Does Weather Affect Mood?

Does Weather Affect Mood?

Content Summary

Hava durumu, ruh halini etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. Güneşli hava, olumlu duyguları artırır, olumsuz duyguları azaltır ve yorgunluğu hafifletir. Araştırmalar, yeterli güneş ışığına maruz kalmanın ruh hali üzerinde oldukça olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Yaz aylarında güneş ışığından daha fazla yararlanıldığında günlerin daha verimli ve mutlu geçtiği, kış aylarında ise güneş ışığının azlığı nedeniyle verimsiz ve kötü geçtiği gözlemlenmiştir. Olumsuz düşünen kişilerin ruh hali iyi havalarda olumlu yönde değişirken, her zaman olumlu bakan kişilerde bu etki daha az belirgindir. Bununla birlikte, soğuk, yağmurlu ve karanlık hava genellikle kötü bir ruh haline yol açar, motivasyon eksikliğine, günlük işlerin yapılmasında zorluklara ve depresyon gibi durumlara neden olabilir. Hava değişiklikleri, kaygı, aşırı sinirlilik, yorgunluk, kas ve eklem ağrıları, uyku sorunları ve yeme bozuklukları gibi farklı fiziksel ve duygusal belirtilere yol açabilir. Kadınların hava değişikliklerine karşı daha hassas oldukları gözlemlenmiştir. Sıcaklık da ruh halini etkiler; 20 derece civarındaki ideal sıcaklıktan uzaklaştıkça insanların yardım etme olasılığı azalır.

The weather offers many metaphors for our changing minds. Your mood can be sunny or rainy, your hopes cloudy, your relationships stormy at times. Like the weather , our moods are at times like unstable and uncontrolled variations of nature.

Weather is an effective way of explaining mood . Among the weather conditions, sunny weather is the closest to the instant mood. Sunlight strengthens positive emotions, reduces bad emotions and is good for fatigue.
Everything that affects mood can also affect people's behavior. For example, people who are happy are warmer and more helpful to others. In a study, it was observed that people were more likely to leave a tip after a meal consumed in sunny times.

What are the positive effects of weather on mood?

It is the nature of human nature to be affected by different states of weather. For example, when the weather is cold , you feel gloomy, but when you open your eyes to a wonderful spring weather, you feel butterflies. This may explain to some extent the effects of weather on people. However, according to research, what really affects a person's mood is getting enough daylight. If the person benefits from daylight in sufficient amounts, the effect on mood is quite positive. According to the researches, it has been observed that the days are productive and happy because of the excessive use of daylight in the summer months, while in the winter months, it has been stated that the time spent is generally inefficient and bad because of the low amount of daylight. The mood of people who think negatively changes positively in good weather. It has also been observed that it has no extra effect on people who look at life positively in every aspect. We can list the positive effects of weather on mood as follows;

  • People feel more energetic in good weather.
  • Their motivation is high.
  • The days are productive as more daylight is utilized.
  • They interact more in sunny weather.
  • Sunlight reduces negative emotions.
  • Sunlight reduces fatigue.
  • People are less stressed when the temperature is normal.
  • Shopping is more productive in sunny weather.

Research has shown that weather affects mood. According to research on shopping attitudes, it has been observed that people who shop on sunny days are more careful.

What are the negative effects of weather on mood?

Most people feel bad in dark, rainy, cold weather. In such weather, some people find it difficult to carry out even their daily routine tasks. Even a small activity or even taking a shower can feel like torture. According to research, it has been found that rainy and cold weather negatively affects people's immediate mood. In fact, it has been found that 10 to 20 percent of recurrent cases of depression follow a seasonal cycle. This condition, called seasonal depression, generally starts in the fall and continues throughout the winter. Other studies have found that the instant happiness rate is very low on rainy days. We can list the negative effects of weather on mood as follows;

  • Lack of motivation is observed.
  • They have trouble focusing.
  • They have difficulty in carrying out daily routine tasks.
  • They do not want to get out of bed.
  • They do not have much interaction with their environment.
  • They may be stressed and depressed.
  • They feel tired and unhappy.
  • Negative emotions multiply.

On the other hand, independent of sunlight, air temperature also affects people's minds and movements. The further away from a suitable temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, the more uncomfortable people feel. Studies have shown that when the temperature is below and above this level, people are less likely to help.

What Does a Sudden Change in Weather Do to the Body?

The effects of weather changes may differ from person to person. We can list these differences as follows;

  • Anxiety
  • Excessive anxiety, irritable mood
  • Inability to maintain daily routine
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Eating and drinking disorders

Some people, especially women, are more sensitive than others to changes in the weather. Some studies of women have shown that many women feel better on sunny days and worse on cold days. The effect of light on mood and depression is very important. Therefore, it may also be clear that women spend more time in the summer in good weather and play sports.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 September 2022
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