Drug diagnosis and Treatment Guide

Drug diagnosis and Treatment Guide


Why are we on drugs?

  • First of all, the purpose of drug therapy is to make pharmacological improvement.

Current complaints are intended to be relieved and corrected over time.

  • The right goal is not to numb and soothe but to cure.

Considerations for drug use:

  • The use of the drug is possible under the doctor's control if it is within sufficient time and effective dose within the form recommended by the doctor.
  • Do not expect to recover soon.
  • Sometimes drugs can be given for different purposes, except for those specified in the prospectus.
  • Do not stop the drug without consulting a doctor if you are concerned about the information in the drug prospectus
  • Do not leave your doctor without stopping the medication, even if your complaints improve.
  • Not all of the specified side effects may coexist; there may not even be any side effects.
  • Do not take medications with alcohol or consult your doctor.
  • The resulting side effects will mostly disappear after a short period. (10-15 days or less)
  • Do not receive information from people who are not experts on your medications.
  • Do not play with drug doses unless you are told otherwise.
  • Do not use or recommend your medications other than the intended purpose.
  • Share with your doctor that you are during pregnancy or breastfeeding. During these periods, it is necessary to be under control.
  • Remind your doctor if you are dealing with things that require attention.
  • There may be changes in sleep or sleep, depending on the content of the drug.
  • Tell your doctor about other medications you are using.
  • Since some medications can affect blood pressure and heart rhythm, your doctor will check your blood pressure and pulse during each session.



The same drug has different results in different people with the same diagnosis. Here, it is essential to monitor the measurement of the effect of the drug and the physician's experience and artistic skill.

Drugs are our chemical weapons against diseases. Proper dose, proper duration, and proper administration require professional responsibility. If the drug, which is a chemical weapon, is not used, the patient's responsibility to remain untreated arises. We must not ignore this.






We said psychotropic drugs were chemical weapons. These drugs, which bind to brain and nerve cells, are determined by the patient's blood values, blood pressure, heart rate, stomach and digestive system health, sleep, appetite, and sexual characteristics. Only the expert knows these features. No drug comment is made with those who are not qualified. This is an untrained and unscientific approach.




It is a chemical that affects normal or abnormal psychological processes due to the effect of the substance taken on the brain.



  • It should have the least side effect, the most clinical impact.
  • It should be high in bioavailability; that is, it should alleviate symptoms and treat the disease.
  • Should not be tolerant and addictive.















Side effects that develop with antidepressants and what can you do for it?



SIDE EFFECTS                       WHAT CAN BE DONE?


Dry mouth                                Getting enough fluid, giving importance to oral care, chewing gum can be a method.


Sleep and feeling dizzy            Not with every drug. It is an expected side effect.


Constipation                             It is recommended to consume liquid foods and pulp foods (fruits and vegetables), increase mobility.


Drop in blood pressure        A lot of salty liquid should be taken when the blood pressure drops excessively.


Stomach ailments             The drug should be taken after meals, increase stomach acid, avoid spicy foods.


Menstrual irregularities       There may be menstrual irregularities, delays in menstruation. Consult your doctor for long-term complaints.


Skin rash                                   Tell your doctor.


Appetite and weight gain           From high-calorie foods (pastries, fries, chocolate, etc.C) stay away.


Sexual reluctance, late ejaculation, ejaculation occurs during the use of drugs, İs is temporary.























The use of the drug occurs with regular and long-term use. The duration of treatment is at least 6 months. Even if your complaints improve, do not leave your doctor without stopping the medication.

Standard doses of painkillers and antibiotics can often be used together.

Tell your doctor about an unexpected situation.






Antiepileptics (used as emotion stabilizers in psychiatry):


SIDE EFFECTS                       WHAT CAN BE DONE ?


Dry mouth                                Getting enough fluid, giving importance to oral care, chewing gum can be a method.


Sleep and feeling dizzy            Not with every drug. It is an expected side effect.


Constipation                             It is recommended to consume liquid foods and pulp foods (fruits and vegetables), increase mobility.


Drop in blood pressure        A lot of salty liquid should be taken when the blood pressure drops excessively.


Stomach ailments             The drug should be taken after meals, increase stomach acid, avoid spicy foods.


a singing in the ears                 Temporary


Skin rash                                   Tell your doctor.


Appetite and weight gain           From high-calorie foods (pastries, fries, chocolate, etc.C) stay away.


Sexual reluctance, late ejaculation, ejaculation occurs during the use of drugs, İs is temporary.













  • This group of drugs is used to treat epilepsy, as well as in some cases for mental illness.
  • Drug blood level monitoring will be required with some medications at certain intervals. At the same time, a complete blood count and tests of liver and kidney function can also be requested again at specific intervals.
  • There may be hair loss with some of the drugs.









Anxiolytics (anxiety, anxiety-reducing drugs):

Green Prescription


SIDE EFFECTS                       WHAT CAN BE DONE?


Dry mouth                                Getting enough fluid, giving importance to oral care, chewing gum can be a method.


Sleep and feel dizzy            Not with every drug. It is an expected side effect.


Constipation                             It is recommended to consume liquid foods and pulp foods (fruits and vegetables), increase mobility.


Drop-in blood pressure        A lot of salty liquid should be taken when the blood pressure drops excessively.


Stomach ailments             The drug should be taken after meals, increase stomach acid, avoid spicy foods.


Menstrual irregularities       There may be menstrual irregularities, delays in menstruation. Consult your doctor for long-term complaints.


Skin rash                                   Tell your doctor.


Appetite and weight gain           From high-calorie foods (pastries, fries, chocolate, etc.C) stay away.





It should be used in controlled work that requires attention.

Most of this group of drugs are prescribed with a Yesil prescription. Use outside the doctor's recommendation, increasing the dose would not be appropriate. Because, over time, the activity can decrease.

The risk of addiction can occur with use other than a doctor's recommendation.

Also, when quitting the drug, it should be under the supervision of a doctor. Withdrawal symptoms may develop.

Some of these drugs can leave a bad taste in the mouth. For this, you can consume a lot of water or juice.

Especially older people should use it more carefully.

Lithium salt (mood stabilizer):

SIDE EFFECTS                       WHAT CAN BE DONE?


Dry mouth                                Getting enough fluid, giving importance to oral care, chewing gum can be a method.


Sleep and feel dizzy            Not with every drug. It is an expected side effect.


Indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea       Avoid foods that increase indigestion.


Stomach ailments             The drug should be taken after meals, increase stomach acid, avoid spicy foods.


A bad taste in the mouth           Plenty of water or juice can be consumed.


Appetite and weight gain           From high-calorie foods (pastries, fries, chocolate, etc.C) stay away.


Fever, excessive sweating, confusion, vomiting, a lot of tendencies to sleep          Be sure to tell your doctor if most of these symptoms are together.


Shaking                                   Weak is often found


Dizziness, imbalance              Tell your doctor immediately.




  • This drug is a drug that should be used for a long time due to its protective effectiveness, but your doctor should terminate the treatment.
  • Your doctor should check the blood level of the drug at the intervals specified by your doctor, and your doctor should be aware of the result.
  • Do not take forgotten doses together.
  • The first days may be a condition of frequent urination, it is temporary.
  • Vision disorders such as blurred vision may be temporary.
  • Diuretic drugs should be checked by your doctor under the necessary conditions.
  • There may be skin rashes such as acne.
  • In cases of fever, diarrhea, dehydration, the dose should be adjusted. Refer to a doctor.
  • Troid, liver, kidney checks are performed for long use.





Antipsychotics (psychosis therapeutic drugs):

(It is also used in high-dose psychosis, low-dose other psychiatric diseases.)





SIDE EFFECTS                       WHAT CAN BE DONE?


Dry mouth                                Getting enough fluid, giving importance to oral care, chewing gum can be a method.


Sleep and feeling dizzy            Not with every drug. It is an expected side effect.


Constipation                             It is recommended to consume liquid foods and pulp foods (fruits and vegetables), increase mobility.


Drop in blood pressure        A lot of salty liquid should be taken when the blood pressure drops excessively.


Stomach ailments             The drug should be taken after meals, increase stomach acid, avoid spicy foods.


Menstrual irregularities       There may be menstrual irregularities, delays in menstruation. Consult your doctor for long-term complaints.


Skin rash                                   Tell your doctor.


Appetite and weight gain           From high-calorie foods (pastries, fries, chocolate, etc.C) stay away.


Spasm in the neck and arms        This group of drugs may be in some. Do not worry, consult your doctor.


Restlessness                              This group of drugs may be in some. Do not worry, consult your doctor.


Difficulty speaking, crossed eyes and tightness             This group of drugs may be in some. Do not worry, consult your doctor.


Saliva coming from the mouth (Drooling)                       This group of drugs may be in some. Do not worry, consult your doctor.  


Milk coming from the breast                                  This group of drugs may be in some. Do not worry, consult your doctor.     


Sexual reluctance, late ejaculation, ejaculation occurs during the use of drugs, it is is temporary.



  • The duration of the use of the drug is long as your doctor does not say otherwise.
  • The effect can sometimes exceed 2-3 weeks.
  • Do not stay under the sun and use skin protectors when taking medications.
  • The color of urine may change temporarily due to the drug. Care should be taken in jobs that require attention and when driving.
  • Do not take stomach medication at the same time as medications, and take medications after eating.
  • Report to the doctor of febrile disease, especially when using medications.



The quantitative pharmaco-EEG system can provide preliminary information on whether the drug has antidepressant, antipsychotic, antianxylation, or cognitive activator effects in the human brain. Even if this information is not one hundred percent accurate, its sensitivity and authenticity are high.

Note for emergencies: During working hours, you can contact your doctor at Npistanbul brain hospital for 24/7(24 hours a day, 7 days a week.)

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