Beware when changing schools!

Beware when changing schools!

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Okul değiştirmenin çocuk üzerinde önemli etkileri olabileceğini belirten uzmanlar, sadece eğitim kalitesinin değil, sosyal koşulların, öğrenci profilinin ve yaşam becerilerinin gelişiminin de göz önünde bulundurulması gerektiğini vurguluyor. Psikolog Duygu Barlas, okulun çocuğun akademik başarısında önemli bir yere sahip olmasının yanı sıra sosyal açıdan da önemli olduğunu ve okul değişikliğinin uyum sorunlarına yol açabileceğini belirtiyor. Okul değiştirme kararı çocuğun görüşü alınarak, acele edilmeden ve mümkünse sömestr başında yapılmalı. Çocuk, okul değişikliğinin nedenleri hakkında yaşına uygun bir şekilde bilgilendirilmeli ve duygularını ifade edebileceği bir ortam sağlanmalıdır. Uygulama sorunlarında yargılamadan dinlemek ve gerekli görülürse profesyonel destek almak önemlidir. Okul değişikliğinin belirtileri arasında okula gitmek istememe, ağlama nöbetleri, fiziksel şikayetler, uyku sorunları, çocukça davranışlar ve yeni ortama uyum sağlayamama nedeniyle üzüntü, umutsuzluk ve öfke yer alabilir. Okul değişikliği, zorunlu olmadıkça, mevcut okulda ciddi uyum sorunları, istismar veya eğitim kalitesinin düşük olması gibi durumlarda düşünülmelidir. Karar vermeden önce ebeveynler, çocuk, rehber öğretmenler ve çocuğun varsa psikoloğu ile görüşülmelidir.

Psychologist Duygu Barlas pointed out that the school, which has an important place in the academic success of the child, is also important in social terms and stated that adaptation problems may occur with the change of school.

Attention when changing schools!

Experts point out that adaptation problems may occur with a change of school, and that not only the quality of education, but also the social conditions, student profile and development of life skills should be considered in a change. Experts also underline that children who have difficulties should be listened to without judgment, and if there is difficulty, professional support should be sought.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Duygu Barlas evaluated the effects of school change on children.

Noting that school is a living space where the child learns information about the basic sciences in life, gains basic skills about life, develops social skills, sees limits and flexibilities, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Duygu Barlas said, "School is not just a place where they learn information about basic sciences. Therefore, when making school changes, it is necessary to look not only at the quality of education, but also at the social conditions, student profile, and how much they care about the development of life skills."

May not want to go to school

Emphasizing that with the change of school, children change their living spaces where they spend most of their days, Duygu Barlas pointed out that this situation will bring some adaptation problems:

"They also change friends, teachers, established rules and many other things. In this respect, children who change schools may experience various adaptation problems with the change of school. Some of the possible symptoms include not wanting to go to the new school, crying attacks, physical complaints (nausea, abdominal pain, etc.), sleep problems (difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, nightmares), childish behaviors, difficulty in separating from caregivers, feeling sad, hopeless and sometimes angry due to not being able to adapt to the new environment. These are, of course, all possibilities taken into account. These symptoms are more likely to occur, especially when the school is changed arbitrarily without the child's consent."

The child should be consulted

Barlas noted that in addition to these symptoms, changes in the child's behavior may also be observed according to the rules and discipline system of the new school, and said, "When the child moves to a school that does not care much about the rules, the child's habit of obeying the rules may decrease, and if there are already defiant behaviors, these may increase. In fact, "changing schools" is a meaningless situation in itself. It is how the parents manage this situation that makes it meaningful. If the child was not informed beforehand, if his/her opinion was not asked, if it was an arbitrary change, if no preparation was made, if it was carried out suddenly in the middle of the semester, this is a poorly managed process. It may pave the way for the emergence of the symptoms mentioned above."

Experts should also be consulted

Noting that school change is a situation that should not be done arbitrarily, Barlas said, "If the child has serious adaptation problems in the current school, if there is any abuse against the child, if the quality of education is below the expected level, if it is a school that does not allow the child to develop his/her skills, school change can be considered. It is a decision that should not be taken suddenly. Before this decision, the advantages and disadvantages of school change should be listed by gathering the views of the parents, the child, the guidance counselors, and if the child has professional support, the child's counselor should also be consulted. Of course, all decisions have their own advantages and disadvantages. The point to be considered here is that the advantages are more when a school change is made."

Changing schools should not be done in the middle of the semester

"During the preparation phase, the child must be informed and the reasons for the desire to change school must be explained in an age-appropriate way," said Duygu Barlas, "If possible, the school change should not be made in the middle of the semester. It will be healthier to wait for the beginning of the semester. The child's feelings, thoughts, desires and wishes should not be ignored from the preparation stage until after the transition to the new school, and a space should be created for the child to express himself/herself and his/her feelings. If there are difficulties that come with the new school, the first thing to do is to listen to the child without judgment, and if the difficulties are beyond the child's ability to cope, professional support should be sought."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 October 2019
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