What should be the first response to earthquake victims?

What should be the first response to earthquake victims?

Content Summary

Prof. Dr. Aytaç Atamer, depremden kurtarılanların ilk müdahalesinin damar yolunun açılması ve hemen sıvı tedavisinin başlatılması olduğunu belirtmiştir. Boyun travmalarında felce yol açabilecek kırıklar nedeniyle ciddi sorunları önlemek için boyunluk takmanın önemini vurgulamıştır. Kurtarılanların organ ve sağlık durumunun, bireylerin önceden var olan sağlık durumuna ve fiziksel uygunluğuna bağlı olduğunu, depremler gibi afetlerde organ hasarlarının çok yaygın olduğunu ve yaralanmaların 4'te 3'ünün travma sonucu meydana geldiğini ifade etmiştir. Baş darbelerinde kafatası, omurga ve omurilik travmaları yaşamı tehdit edebilir; göğüs bölgesine gelen darbelerde ise kanama ve plevra perforasyonu görülebilir. Kurtarılma süresine bağlı olarak kanama, karın yaralanmaları ve yaşamı tehdit eden durumlar ortaya çıkabilir. Kas ezilmeleri sonucu gelişen ve böbrek yetmezliğine yol açabilen crush sendromu önemli bir komplikasyondur. Uzun süre enkaz altında kalanlarda akut böbrek yetmezliği ve diyaliz tedavisi gerekebilir. Enkaz altından çıkarılan kişilerde öncelikle damar yolu açılmalı, sıvı tedavisi uygulanmalı ve solunum yolu sağlanmalıdır. Boyun travmalarında felç oluşumunu önlemek için boyunluk takılması önemlidir. Hayat tehlikesinin başlama süresi travmanın şiddetine ve kişinin bulunduğu ortama bağlıdır; yaşlı ve ek hastalığı olan kişilerde hayatta kalma şansı daha düşüktür. İlk 72 saat hayati önem taşımaktadır, ancak mucize kurtuluşlar da olabilmektedir.

The people who are most affected by the earthquake and most exposed to physical trauma after the earthquake are the earthquake victims who are pulled out from under the rubble. Therefore, it is important that the first intervention to earthquake victims is done correctly and on time. Internal Medicine Specialist Prof. Dr. Aytaç ATAMER, who stated that the condition of the earthquake survivors extracted from the rubble is related to the age, health status and the severity of the trauma encountered, explained how the first intervention should be for earthquake survivors extracted from the rubble, some organ injuries that may occur in these people and complications that may occur after the earthquake.

Prof. Dr. Aytaç ATAMER stated that the first intervention to the earthquake victims who were taken out of the rubble should be to open the vascular access and start fluid therapy immediately, and emphasized the importance of wearing a cervical collar to prevent serious problems such as paralysis due to fractures in neck traumas.

Health Status of the Earthquake Victims Taken Out of the Rubble

Prof. Dr. Aytaç ATAMER stated that the organs and health status of earthquake victims who are pulled out of the rubble are related to the condition and fitness of those people and said, "Especially in disasters such as earthquakes, organ injuries are very common and 3 out of 4 of the injuries occur as a result of trauma. In blows to the head, skull, spine and spinal cord traumas are life-threatening. Bleeding and perforation of the pleura can also be seen in blows to the chest area."

What are the complications that can be seen after an earthquake?

Stating that there may be some complications that can be seen after the earthquake depending on how long the people coming out of the rubble stayed under the rubble, ATAMER said, "Most importantly, there may be bleeding in injuries and blows to the abdomen. Accordingly, life-threatening situations may arise.

Especially most importantly, crush syndrome, which we call "Crush Syndrome" , occurs due to muscle crushes. Some enzymes and proteins found in the muscle are released into the bloodstream, which can lead to kidney failure. The main question here is about the condition of the people, their previous health status and how long they were exposed to trauma."

Prof. Dr. Aytaç ATAMER stated that the life-threatening situation increases in people who stay under the rubble for a long time and said, "Although the amount of pressure and health status under the rubble varies from person to person, the most important problem is a situation that develops due to crushing in the rubble. It is not only due to muscle crushing under the rubble, but also due to compression and lying for a long time, muscles are crushed and bleeding occurs after the muscles are crushed.

It is a situation that requires urgent intervention. Most of the people who stayed in the rubble for a long time and were rescued from the rubble have acute renal failure and are receiving dialysis treatment. People who come out of the rubble after a long time should first have an intravenous line opened, fluid therapy and respiratory tract provided."

How to Intervene to a Person Emerging from Debris?

Stating that the first intervention to be made to the person who comes out of the rubble is very important and that this intervention should start before being taken out of the rubble, ATAMER said, "Before the earthquake victim is taken out from under the rubble, the vascular access and respiratory tract should be opened and fluid therapy should be started immediately.

Especially in neck traumas, paralysis occurs due to sudden spinal cord injuries and injuries due to fractures. In such cases, it is important to wear a neck collar. After the person is removed, the first intervention should be made and the person should be sent to a more relevant hospital urgently with fluid therapy and general examination."

When Does Life Danger Begin Under Debris?

Prof. Dr. Aytaç ATAMER stated that the danger to life under the rubble may vary depending on the severity of the trauma the person encounters and the environment in which he/she is under the rubble, "In these events, there is a situation far beyond our classical knowledge. Things that we say cannot happen can also happen. This situation depends entirely on the person and the environment in which the person is trapped under the rubble. Therefore, it is not possible to give an exact time.

If the person trapped under the rubble is elderly and has some additional illnesses, the chances of survival may decrease. Small babies and the elderly are at higher risk of being trapped under rubble. However, young and healthy people can stay under the rubble for longer. This also depends on the situation under the rubble. The first 3 days are very important, intervening in the first 3 days increases the chances of success. But there are also miracle rescues. That is why we will attach great importance to the first 72 hours."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 March 2023
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