Autism doesn't go away when you grow up

Autism doesn't go away when you grow up

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi'nde düzenlenen otizm farkındalık paneli, erken teşhis ve eğitimin önemini vurguladı. Panelde, İstanbul'da 18 yaş altı yaklaşık 60 bin otizmli birey olduğu belirtildi ve 2016-2019 yıllarını kapsayan bir eylem planı çerçevesinde 2019 yılında 4 yeni bakım merkezi açılması planlandığı duyuruldu. Otizmli çocukların birebir eğitimle öğrendikleri, "büyüyünce geçer" düşüncesinin yanlış olduğu ve erken teşhis ile eğitimin önemi vurgulandı. Panelde, "Tut Elimden Anne" filminde otizmli bir çocuğun annesini canlandıran Naz Elmas da deneyimlerini paylaşarak, filmin otizmli bireylerin ailelerine destek olmak amacıyla yapıldığını belirtti. Uzmanlar, otizmin erken belirtilerinin gözlemlenmesi ve aile desteğinin önemine dikkat çektiler. Aşıların otizme neden olduğuna dair iddiaların doğru olmadığı da vurgulandı.

Uskudar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, who made the opening speech of the panel organized within the framework of the studies carried out to support individualswith autismand their families, pointed out the importance of early diagnosis and education in autism. At the panel, which was also attended by actress Naz Elmas, who portrayed the mother of a child with autism in her latest movie "Tut Elimden Anne", Tarhan stated that children with autism learn through one-to-one education and said, "Generally, this mistake is made; they say it will pass when they grow up. But this is the greatest evil to the child, it does not pass when they grow up. It passes if it is recognized and educated early."

The United Nations has designated April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day and April as World Autism Awareness Month in order to raise awareness about autism and find solutions to problems related to autism. Üsküdar University organized an 'Autism Awareness Panel' to support individuals with autism and their families.

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center and Prof. Dr. Nahit Motavalli Mukaddes from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine gave important information about Autism. Actress Naz Elmas, who played the mother of a child with autism in her latest movie "Tut Elimden Anne", shared her experiences during the filming process.

Selim Çelenk, Istanbul Provincial Director of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, and Dr. Metin Özaydın, Deputy Head of Public Health Services at Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate, also attended the panel held at Üsküdar University Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall.

Dr. Metin Özaydın: "There are around 60 thousand individuals with Autism under the age of 18 in Istanbul"

In his opening speech, Dr. Metin Özaydın, Deputy Head of Public Health Services at Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate, stated that they prepared an action plan covering the years 2016-2019 under the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and that they developed an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Screening and Follow-up Program. Stating that on March 3, 2017, the Department of Mental Health initiated a study covering 20 provinces, including Istanbul, Özaydın noted that in publications in the USA, it is stated that 1 child in 64 children has ASD and said, "The estimated numbers in our country are over 1 million. There are over 300 thousand under the age of 18. In Istanbul, it is thought to be around 60 thousand under the age of 18. As the Provincial Health Directorate, we started from December.

A decree law was published in August. The organizational structures of the Health Directorate changed. The Mental Health Unit started to work under the Directorate of Public Health. In January, we published the work plan of this unit. We devoted one article to Autism."

Selim Çelenk "We plan to open 4 day care centers in Istanbul in 2019"

Selim Çelenk, Istanbul Provincial Director of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, stated that as the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, they prepared a program within the framework of the Autism Action Plan covering the years 2016-2019, and that they held meetings at various times within the program and formed an Autism Council. Stating that the figure corresponding to 1 child in 64 scares them, Çelenk said that they are working with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Education on what can be done about autism treatment, education, early diagnosis and precautions.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "These children learn with special education"

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that awareness about children with autism is very important, especially families need to care and educate their children.

Stating that the theory of mind of children with autism is not developed from birth, Tarhan said, "These children cannot do social learning. They cannot learn without social stimuli from the environment. If this is not recognized early, when they do not make eye contact, when they are withdrawn, when they cannot produce words, some symptoms can be observed in the child from the first month. Sensory Integration Therapy offers a new opportunity in this regard if it is recognized during these periods and the child is taken to mental stimulus training.

Apart from these, there are standard special trainings, social skills training for the child, studies for fine and gross motor development. These children learn one on one. They learn with special education.

If these children receive special education at an early age, a significant part of them can be acquired. Environmental impact is very important."

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: The idea that "it will pass when they grow up" is very wrong

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that modern life does something that triggers autism and said, "From various GMO foods to starch-based sugars, which we call epigenetic effects, they all cause DNA damage.

This is why the brain works differently in autistic children because the gene's job is to produce protein. The gene produces faulty proteins, and as it does, the social network in the brain is disrupted. When the social network is disrupted, social learning is not possible.

Therefore, if early diagnosis is made, conscious mothers realize this. They play with the child, have social and emotional contact with the child. If our child development students and professors are sensitive to this, early measures can be taken.

Generally, this mistake is made; they say it will pass when they grow up. But this is the greatest evil to the child, it doesn't go away when they grow up. It passes if it is recognized and educated early. Now there are various drug and genetic studies. There are many studies that have been confirmed. As the level of evidence increases, some studies will emerge."

Experts talked about Autism

After the opening speeches, the Autism Awareness Panel was held. In the panel moderated by psychiatry specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık, Başak Ayık gave important information about autism in her speech titled "What is Autism? What are the Symptoms?" and gave important information about autism. Stating that autism emerges with early symptoms, Ayık pointed out the importance of family observation. Başak Ayık also emphasized that the claims that vaccines cause autism are not true.

Support of family members is very important

One of the panelists, Prof. Dr. Nahit Motavalli Mukaddes, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, in his speech titled "Recovery and aftermath in autism", stated that children with autism can reach a good level with education and said, "Follow-up studies show that half of the adults diagnosed with autism in childhood lead independent/semi-independent lives and the other half lead lives fully dependent on other people." Mukaddes also emphasized the importance of the attitudes and contributions of family members in the education of children with autism.

Actress Naz Elmas: "We made this movie to be the voice of families with autism"

At the panel, actress Naz Elmas, who portrayed the mother of a child with autism in her latest movie "Tut Elimden Anne", shared her experiences during the filming process. Naz Elmas said that she knew people with autism before the movie, but she met with the families during the preparation process and witnessed their experiences closely. Stating that it is very difficult for families to socialize with their children in society, Elmas said, "It is very important for the family to show love and to ensure that they stand on their own feet."

Stating that children with autism and Down Syndrome are often confused, Elmas said, "Families want to hide their children's illness. It is heartbreaking that even educated families feel ashamed. We also made this movie to be their voice.

We received many different reactions. A mother who was abandoned by her husband, left alone with her child, on the verge of suicide called and said that the movie gave them strength. In the movie, we were happy if we could be a voice not only for the children but also for the mothers, as the brother was ashamed of his own brother, the parents hid the disease, the father did not accept the disease and the mother became isolated. I was also very impressed while I was playing and I gained awareness on my own behalf. It makes me very sad that these people become lonely and feel lonely in society."

At the end of the panel, which was also broadcast live on Üsküdar University Television, Prof. Dr. Nahit Motavalli Mukaddes and actress Naz Elmas were presented plaques by Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan.

Autism genetics panel What is WES (Whole Exome Sequencing)?

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜHA)

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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