When should the child be taken to a psychologist?

When should the child be taken to a psychologist?

Content Summary

Çocukların psikoloğa götürülmesini gerektiren davranışlar, çocuğun gelişim dönemine göre değişkenlik gösterir. 2-3 yaş arası ısrarcılık normalken, daha büyük yaşlarda sorun habercisi olabilir. Tırnak yeme, agresif davranış, alt ıslatma, uyku ve iştah sorunları, okul başarısızlığı, uyum sorunları, utangaçlık, konuşma sorunları, dikkat eksikliği, korkular gibi davranış sorunları psikoloğa başvurmayı gerektirir. Çocuk ve ergen psikiyatristleri ve psikoterapi, çocukluk ve ergenlikteki psikiyatrik ve psikolojik sorunlarda önemli rol oynar. Psikoterapi, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu gibi durumlarda özel eğitim, dikkat eğitimi, davranış çalışmaları ve sosyal beceri eğitimini içerir. Obsesif kompulsif bozuklukta ise bilişsel-davranışsal teknikler kullanılır. Aile ve okul danışmanlığı da psikoterapinin önemli bir parçasıdır ve işbirliği başarı için çok önemlidir.

What are the behaviors that signal that children should be taken to a psychologist? NP Feneryolu Medical Center Child Adolescent Specialist Psychologist Aynur Sayım explained...

It would be appropriate to address the issue of which competencies the child can acquire in which period of development. Because any behavior may be defined as normal in one developmental period and as a problem in another developmental period.

For example, while the child's insistence and persistence between the ages of 2-3 is considered normal; this behavior may be a harbinger of a problem in later periods.


In general, some behavioral problems, such as nail biting, aggressive behavior, bedwetting, poop incontinence, sleep and appetite problems, school failure, adaptation problems, shyness, speech problems, short attention span, boredom, fears, can be considered as general reasons.


Child-adolescent psychiatrists and psychotherapy have a very important place in psychiatric and psychological problems in childhood and adolescence. The content of psychotherapy includes a program in the areas that the child needs.

For example, for a child with "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", special education, attention training, learning techniques, behavioral studies, impulse control studies, stress management (neurobiofeedbeck studies - if appropriate for the case), personality development, social skills teaching (communication, empathy, problem solving), etc...,

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, cognitive-behavioral techniques are applied in addition to personality development and social skills teaching. Awareness of the person's obsessions is provided and some homework is given. Unlike adult psychotherapy, family and school counseling and education are also at the forefront and should be supportive.

Limited progress can be achieved in cases where this cooperation cannot be achieved.

Psychotherapy; on the one hand, for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, on the other hand, it aims to prevent the recurrence of problems by eliminating the situations that cause the problem.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At03 August 2018
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