What is Rickets? What are the Symptoms of Rickets?

What is Rickets? What are the Symptoms of Rickets?

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Raşitizm, vücudun kalsiyumu ve fosforu yeterince emmesi için gerekli olan D vitamini eksikliğinden kaynaklanan bir kemik hastalığıdır. Belirtiler arasında büyüme geriliği, motor becerilerde gecikme, kas zayıflığı, diş yapısında bozulma, bacaklarda eğrilik, şişmiş ayak bilekleri ve göğüs kemiğinin dışarı çıkması yer alır. Raşitizme, D vitamini eksikliği, emilim sorunları (seliak hastalığı, böbrek sorunları, kistik fibrozis veya inflamatuar bağırsak hastalığı gibi), yetersiz güneş ışığına maruz kalma veya D vitamini bakımından fakir bir diyet neden olabilir. Tedavi, D vitamini ve kalsiyum takviyeleri, bazı durumlarda ameliyat ve diğer ilaçlar içerir. Önleme için yeterli güneş ışığına maruz kalmak (çocuklarda aşırı güneşe maruz kalmaktan kaçınmak önemlidir) ve D vitamini açısından zengin yiyecekler tüketmek önemlidir. Tanı, fizik muayene, kan ve idrar testleri ile yapılır. Tedavi edilmezse raşitizm, yetersiz büyüme, omurga eğriliği, kemik deformasyonları, diş sorunları ve nöbetlere yol açabilir.

Rickets is a disease that causes softening and weakening of bones in infants and children due to long-term vitamin D deficiency. In addition to vitamin D deficiency, genetic factors can rarely cause this condition. Vitamin D helps the human body absorb calcium and phosphorus from food. Vitamin D deficiency makes it difficult to maintain calcium and phosphorus levels in the bones. This can lead to bone disease in children.

Adding vitamin D or calcium to a person's diet can improve bone problems that may develop with this disease. However, if there is an underlying medical problem, the treatment process recommended and planned by the doctor should be followed. In case of skeletal deformities caused by the disease, surgical interventions may be required. Different treatment methods and medication may also be necessary.

What are the Symptoms of Rickets?

There are some conditions and symptoms caused by the disease. The symptoms of rickets can be listed as follows:

  • Delayed growth
  • Delayed motor skills
  • Heavy on the spine, pelvis and legs
  • Muscle weakness and wasting
  • Deterioration of tooth structure

Since it causes softening of bones in children, it can cause some deformations. These deformations are as follows:

  • Knock-knees or bowed legs
  • Thickening of the ankles
  • Protrusion of the breastbone

Why does rickets occur?

The human body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorus from food. If the body does not get the necessary levels of vitamin D or has problems using vitamin D correctly, it causes conditions such as bone disease. Causes of rickets can include vitamin D deficiency and problems with absorption. These are as follows:

Vitamin D Deficiency
Children who do not get vitamin D from food and sunlight may develop a deficiency. Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D for the human body and children. Vitamin D deficiency may occur if children spend less time outdoors and are not exposed to sunlight.
In addition, vitamin D deficiency can be seen in children when vitamin D needs are not met in the necessary proportions from food. Vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg yolk and oily fish.

May Be Caused by Problems with Absorption
Some people or children may have diseases and problems that affect the absorption of vitamin D in the body. The problems found among these conditions are as follows:

  • Celiac
  • Kidney problems
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Complications of Rickets

If left untreated, it can cause a number of problems and complications. Complications of rickets include

  • Inadequate growth
  • An abnormally curved spine
  • Bone deformation conditions
  • Tooth deficiencies
  • Seizures (such as epilepsy)

How to Prevent Rickets?

The most effective source of vitamin D is sunlight. Exposure to sunlight for about 10-15 minutes in many seasons and usually at noon is considered sufficient to meet the vitamin D requirement. People living in places where there is little sunlight and people with dark skin may not be able to meet this requirement from sunlight.
It is important to avoid exposure of infants and children to sunlight, as it can be dangerous due to suspicion of skin cancer.
Preventing the disease requires consuming foods high in vitamin D. Vitamin D is also found in many foods and nutrients. Consuming foods such as baby food, cereal, bread and orange juice can help prevent vitamin D deficiency and diseases.
People during pregnancy should consult a doctor about vitamin D supplementation.

Diagnosis of Rickets

The doctor performs a physical examination of the person or child. During the examination, the specialist applies gentle pressure on the child's bones to determine whether there is anything abnormal. In addition, the findings considered by the doctor for the diagnosis of rickets can be listed as follows:

Babies with the disease often have softer skull bones. There may also be a delay in the closure of the fontanel points.

This type of bone disease can be suspected if babies have excessive bending of the legs.

Breast Bones
Some children with suspected disease may have flattening of the bones in the rib cage. This causes the chest bones to protrude.

Wrists and Ankles
Children's feet and wrists are thicker and larger than normal. When such a finding is found, the disease can be diagnosed. However, such cases are usually confirmed by tests and examinations. The blood and urine test performed on the patient allows the disease to be detected.

Rickets Treatment

It is a disease caused by vitamin D and calcium deficiency. Therefore, rickets can be treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements. However, taking excessive amounts of vitamin D supplements without the advice of a specialist can lead to vitamin D poisoning.
It is important to use it in the doses and frequency recommended by the doctor. During the treatment process of children, the doctor may want to check at certain intervals in some applications such as X-rays and blood tests.
In addition, if the child has any hereditary disease, special medications and supplements may be prescribed to contribute to the treatment process. In cases of clubfoot or spinal deformity, the specialist may recommend some special support to position the bones correctly as they develop, while severe deformities may require surgical procedures and surgery.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 January 2023
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