What is Vasculitis?

What is Vasculitis?

Content Summary

Vaskülit, her yaş grubunda görülebilen, nadir türleri de bulunan bir hastalıktır. Belirtiler ve nedenler, türlere göre farklılık gösterebilir ve bazı türlerin neden ortaya çıktığı bilinmemektedir. Belirtiler kişiden kişiye değişebilir ve hastalık hızla ilerleyebilir; bu nedenle belirtiler ortaya çıkarsa, hemen bir uzmana başvurulmalı ve tedavi alınmalıdır. Yaygın belirtiler arasında ateş, iştahsızlık, kilo kaybı, yorgunluk, halsizlik, cilt kızarıklığı, uyuşukluk, kalp krizi ve böbrek yetmezliği yer alır. Vaskülitin çeşitli türleri (Behçet Hastalığı, Takayasu Arteriti vb.) vardır ve bunların her birinin farklı belirtileri ve tedavi yöntemleri vardır. Risk faktörleri arasında sigara kullanımı, hepatit B ve C, romatoid artrit, lupus veya otoimmün hastalıklar bulunur. Komplikasyonlar arasında organ hasarı, kan pıhtılaşması, görme kaybı veya körlük ve enfeksiyonlar yer alabilir. Tanı için kan ve idrar testleri, görüntüleme yöntemleri ve biyopsi kullanılır. Tedavi, iltihabı ve enfeksiyonu durdurmayı ve nüksü önlemeyi amaçlar ve ilaç tedavisi içerir; bazı durumlarda cerrahi müdahale gerekebilir. Tedavi genellikle olumlu sonuçlar verir ancak nüks riski vardır ve bazı durumlarda tam iyileşme sağlanamayabilir.

Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels in the body. This condition is also called angiitis or arteritis. Blood vessels can become weakened, stretched, enlarged or narrowed. There are many types of the disease and, depending on the type, one or more organs may be affected. Damage to tissues and organs can occur as a result of restricted blood supply to the organs. Some types affect organs mildly, while others can be severe.

It is a disease that can be seen in all age groups. Some types of the disease are rare. Symptoms and causes may differ between strains. It is not known why some types occur. Symptoms may vary from person to person and the disease may progress rapidly. For this reason, if symptoms appear, you should see a specialist immediately and get treatment.

What are the symptoms of vasculitis?

Symptoms vary from person to person depending on the type of disease. In some cases, it can progress without any symptoms, but this can cause serious consequences.
Mostly, complaints and symptoms occur in connection with a decrease in the rate of blood in the body. Common vasculitis symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Redness of the skin
  • Lethargy
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney failure

What are the Types of Vasculitis?

The types of the disease are divided among themselves. Since the complaints and symptoms that the disease manifests in one or more ways in different situations differ, the treatment methods are also different.
While the disease can be acute or chronic, these conditions can be mild or severe.
Vasculitis types can be listed as follows:

  • Behçet's Disease
  • Takayasu Arteritis
  • Wegener's Disease
  • Kawasaki Disease
  • Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
  • Churg Strauss Syndrome
  • Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis
  • Wegener's Granulomatosis
  • Microscopic Polyangiitis
  • Polyarteritis Nodosa

Vasculitis Risk Factors

The disease can occur in any age group, gender and race. Some types of the disease are more common in children, while others are more common in the elderly.
Risk factors for vasculitis include smoking, hepatitis B and C, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or autoimmune diseases.

Complications of Vasculitis

Depending on the type and condition of the disease, there is a variation in the complications that can occur. Some prescription medicines used for treatment can cause different effects.
Some of these complications are as follows:

Organ Damage
When it develops due to certain types of blood clots, the severity of the disease can increase and this can lead to damage and destruction of organs.

Blood Coagulation
There may be a clotting condition that prevents the progression and flow of blood in the blood vessel. In rare cases, weakening or swelling of the blood vessels may occur.

Reduced vision or blindness
It is a possible complication of untreated giant cell arteritis. It is a possible complication if recovery is not seen or delayed.

Conditions that can seriously affect health, such as inflammation in the blood or pneumonia.

What are the Diagnostic Methods for Vasculitis?

Vasculitis diagnosis methods include many tests and applications. First of all, the doctor learns the patient's medical history and performs a physical examination.
If problems with similar symptoms are seen, some tests and examinations should be performed to diagnose the disease.
The diagnosis of the disease is rarely determined directly. The methods for detecting and determining the disease can be listed as follows:

Blood Tests
It is one of the methods at the forefront of diagnosing the disease. With the blood test, a complete blood count is performed and the C-reactive protein level in the blood is measured. It is checked whether the red blood cell count is sufficient.

Urine Tests
Urine tests determine whether there are red blood cells or too much protein in the urine. This may also help to identify the disease.

Imaging Methods
Imaging methods are used to determine whether the organs have been damaged and whether there are any restrictions in the blood vessels. Angiography and X-rays are also used to visualize the blood vessels.

The doctor will take a tissue sample from the blood vessel or the affected organ to check for any signs of infection or damage.

What are the treatment methods for vasculitis?

Treatment depends on the condition causing the disease and the affected organs. Vasculitis treatment methods are carried out in 2 stages. The first is to stop the inflammation and infection and the second is to prevent recurrence.

Medicines prescribed by the doctor are used in both stages. The duration of the medication and the amount to be taken is determined by the doctor depending on the type of disease and how much the organs are affected.

Usually the treatments result in positive outcomes and recovery. However, there is a possibility that the disease may recur. In some cases, recovery may not be complete and long-term treatment may be necessary.

In addition, one of the conditions requiring surgical operation is the appearance of balloon-like protrusions on the surface of the vessel wall. Surgical treatment may be required.

Once the disease has improved and the symptoms are under control, the medication will be discontinued by your doctor. Some long-term effects of treatment may occur. However, these effects will disappear with regular visits to the doctor.

If symptoms occur, you should go to a health institution immediately and get treatment.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 December 2022
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