7 Healthy Tips to Refresh in the New Year

7 Healthy Tips to Refresh in the New Year

Content Summary

Yeni Yıl yemeği sindirim sorunlarına, baş ağrılarına ve yorgunluğa yol açabilecek aşırı yemek ve içki tüketimine yol açabilir. Özellikle diyabet, yüksek tansiyon ve kalp hastalığı gibi sağlık sorunları olan kişiler bu durumdan daha fazla etkilenir. Sağlıklı bir yeni yıla başlamak için, Yeni Yıl sofrasında bazı beslenme kurallarına dikkat etmek çok önemlidir. Gün içinde kalori yoğunluğu yüksek yiyeceklerden kaçınılmalı, hafif sebze yemekleri tüketilmeli ve ana öğünler atlanmamalıdır. Protein ağırlıklı bir kahvaltı ile güne başlanmalıdır. Çorba ile başlanması gereken akşam yemeğinde krema ve et suyu kullanılmamalı, kuruyemiş karışımına nohut eklenmeli, dolma, makarna, pilav gibi karbonhidratlı yemeklerden uzak durulmalı ve kızartma yerine ızgara veya fırında pişirme tercih edilmelidir. Şerbetli tatlılar yerine hafif tatlılar tercih edilmeli ve bol su tüketilmelidir (2,5-3 litre). Yeni yılın ilk günü, hafif bir kahvaltıyla başlanmalı, bol su içilmeli, kafein alımı sınırlandırılmalı, zerdeçal-bal karışımı tüketilmeli, yürüyüş yapılmalı, kivi ve ananas yenmeli, potasyum kaynakları tüketilmeli, probiyotik destek alınmalı, suya limon eklenmeli ve yeşil veya beyaz çay tüketilmelidir.

If you have consumed a lot of calorie-containing food and drinks at the New Year's table after leaving a long year behind, this can cause stress and make you tired afterwards. But it is still up to you to rejuvenate yourself! By paying attention to some points on the first day of the New Year, you can prevent excess calories from turning into fat and help your digestive system to relax.

The New Year's menu can whet your appetite and sometimes the amount of food and drink on your table can increase uncontrollably, leading to digestive problems such as stomach pain and acid reflux, as well as headaches and fatigue the next day. In particular, people with health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease are very affected by this situation and may face high blood pressure and sugar levels. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to some nutrition rules at the New Year's table in order to start the new year in a healthy way.

How to Eat on the Last Day of the Year?

In order to keep calories in balance on New Year's Day, calorie-containing foods should be avoided during the daytime. Instead, light vegetable dishes should be consumed and main meals and snacks should not be skipped. Start the day with breakfast and make sure that breakfast is protein-intensive. Along with these, the points to be considered in nutrition on the last day of the year are as follows;
New Year's Eve dinner should not start without soup. Soup will take up volume in the stomach and cause saturation to occur more quickly. While making soup, cream and broth should be avoided.
Chickpeas should definitely be included in the mixture of nuts, which is indispensable for New Year's Eve. This choice may be useful to reduce the fat content of nuts.
On New Year's Eve, carbohydrate-containing dishes such as dolma, pasta, rice, ravioli should be avoided; olive oil and light appetizers should be chosen instead of those foods.
The cooking technique to be chosen when making New Year's Eve meals should be more grilled and baked, and the frying method should not be chosen.
Instead of desserts containing sherbet; light desserts such as quince, pumpkin, custard and rice pudding can be chosen.
Water consumption becomes more important on New Year's Day and evening. Therefore, attention should be paid to water consumption and 2.5-3 liters of water should be consumed. Those who have difficulty drinking water should add lemon and cinnamon to the water and try to increase consumption.

New Year's Menu

Broccoli soup
Baked turkey
Pineapple seasonal palate
Buckwheat Rice
Oatmeal raw cookies

Broccoli Soup

450 gr. broccoli
1 carrot
1 onion
1.5 cups of milk
6 teaspoons olive oil
4 teaspoons of siyez flour
Spices (salt, chili pepper, black pepper)

Chop the onion, carrot and broccoli into small pieces and put them in a cleaned pot.
Add enough water to cover the vegetables and start boiling.
In a separate stove, roast 6 teaspoons of olive oil and siyez flour in a pot for a while. Milk is added slowly and cooked. It should be stirred continuously.
Add boiled vegetables and spices into the milky mixture.
Add hot water or boiling water of the vegetables and continue cooking for a while.
At the last stage, the soup is passed through a blender to get a smooth consistency.
Serve hot.

Turkey in the oven

1 onion
1 carrot
1 whole turkey
2.5 tablespoons of yogurt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
Spices (salt, red pepper flakes, black pepper, mint, thyme)

Add the peeled onion, carrot cut into four pieces and washed chicken into the clean pot.
Add water to cover the turkey and let it cook until the turkey is soft.
Mix yogurt, oil, tomato paste and spices in 1 bowl and make a sauce.
Put the boiled turkey on the baking tray and pour the sauce all over it.
Bake in the oven until the top turns golden brown.

Buckwheat Pilaf

1 onion
1 cup buckwheat
2.5 tablespoons olive oil
3 cups water (hot)

Finely chop the onion, then add 2.5 tablespoons of olive oil and stir so that the oil does not burn.
Then add buckwheat and roast for a while more.
Add hot water and cook the pilaf until the water is absorbed.
Cover the cooked buckwheat pilaf and rest it for 25 minutes.

Oatmeal Raw Cookies

1.5 cups oatmeal
7 small dates
2.5 tablespoons peanut butter (unsweetened)
3 squares of 80% dark chocolate
2 tablespoons of milk
1.5 tablespoons of almonds

Blend 1.5 cups of oatmeal in a blender.
Then add the pitted dates and peanut butter soaked in hot water and blend again.
When the mixture can be rolled by hand, take it out of the blender and start rolling it into a ball. You can press on it with a fork and shape it.
You can dip them in dark chocolate melted with the bain-marie method and serve them with slivered almonds on top.
The recipe yields 13 raw cookies.
1 oatmeal raw cookie contains 65 calories.

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Start to the New Year

You may have consumed too much food and drink at the New Year's table. But you can step into the new year refreshed and energized. You can make a healthy start on the first morning of the new year by taking these nutrition tips into account;

Start the day with a light breakfast: No matter how much food you consumed on New Year's Eve, do not skip breakfast in the morning. But at breakfast, you can consume 1 bowl of low-fat yogurt and oatmeal or 2-3 slices of low-salt and low-fat green vegetables and a few slices of bread in order not to put the digestive system, which is intensely weakened at the New Year's table, in a more difficult situation.

Don't neglect drinking water: Alcohol in particular can cause stomach problems and digestive problems, as well as headaches and fatigue due to intense fluid excretion from the body and lack of fluid. Therefore, the biggest helper of New Year's Day should be 'water'. It is useful to consume ten to fifteen glasses of water daily.

Caffeine intake should be limited: Do not consume caffeine as soon as you wake up on New Year's morning with a headache or feeling tired. This can lead to 'dehydration', that is, pushing the metabolism, which is deficient in fluids, to more fluid deficiency, leading to headaches.

Turmeric and honey mixture: Turmeric, one of the most important herbs that relieves the digestive system, accelerates the recovery process when consumed with 1 teaspoon of honey in powder form. In addition, curcumin, the effective component of turmeric, has a high antioxidant capacity.

Take a walk: Foods and drinks consumed intensively, especially alcohol, are easily converted into fat and stored. Going for a brisk walk for at least half an hour is the biggest enemy of fat storage.

Eat kiwi and pineapple: There are two of the most beneficial fruits that help to eliminate edema that may occur in the body. These are kiwi and pineapple. Make sure to eat 2 slices of pineapple and 1 medium-sized kiwi during the day.

Take care to consume potassium sources: Bananas and green leafy foods contain plenty of potassium. Potassium is important for the body's water balance. You can consume leafy vegetables to remove edema.

Probiotic support should be taken: You can consume 2 bowls of probiotic yogurt or 2 glasses of kefir during the day to regulate the digestive system and bowel movements and to enter the recovery process more quickly in the new year. Repeating this for at least 6 weeks contributes to strengthening the immune system and healing the intestines.

Add lemon to water: On the first day of the New Year, it is useful to drink a few glasses of water mixed with lemon or apple cider vinegar to reduce the acidity and stress of the body and prevent damage to the cells. However, it should not be consumed on an empty stomach in order not to damage the stomach, and people with problems such as gastritis, ulcers and reflux should pay attention to the consumption rate and the amount of lemon added.

Drink green or white tea: On the first day of the new year, you can consume 2-3 cups of green or white tea during the day to reach high antioxidant levels, refresh the body and expel edema.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 January 2023
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