deteriorate. It also affects the taste.

Meat, chicken and seafood: If you have previously frozen meat that has not thawed, do not put it back in the freezer. In this case, there is a possibility of poisoning.

Cooked Pasta: If you have boiled a lot of pasta and put it in the freezer to be ready for another day, remove this food immediately. Cooked pasta can be poisoned after freezing.

Soft Cheeses: You should try not to keep cream cheeses, cottage cheeses, that is, cheeses with a soft structure in the deep freezer. Because this kind of cheese leaves its water after thawing, it does not become an internal angle.

Milk If you have a lot of milk in your household, it may make sense to store it in the freezer. However, when this milk is thawed, it often clumps and spoils. Although it is not harmful for health, it is not very good to consume milk that is clumpy in appearance.

Fried foods: Do not store fried foods in the freezer. If you have leftover fried foods from the previous evening, the best idea is to keep them in the refrigerator. However, if you are not going to eat them again for a long time, you may need to throw them away, not in the freezer. Freezing and reheating foods that have already become harmful by being fried prepares the ground for these foods to contain carcinogenic substances.

Foods that should be kept in the freezer

Some foods can easily spoil and become inedible if their ingredients are not well preserved. It is necessary to preserve these foods and prevent them from spoiling. Therefore, it is necessary to have information about the foods that should be kept in the freezer. We can list the foods that can be stored in the freezer as follows;

Meat, chicken and seafood: Almost all meat, chicken and seafood can be easily frozen in the freezer. You can preserve these foods in a healthy way by freezing them.

Fruits: Fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, cranberries can be kept in the freezer. Along with these fruits, fruits with hard seeds such as bananas, mangoes, pineapples, peaches, green plums, red plums and cherries can also be kept in the freezer.

Vegetables Some green vegetables can be kept in the freezer. These include bell peppers, carrots, green beans, spinach, grape leaves, peas, green squash, milk corn, broccoli. If the vegetables contain a high water content, they should be pureed or cooked before freezing.

Butter, Margarine and Hard Cheeses: Hard cheeses keep well in the freezer if grated and stored in an airtight container. In addition, fatty foods such as butter and margarine offer more long-lasting preservation in the freezer.

Baked Pizzas and Homemade Pizzas: Pizza is one of the most popular frozen foods that people keep in their homes. It can also be a good solution to keep home pizza in the freezer. The stretching process will be sufficient.

Fresh Herbs: Nothing makes a dish taste as good as fresh herbs, but it can be hard to go to the store every time you need fresh basil. Storing fresh herbs in the freezer can keep them fresh, and with the right storage conditions they can be kept in the freezer for up to 12 months.

How to get the most out of the freezer

First of all, the temperature level inside the freezer should be -18 °C. This contributes to freezing the food as fast as possible. If the food is to be frozen for a short time, you can choose plastic bags, containers or packaging. For longer storage, it can be useful to vacuum seal the food. This sealing method prevents the freezer from burning.
It is also not good to store food in a plastic bag. The air in the bag can burn the freezer. Ice cube trays can also be used for better food storage.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 October 2022
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