10 Health Effects of Almonds

10 Health Effects of Almonds

Content Summary

Badem ağacı, insanlar tarafından yetiştirilen en eski ağaçlardan biridir. Bademler, badem ağacının meyvesidir ve yenilebilir tohumlar şeklinde görünür. Kabuklu veya kabuksuz tüketilebilir. Bol miktarda magnezyum içerir; sinir ve kas fonksiyonlarında önemli rol oynar, kalp atışlarını dengeler ve kemiklerin güçlü kalmasında etkilidir. Ayrıca bağışıklık sistemini destekler ve vücudu hastalıklara karşı korur. Günlük bir avuç badem tüketmek faydalıdır, günlük E vitamini ihtiyacını karşılar. E vitamini özellikle cildi etkiler ve hücreleri erken yaşlanmaya ve hastalığa neden olabilecek hasarlardan korur. Bademler, süt, yağ, un ve macun şeklinde de tüketilebilir. Badem ezmesi de çok tüketilen ve popüler bir yiyecektir. Badem, düşük kolesterol, tokluk hissi, kan şekeri dengesini koruma, kabızlığı önleme, kan basıncını dengeleme, bağırsakları uyarılma, kemikleri güçlendirme, vejetaryenler/veganlar için alternatif, kilo kaybına yardımcı olma ve kansere karşı mücadele gibi birçok sağlık faydasına sahiptir. Ancak, fitik asit içeriği nedeniyle demir, çinko ve kalsiyum emilimini azaltabildiği unutulmamalıdır.

It is very beneficial to consume almonds raw, which is one of the foods containing the most pulp of nuts. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium and are consumed by many people. It also supports the immune system and helps protect the body against diseases.

The almond tree is one of the oldest trees cultivated by humans. Almonds are the fruit of the almond tree and appear as edible seeds in the form of tears. It can be shelled or peeled. It contains plenty of magnesium; it plays an important role in nerve and muscle functions, balances the heartbeat, and is effective in keeping the bones strong. In addition, it supports the immune system and helps protect the body against ailments. It is beneficial to consume a handful of almonds daily, it meets the daily vitamin E requirement. Vitamin E especially affects the skin and protects cells from damage that can cause premature aging and disease.

Nutritional Value of Almonds

Almonds are produced from the edible seeds of the almond tree. Almonds can also be consumed in the form of milk, oil, flour and paste. Almond paste is also a very consumed and popular food. The nutritional value of 1 serving (28 gr.) almonds is as follows,
Fiber: 3.4 grams
Protein 6.5 grams
Fat 13 grams
Vitamin E 37.5% of the recommended daily intake
Manganese 33% of RDI
Magnesium: 21% of RDI
It also contains copper, vitamin B2 and phosphorus.
Phytic acid keeps minerals in the body and prevents their absorption, and is found in excess in almonds. Phytic acid is known as an antioxidant and reduces the iron, zinc and calcium content in almonds.

What are the Benefits of Almonds?

Almond is a food that is very beneficial for taste and health. Therefore, it is preferred by many people. It is very important to consume at the appropriate rate and in the right way. Almond; It keeps you full, is effective in lowering bad cholesterol, it is healthy to consume 20 raw almonds a day. Other benefits of almonds are as follows;

Rich vitamin E: Harmful rays from the sun damage the skin, leading to premature aging of the skin. Vitamin E present in almonds protects the skin by fighting free radicals thanks to its antioxidant content.

Fights bad cholesterol: High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood are associated with the danger of cardiovascular diseases. It leads to hardening of the vessel. This leads to heart attack and stroke. Thanks to its vitamin E content, it contributes to the prevention of arteriosclerosis. Consuming about 15-20 raw almonds daily effectively lowers bad cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Rich in fiber: Almonds are low in carbohydrates and rich in fat and fiber. Therefore, it keeps you full. It gives a feeling of satiety by keeping blood sugar in balance. Together with these, it contributes to the control of weight thanks to its effects such as preventing constipation.

It keeps you full and helps regulate blood sugar: It has a satiating feature. Along with this, consuming almonds next to carbohydrate-containing foods such as fruit prevents rapid fluctuations in blood sugar.

Keeps blood pressure in balance: It has been reported that blood pressure is high in magnesium deficiency. High blood pressure can lead to chronic high blood pressure and can cause heart attack and stroke. It contributes to the elimination of magnesium deficiency with magnesium and provides protection against dangers. However, raw almonds that are not roasted with salt should be consumed in order not to increase blood pressure.

Stimulates the intestines: Fat-containing foods contribute to the contraction of the muscles in the intestines, leading to increased bowel movements. On the other hand, foods rich in pulp draw water into the intestine and increase bowel movements. It prevents constipation thanks to the fats and pulp it contains.

Strengthens bones with calcium and magnesium: It is very important to consume calcium and magnesium at the appropriate rate for healthy bones. You can add almonds to your daily diet to prevent bone resorption and fractures that may occur in the future.

Alternative for vegetarians and vegans: Consuming almonds, especially for people who do not prefer milk and yogurt or vegan people, strengthens the bones by contributing to meet the deficiencies with magnesium and calcium content. Consuming almond milk can also be a good choice for vegans. Almond flour can also be consumed for individuals who are gluten-free.

Contributes to weight loss: It contains protein and fiber. It reduces appetite and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It cuts appetite and stabilizes weight.

Fights against cancer: Almonds contribute to the person's weight control. It contains antioxidants and pulp content. Thanks to this feature, it fights against cancer. According to studies, it has been stated that consuming almonds can be effective in combating colon cancer.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 January 2023
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