What is Skin (Dermal) Cancer? What are the Symptoms?

What is Skin (Dermal) Cancer? What are the Symptoms?

Content Summary

Erken teşhis, cilt kanseri tedavisinde çok önemlidir. Cilt kanseri belirtileri arasında farklı renklerde lekeler, benlerin şekil ve renk değişiklikleri, ciltte soyulma, kanama, şişme, iyileşmeyen yaralar, benlerde kanama ve sayı veya boyutta artış yer alır. Kanserli lezyonlar genellikle siyah veya koyu kahverengi olabilir; melanomda pembe ve mavi renkler de görülebilir. Cilt kanseri, epidermisin bazal hücrelerinde gelişen bazal hücreli kanser, dış ve orta tabakaların skuamöz hücrelerinde gelişen skuamöz hücreli kanser ve en nadir ve tehlikeli olan, deriye rengini veren hücrelerde oluşan melanom olmak üzere üç türe ayrılır. Risk faktörleri arasında açık ten rengi, aile öyküsü, uzun süreli güneş ışığına maruz kalma, aşırı ben sayısı, zayıf bağışıklık sistemi, radyasyona maruz kalma, kimyasallara maruz kalma ve sigara bağımlılığı yer alır. Teşhis, kendi kendine muayene, dermatoskopi ve biyopsiyi içerir. Tedavi, cerrahi, kemoterapi, immünoterapi ve radyoterapiyi içerebilir ve kanser evresi ve tipine bağlıdır; 0. evrede cerrahi müdahale yeterlidir, daha ileri evrelerde ise lenf bezlerinin de temizlenmesi gerekebilir.

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. The abnormal growth and increase in the cells that make up the skin causes cancer. It is usually seen in people with fair skin, over the age of 50, who are exposed to too much sun and have a history of severe sunburn. Recovery is possible when diagnosed early and if the correct treatment methods are applied.

Cancer cells can grow very large and spread fast. As with other types of cancer, early diagnosis is very important in the treatment of skin cancer. Therefore, early diagnosis and correct examination of any cancer symptoms that may appear on the skin is very important.

What are the Symptoms of Skin Cancer?

Among the symptoms of cancer, the most commonly observed condition is spots of different colors that often occur on the body. Different changes that occur in a spot or lesion are suspicious of a tumor. Symptoms of skin cancer are as follows:

  • Changes in the form and color of moles
  • Peeling on the skin
  • Some bleeding on the skin
  • Swelling or swelling on the mole
  • Recurrent and non-healing wounds
  • Bleeding in moles
  • Increase in the number and size of moles on the body
  • The formation of lesions of different colors
  • Crusting and bleeding in the lesions

Lesions that are suspicious for tumors usually appear as black or dark brown spots or crusts like ridges. In melanoma, dark colors or pink and blue colors may be seen in the lesions, while growth may be seen in later stages.
In rare cases, the lesions are colorless. For this reason, it is important to follow up the lesions that may appear on the skin in case they are noticed.
Early diagnosis of the disease is very important for treatment. The disease, which is diagnosed early, can be taken under control and recovery can be achieved if the correct treatment is applied.

What are the Types of Skin Cancer?

The skin has a tissue consisting of different layers. There are three different types depending on the cancer cells that develop in the tissues.
Thetypes of skin cancer are as follows:

Basal Cell Cancer
It is a type of cancer that develops in the basal cells of the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. This type is known as the most common type of cancer. It occurs in sun-exposed areas, mostly in men over the age of 50 and fair-skinned men.
Symptoms include shiny bumps, open sores and red spots. Symptoms may be followed by itching, scabbing and bleeding.

Squamous Cell Cancer
It is a type that occurs in the squamous cells in the outer and middle layers of the skin. It can be seen on the neck, scalp and hands of people who are too exposed to tanning beds or too much sunlight. People who have had it before, have low immunity, have fair skin and are over the age of 50 are more likely to develop cancer.

It is the rarest and most dangerous type of cancer. These are the cells that give the skin its color. If cancer cells multiply and are not detected early, they can spread to different organs. Genetic factors also increase the risk. Mostly black or brown spots can be seen on the skin. It can occur anywhere in the body.

Why does skin cancer occur?

There are many causes and some risk factors. As seen in different types of cancer, conditions such as too much exposure to sunlight are important risk factors in light-skinned individuals.
People with a history of cancer in their family members and people with an excessive amount of moles on their body are also at risk.
Some risk factors among thecauses of skin cancer are as follows:

  • Having fair skin
  • Family members have a history of the disease
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • Sunburn or solarium
  • Excessive amount of moles on the body
  • Weak immune system
  • Exposure to too much radiation
  • Long-term exposure to chemicals
  • Long-term wounds that do not heal
  • Cigarette addiction
  • Old age
  • Different skin diseases and the medications used for these diseases

Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of skin cancer is very important for curing the disease. People should use the self-examination method to look for differentiation anywhere on their body.
Parts that cannot be seen can be looked at with the help of a mirror. If a spot, mole or lesions that did not exist before are seen after the controls, the person should make an appointment with a specialist dermatologist and be examined.
During the examination, the changes noticed by the person are checked. With the help of dermatoscopy, the skin is examined in detail with a microscope.
After examining the lesions or moles detected on the body, the specialist may resort to skin biopsy. For the biopsy, a sample of the lesion or mole is taken and examined for any risk factors. Depending on the results, the patient's treatment process is planned.
If the cancerous cell is detected, its type is determined and treatment proceeds depending on the type of disease.

Skin Cancer Treatment

Surgery is the most appropriate method for the treatment of skin cancer . In addition, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy can be used. Treatment depends on the stage and type of cancer.
Which of the treatment methods will be applied varies depending on the patient's health condition, the type of cancer, the characteristics of the lesion and the stage of the tumor.
In the case of stage 0, the only method that can be used for cancer cells is surgical removal of the tumor. Local anesthesia is applied to the person. Afterwards, the cancerous part is completely removed and cleaned.
In stage 1 and 2 cases, the tumor has not spread to the lymph nodes. In such cases, the tumorous tissue is completely removed by surgical intervention and a biopsy sample is taken from the lymph nodes to make sure that there is no spread.
Stage 3 is an advanced type of cancer. In this case, the spread has reached the lymph nodes. For treatment, the cancerous lesion and lymph nodes must be completely removed by surgery.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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