What is Spring Allergy? Symptoms and Treatment

What is Spring Allergy? Symptoms and Treatment

Content Summary

Alerji, vücudun normalde zararsız maddelere karşı aşırı tepkisidir ve vücudun tamamında veya bir kısmında görülebilir. Alerjik kişilerin bağışıklık sistemi belirli maddelere karşı aşırı duyarlıdır; bu maddelerle karşılaştığında kontrolsüz bir tepkiyle kaşıntı, kızarıklık, şişme, spazm, göz sulanması ve burun akıntısı gibi alerjik şikayetler ortaya çıkar. Alerjiyi başlatan madde alerjen olarak adlandırılır ve polen, küf, hayvan tüyü, ev tozu, ilaçlar ve yiyecekler yaygın alerjenler arasındadır. Bahar alerjisi, aile öyküsü, sosyoekonomik düzey, ırk, hava kirliliği, ailedeki sıra, evcil hayvan besleme, evde sigara içme gibi faktörlerden etkilenir. Belirtileri arasında burun tıkanıklığı, hapşırma, sulu burun akıntısı, göz ve burun kaşıntısı, sinüs basıncı, göz altı şişmesi, koku ve tat duyusunda azalma, yorgunluk, dikkat problemleri, uyku bozukluğu ve öksürük yer alır. Teşhis, detaylı öykü alma, fizik muayene ve gerekirse deri testi, serum IgE düzeyi, nazal sürüntü gibi laboratuvar testleriyle yapılır. Tedavide kortizonlu burun spreyleri, antialerjik ilaçlar, alerjenlerden kaçınma, sağlıklı beslenme, dinlenme ve bol su tüketimi önerilir. Önleme için alerji testi yaptırılıp alerjene göre önlemler alınmalıdır; bunlar sabah ve kuru rüzgarlı havalarda dışarı çıkmamak, spor yaparken açık alanları tercih etmemek, şapka ve güneş gözlüğü kullanmak, eve gelince kıyafet değiştirmek, duş almak, polen filtresi kullanmak, evde çamaşır kurutmamak, pencere ve kapıları kapatmak, düzenli ilaç kullanımı ve doktor kontrollerini ihmal etmemektir. Bazı durumlarda immünoterapi (aşı) uygulanabilir.

With the arrival of spring, there is a great increase in the frequency of allergic disorders. The reason for this situation is the pollen produced by trees, flowers and grasses spreading in the air. If an individual has an allergic constitution, the pollen entering the body causes the release of certain substances. This causes the capillaries in the eyes and nasal membranes to dilate and the tissues to swell. Afterwards, symptoms of spring allergy are observed. Spring allergy is also commonly referred to as hay fever.

Allergy is an intense response of the body to normally harmless substances. This exaggerated response can sometimes be experienced in the whole body, sometimes in a part of the body. The immune systems of allergic patients are very sensitive to certain substances. When these substances are encountered, the immune system cannot be controlled and allergic complaints such as itching, redness, swelling, spasm, tearing of the eyes and nasal discharge occur. The substance that initiates allergy is called an allergen. Common allergens include pollen, mold, animal dander, dust in the house, medicines and foods.

What Causes Spring Allergy?

Allergy is a very common condition. Hereditary predisposition and environmental factors are very effective in its occurrence. The immune system normally protects our body against germs and harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses. However, if the immune system starts to react intensely to substances that do not normally cause harm, this is called allergy. The factors that cause allergic rhinitis to occur are as follows;

  • Family history of allergy or atopy
  • High socioeconomic level
  • Black race
  • Polluted air
  • Being the first child in the family
  • Keeping animals at home
  • Smoking inside the house

What are the Symptoms of Spring Allergy?

Since spring allergy can lead to allergic rhinitis, eye allergy and asthma, the symptoms of these conditions become apparent in the spring months. Spring allergy symptoms are as follows;

  • Nasal congestion
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Watery runny nose
  • Itching of the nose and eyes
  • Pressure in the sinuses, pain in the facial area
  • Swelling and discoloration under the eyes
  • Decreased sense of smell and taste
  • Constant rubbing and scratching of the nose with the hands in sick children
  • Fatigue
  • Perception problem
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Itching of the palate and larynx
  • It is in the form of coughing and headache.

Intermittent allergic rhinitis is characterized by allergic rhinitis symptoms lasting less than 4 days a week or more than 4 weeks. Allergic rhinitis can be seen in all age groups, with the most common age of onset being the years of transition from childhood to adulthood.

How is Spring Allergy Diagnosed?

Detailed history taking is the main element of diagnosis in people who come with complaints of runny nose, stuffy nose and sneezing. It is learned how many days a week the symptoms occur and how long they last. In the case of a cold, the symptoms do not change with the environment. When the specialist checks the patient's nose, nasal edema is observed. Allergic people have blue and purple circles under their eyes.

In young children, the back of the nose wrinkles when the nose is constantly lifted up, this is called "allergic salute". Other conditions that can commonly accompany allergic rhinitis are fluid accumulation in the middle ear, sinusitis and sleep disturbance. Therefore, it is very important to perform a detailed ear, nose, nose and throat check in patients with allergic rhinitis and to investigate these conditions when necessary.

In general, allergic rhinitis can be diagnosed with physical control findings and a detailed history. However, some laboratory tests may be needed to clarify or differentiate the diagnosis of rhinitis.

What are Allergy Tests?

  • Skin test
  • It is considered positive if urticaria is observed.
  • Serum IgE level
  • Nasal swabbing
  • It can be listed as euzinophil level in liquid blood.

Spring Allergy Treatment

Nasal cortisone-containing sprays and antiallergic medications are recommended for treatment, along with avoidance of allergens. A healthy diet is necessary to strengthen immunity. Along with this, you should rest and consume plenty of water. In addition, there are some vitamins that should be consumed. These are foods with vitamins A, B, C and E. Allergens should be avoided and protected. Immunotherapy, i.e. vaccination, is applied in some sick people. These people are generally those whose allergies cannot be controlled with medication or who are uncomfortable with the side effects of medication.

How to Prevent Spring Allergy?

In order to prevent allergic rhinitis, it is first necessary to know which pollen causes allergies. Therefore, an allergy test should be applied. Pollen may vary according to geographical areas. Pollen is most intense from morning until noon. Pollen density decreases after the rain and in the evening. Therefore, the ways to prevent pollen allergy are as follows;

  • Care should be taken not to go out in the morning, dry and windy weather
  • Open areas should not be preferred for sports and exercise during pollen time
  • A hat with a brim should be preferred
  • Sunglasses should be used if you have conjunctivitis
  • Change clothes when coming home
  • Long-sleeved dresses and pants should be preferred
  • When you come home, take a shower and wash your face with plenty of water.
  • If there are very intense findings, pollen filters for home and vehicle should be preferred
  • Care should be taken to dry clothes at home at pollen time
  • Doors and windows should not be opened when pollen is high
  • Regular use of medications prescribed by a specialist
  • Doctor checks should not be neglected
  • Avoid places where grass is mowed
  • Masks should be used when pollen is high
  • Do not smoke and stay away from smoking environments

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At17 March 2023
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