15 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Depression

15 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Depression

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Majör depresif bozukluk veya klinik depresyon olarak da bilinen depresyon, kalıcı mutsuzluk ve ilgi eksikliğine neden olan bir ruh hali bozukluğudur. Duyguları, düşünceleri ve davranışları etkiler ve her türlü duygusal ve fiziksel probleme yol açar. Günlük görevleri yerine getirmekte sorun yaşanabilir ve bazen yaşamın anlamsız olduğunu hissedilebilir. Depresyon bir yetersizlik değildir ve kolayca "kurtulmak" zordur; orta ila uzun vadeli bir tedavi süreci gerektirir. Tetikleyiciler arasında genetik faktörler, günlük yaşamdaki olumsuzluklar ve psikolojik faktörler (aile üyesinin ölümü, boşanma, iş kaybı, tekrarlayan stres ve travma) bulunur; ayrıca davranışsal faktörler (alkol ve madde kullanımı artışı) ve sosyal faktörler (sosyal desteğin olmaması) rol oynar. Semptomlar arasında mutsuzluk, ağlama nöbetleri, boşluk veya umutsuzluk hissi, küçük şeylere bile kızmama, cinsel isteksizlik, günlük aktivitelere olan ilginin azalması, uykusuzluk veya aşırı uyuma, düşük enerji, iştah kaybı veya sürekli yemek yeme isteği, anksiyete, endişe ve korku, düşünme ve konuşma bozuklukları, değersizlik hissi, geçmiş hakkında sürekli düşünme, konsantrasyon bozukluğu, doğru karar verme yeteneğinin azalması, kalıcı intihar düşünceleri ve girişimleri ve açıklanamayan fiziksel sorunlar (sırt ağrısı ve baş ağrıları) yer alır. Tedavi, ciddiyetine bağlı olarak değişir ve hafif vakalarda uzman gözetimi altında planlanırken, orta ve ağır vakalarda farklı önlemler alınır. Başarılı tedavi için zaman ayırmak önemlidir. Tedavinin başarılı ve tekrarlanmayan olması için hastalığı kabul etmek, arkadaşlar ve aileyle etkili iletişim kurmak, uyku düzenini düzenlemek, umutsuzluğa kapılmamak, uzmanla açıkça konuşmak, tedaviyi gerekli süre boyunca sürdürmek, duyguları net bir şekilde ifade etmek, uzman tavsiyelerine uymak, küçük ve ulaşılabilir hedefler belirlemek, sabahları yataktan çabuk kalkmak, bedensel aktiviteyi sürdürmek, haftalık plan yapmak, sosyal yardım projelerine katılmak, alkol ve uyuşturucudan kaçınmak ve sabırlı olmak önemlidir.

No longer enjoying life, unhappiness, feeling bad for no reason, crying spells and low energy can be harbingers of conditions such as depression. It is possible to get rid of this disease, which reduces people's quality of life and ignores their expectations from life, with the efforts made in daily life.

Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent unhappiness and lack of interest. It is also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression. It affects the way you feel, think and behave and causes all kinds of emotional and physical problems. You may have problems performing everyday tasks and at times you may even feel that life is meaningless to live. Depression is not an incapacity and it is difficult to "get out" of it easily. Depression involves a medium- to long-term treatment process.

What triggers depression?

Depression can occur as a result of many situations such as negativities in daily life, genetic factors, psychological factors. There are some reasons that trigger this disease. We can list these reasons as follows;
Biological reasons: If anyone in the family has a mood problem such as depression, the rate of developing such diseases is above normal. Even disorders that affect the mind, such as schizophrenia or alcoholism, increase the rate of depression.
Psychological factors: Bad factors such as the death of a family member, separation between spouses, or job loss can contribute to depression. Repeated stress and trauma can also increase the risk of depression.
Behavioral factors: Increased alcohol and substance abuse can trigger depression.
Social factors: Lack of social support as a result of the breakdown of strong ties between family and friends can lead to depression.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that negatively affects a person's life. When a person is depressed, he/she cannot think clearly and is negatively affected emotionally and physically. There are some symptoms of depression . We can list these symptoms as follows;

  • Inability to be happy, crying spells, feeling of emptiness or hopelessness
  • Don't get angry even over small things
  • Sexual aversion, lack of interest in daily activities
  • Insomnia or oversleeping
  • Low energy
  • Loss of appetite or constant desire to eat
  • Anxiety, worry and fear
  • Excessively slow movement when thinking, speech disorders
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Constantly thinking about the past
  • Impaired concentration, inability to make correct decisions
  • Persistent suicidal thoughts and attempts
  • Unexplained physical problems such as back pain and headaches

What should be done to get rid of depression?

It is a mental illness that can be treated. Many people who are ill refuse this treatment because of the prejudices that society has set against them. However, depression is a medical illness just like any other illness. Depression treatment is determined according to its severity. In mild and recent illnesses, treatment is planned under the supervision of a specialist, while in moderate and severe cases of depression, different measures are taken. It is also important to allow time for the treatment to be successful. It usually takes time for medication and psychotherapeutic treatment to show positive effects. A noticeable improvement is usually visible after a few weeks. You can also take the following measures yourself to ensure that the treatment is successful and does not recur;

  1. First, accept your illness and take action.
  2. Communicate effectively with friends and family.
  3. Organize your sleeping hours. Take care to sleep early and wake up early.
  4. Do not despair and withdraw into yourself.
  5. Talk openly with your specialist doctor or psychotherapist.
  6. Do not stop your treatment until the required time has elapsed.
  7. Express your feelings clearly.
  8. Listen to and follow the recommendations of your specialist psychotherapist.
  9. Choose small, achievable goals.
  10. Try to get out of bed quickly after waking up from sleep.
  11. Keep your body active at all times.
  12. Set a plan on a weekly basis.
  13. Try to take an active role in social welfare projects.
  14. Avoid alcohol and drugs.
  15. Show patience.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 October 2022
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