Coffee consumed before breakfast may be the cause of fatigue

Coffee consumed before breakfast may be the cause of fatigue

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Coffee consumed before breakfast may be the cause of fatigue.

Stating that the pandemic and autumn depression can be effective in this period, experts recommend that broccoli, which is at the top of the list of superfoods, especially Gingseng, should be consumed. It is pointed out that many foods such as Brussels sprouts, fresh walnuts, radishes and pumpkin will strengthen the immune system in the fall months and will be very beneficial against depression. According to experts, coffee and tea consumed before breakfast may be the main cause of fatigue.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü shared food recommendations that will protect against fall depression.

Gingseng can be used as a dietary supplement

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü, who recommends the use of ginseng in the fall months, continued his words as follows:

"Since it is not possible to find ginseng as a plant, it can be used in the form of nutritional supplements as preparations supported with multi vitamins. Scientific research also shows that ginseng has positive physical and cognitive effects. It strengthens immunity and increases concentration. It is also a proven fact that ginseng provides the balance of small chemical conductors that carry out the flow of information in nerve cells. Therefore, it has positive effects on stress and anxiety symptoms. However, not all ginseng has the same effect. When using ginseng, special attention should be paid to the fact that it is standardized and contains panax ginseng G115 and is supported with multi vitamins."

Coffee may be the cause of fatigue

"Most people turn to coffee or tea to wake up in the morning, but these drinks can be the main cause of fatigue for two reasons. First, when consumed in excess, coffee causes the sleeping metabolism to suddenly overwork. The second is the dehydrating effect of caffeine. When waking up, the individual is already prone to dehydration because they have not drunk water for hours. The important thing is to consume caffeine in moderation and drink a full glass of water at the same time with coffee to prevent dehydration."

Which foods should be consumed against fall depression?

Özden Örkçü shared useful food mixtures that will protect health and protect against fall depression as follows:
Eggs, melon and milk: Quality protein, complex carbohydrates and milk. Adding milk, eggs and a thin slice of melon for breakfast is ideal for a healthy diet.

Pink grapefruit and avocado: Consuming them together will maximize the benefits of these two foods. They can also be used together in salads. Thus, lycopene and vitamin E power will combine.

Brussels sprouts and olive oil: The power of lutein and zeaxanthin can be combined with the power of the fatty acid pattern of olive oil.

Apple, dark chocolate fondue and milk: The power of quercetin in apples, the power of serotonin hormone that increases when consumed with the antioxidants in dark chocolate, and the effect of tryptophan formed when combined with milk create a strong bulwark against depression. At the same time, heart health can be protected.

Green water for immunity: Half a bunch of parsley, half a bunch of purslane, 2 cucumbers, a small amount of fresh ginger, celery stalk and 1 green apple can be consumed together to boost immunity.

Fresh walnuts: Fresh walnuts, which should be consumed abundantly in the fall months, strengthen the immune system with a double effect as they contain omega 3 and vitamin E. Walnuts are a good source of omega 3 and protein for those who do not consume fish and vegetarians. Since 100g is 654 calories, those who aim to lose or maintain weight should not exceed 3-4 walnuts a day.

Spinach: Rich in vitamins C and E, spinach is an antioxidant storehouse containing compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin, betacarotene and glutathione. It is a vegetable that is good for many diseases from cardiovascular diseases to constipation, from cancer to diabetes, and is both high in water and low in calories. Since spinach is rich in purine base, those with high uric acid or gout should consume it in a controlled manner.

Pumpkin Pumpkin, the healing food of autumn, contains high amounts of beta carotene, which gives it an orange color and is a powerful antioxidant. Pumpkin, which is also rich in vitamin C, one of the antioxidant vitamins, strengthens the immune system, protects eye health and defends the body against cancer. Pumpkin lowers bad cholesterol with its high fiber content and helps regulate bowel movements. This healing vegetable, which has a very high antioxidant capacity, also prevents premature aging.

Broccoli Broccoli, which is at the top of the list of superfoods, strengthens the immune system with high amounts of vitamin C, carotenoids, sulforalene, quarcetin and indole-3 carbinol. Broccoli, which can be very successful in meeting the increasing vitamin C needs of smokers, can be easily consumed due to its low calorie content. Just like spinach, it is rich in "purine" base, so gout patients should be very careful about the amount of consumption.

Pomegranate Pomegranate, which strengthens the immune system, facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body with its diuretic effect. It can be eaten as a fruit or added to salads to give flavor.

Celery: While helping to stay full with its high-fiber structure, it reduces edema complaints with its diuretic effect and prevents constipation. Celery, which strengthens the immune system and is protective against cancer, helps to lower high blood pressure with its potassium content. Celery can be consumed as a meal with olive oil, as a salad or as a smoothie by blending it with fruits and green vegetables.

Persimmon Persimmon is a powerful antioxidant storehouse that protects against cancer and strengthens the immune system with its beta carotene and vitamin C content. With its high fiber content, it lowers bad cholesterol, helps control blood pressure and protects against cardiovascular diseases. 1 medium-sized persimmon, which is also very successful in suppressing sweet cravings, is equivalent to 2 servings of fruit. A great dessert can be prepared by adding 2-3 crushed walnuts and sprinkling cinnamon on half a persimmon for dessert in the diet, or it can be consumed with yogurt and oats for breakfast as an alternative to the classic breakfast.

Citrus fruits: When we talk about citrus fruits, vitamin C, the known protector of the immune system, comes to mind, but the vitamin content of citrus fruits is not limited to vitamin C. It also contains beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, another antioxidant vitamin, and thanks to this double vitamin, it both increases body resistance and protects against colds. Consuming citrus fruits such as tangerines and oranges in the form of fruit instead of squeezing the juice is helpful in weight control and blood sugar control.

Radish: Radish, which has a strong antioxidant capacity, provides toxin excretion with its diuretic effect, protects against colds and helps reduce coughing. It can be easily consumed in salads or as a snack in the form of slices during snacks. Moreover, it is low in calories and helps to provide satiety.

Leek Rich in vitamins A and C, leek contains many compounds that strengthen the immune system. It is absolutely necessary to consume leek in season. Since it is a low-calorie vegetable, it is also a healthy alternative for people on a slimming diet.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At30 October 2020
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