Which branch of sports should children with ADHD be interested in?

Which branch of sports should children with ADHD be interested in?

Content Summary

Dr. Gökçe Vogt, Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) olan çocuklarda sporun etkisini değerlendirdi. DEHB'nin çocukları etkileyen ve sıklıkla yetişkinliğe kadar devam eden kronik bir durum olduğunu belirtti. DEHB'li çocukların dikkatini sürdürmede, talimatları takip etmede ve dürtüsel davranışlarda zorluk çektiklerini, bu nedenle spor aktivitelerinde zorlandıklarını vurguladı. Sporun çocukların gelişimine birçok fayda sağladığını, özellikle düzenli spor yapan DEHB'li çocuklarda saldırganlık ve hiperaktivitenin azaldığını ancak DEHB'nin organizasyon, uzamsal farkındalık ve oyun kurallarını öğrenme gibi konularda zorluklara neden olabileceğini açıkladı. Kaybeden bir takımda yer almanın DEHB'li bir çocuk için zorlayıcı olabileceğini, bu nedenle bireysel sporların (yüzme, dövüş sporları) takım sporlarından daha faydalı olabileceğini belirtti. Antrenörle iletişim kurmanın önemini vurgulayarak, bireysel sporlarda antrenörün bireysel ilgisi sayesinde çocuğun daha kolay odaklanabileceğini, özellikle taekwondo ve karate gibi dövüş sanatlarının, jimnastiğin ve tenisin DEHB'li çocuklar için uygun spor dalları olduğunu söyledi. Son olarak, çocuğun istediği sporu yapmasının ve başlamadan önce çocuğun beklentilerinin açıkça anlatılmasının önemini belirtti.

Combat sports such as taekwondo and karate, gymnastics and swimming are recommended.
Pointing out that studies show that aggression and hyperactivity decrease in children with ADHD who regularly play sports, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt recommends choosing the appropriate sports branch for the child. Noting that children with ADHD can generally benefit more from individual sports such as swimming, gymnastics and martial arts than team sports, Dr. Gökçe Vogt said that martial arts such as taekwondo and karate are ideal branches, while gymnastics improves focus.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt evaluated the effect of sports on children with ADHD.
Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said that Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood.

They Have Difficulty Sustaining Attention

Stating that ADHD involves a combination of persistent problems such as difficulty maintaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said, "When symptoms are severe enough, they can cause ongoing problems in more than one area of the child's life. Children with ADHD also have difficulty with sports activities because they are easily distracted, have difficulty following instructions, are easily frustrated and act impulsively."

Numerous Benefits of Sports

Reminding that sports have numerous benefits on children's development, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said, "Studies show that aggression and hyperactivity are reduced in children with ADHD who regularly play sports, but it is not always easy for children with ADHD to be involved in sports activities, as ADHD can cause difficulty affecting organization, spatial awareness and learning the rules and strategies of the game."

There should be a suitable sports branch for the child

Stating that taking part in a losing team can be challenging for a child with ADHD, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said, "Although learning to lose is an important lifelong achievement, it is likely to cause the child to become aggressive and may lead to much greater social problems. The trick is to find the right sport for each child. For this reason, children with ADHD can generally benefit more from individual sports such as swimming and combat sports than team sports."

The coach should be informed first

Expressing that children with ADHD in individual sports are much more successful because they receive individual attention from coaches and trainers, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said, "One-on-one work with a coach leads the child to focus more easily. A strong and understanding relationship with a coach can also motivate the child. However, coaches may have little knowledge about ADHD. This is why it is so valuable to talk to the coach about the child's specific needs. Whether it is a team or an individual sport, the child's experience will change positively with an understanding coach."

Martial Arts is an Ideal Sport

Noting that among individual sports, martial arts such as taekwondo and karate are especially ideal for children with ADHD, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said, "In martial arts, children are taught self-control, self-discipline and concentration. Each routine is practiced with great attention to detail and the child masters each martial arts routine step by step. In addition, martial arts have rituals that promote respect, such as bowing to instructors at the beginning and end of each class. This can also help teach children to accept authority."

Gymnastics Improves Focus

Stating that swimming is a great way to help a child with ADHD succeed with guidance and structure, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said, "Swimming is also a valuable life skill that can be learned at any age. Gymnastics routines require close attention and holding of body movements and help children with ADHD improve focus. The routines and equipment in gymnastics are similar to the equipment used in occupational therapy. These help the child develop muscle awareness and a sense of balance."
Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt said that tennis is a fast-paced game that is perfect for children with ADHD as it requires energy, strength and coordination.

It is important to talk about the sport they want to do

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gökçe Vogt, who recommends that whatever sport is thought to be suitable for the child, this issue should be discussed with the child before starting, concluded her words as follows: "First of all, it is important which sport the child wants to do and learn. Make sure you clearly explain to your child what is expected of them and what is expected of them during the lesson. And if they are trying something new, remember that your child may be anxious about starting something new."

For more information: İletişim Ofisi Public Relations Agency - Ayşegül Erben / aysegul.erben@iletisimofisi.com / 0536 572 27 88

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 November 2022
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