What is Reflux Diet? How to do it?

What is Reflux Diet? How to do it?

Content Summary

Reflü hastalığı, mide asidi ve mukusunun yemek borusuna veya ağza geri kaçmasıyla karakterizedir. Tipik belirtiler arasında ağızda acı tat ve yemek hissi, yemek borusunun iç kısmında ödem nedeniyle boğazda yumru hissi, göğüs ağrısı, ses kısıklığı, kuru öksürme, yutma güçlüğü veya ağrısı ve hıçkırık yer alır. Reflü, genellikle yemek borusunun altındaki kasın yeterince kapanmaması nedeniyle meydana gelir. Bu durum, yemek borusu mukozasının tahrişine ve zamanla hasara yol açabilir. Tedavi, yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri (yemekten sonra hemen yatmamak, az ve sık yemek yemek, gazlı ve alkollü içeceklerden kaçınmak) ve mide asidini azaltıcı ilaçları içerir. Anatomik bir problem varsa (örneğin fıtık), cerrahi tedavi gerekebilir. Reflü diyeti, yağlı yiyecekler, asidik içecekler, kafeinli içecekler ve baharatlardan kaçınmayı içerir. Sessiz reflü vakalarında belirtiler, kalp yanmasıyla karıştırılabilir, ancak asıl neden farklıdır.

Reflux is one of the most common diseases today due to changes in eating habits. Acidic drinks, smoking and alcohol use, consumption of non-organic food are effective in the formation of reflux disease. Heartburn and burning in the stomach are the main symptoms seen in people. It has similar symptoms with a heart attack . Therefore, patients may confuse some symptoms with a heart attack. Reflux disease needs to be treated in a planned manner. A reflux diet may be recommended to reduce reflux disease that causes pain and insomnia at night. However, in severe cases, surgical intervention can be performed by a physician.

Reflux disease is the displacement of gastric secretions consisting of acid and mucus into the esophagus or mouth. Reflux disease is characterized by a bitter taste and sensation of food in the mouth. Atypical reflux can cause a lump in the throat after edema develops on the inside of the esophagus.
Likewise, it can cause complaints such as chest pain due to the spasm that occurs after irritation. It can also be confused with heart diseases, especially due to chest pain. It can also cause complaints such as hoarseness, dry cough, painful swallowing or difficulty swallowing or hiccups.

What is Reflux? What are the Symptoms?

Reflux is one of the most common diseases today due to the change in eating habits. Mostly a muscle at the end of the esophagus prevents the acid produced with the help of the stomach from flowing upwards. If this muscle does not close the passage sufficiently, reflux occurs. Therefore, if symptoms or complications occur, a specialist can diagnose reflux. In only one third of cases does aggressive stomach acid irritate the esophageal mucosa too much and cause inflammation. If this type of reflux persists for a long time, the tissue can be damaged and injured. This inflammation can lead to narrowing of the esophagus.
Reflux disease is a pathological reflux of acidic and mucous stomach secretions into the esophagus or mouth. In such a case, the sphincter (ring muscles) between the stomach and the esophagus, which prevents reflux, is too weak or too flexible. In addition, the esophageal muscles may not be able to redirect gastric secretions.
It is a condition in which a burning sensation occurs in the upper abdomen and behind the breastbone. People with reflux feel acid build-up in their body, especially after taking food and while lying down. Therefore, reflux symptoms can be relieved with medications that reduce stomach acid secretion. Reflux is aggravated when bending over, lifting something heavy and when the pressure in the abdomen is high. Common symptoms of atypical reflux disease are severe coughing at night, recurrent sore throat or irritation of the throat.

What is Reflux Diet? What are the Benefits?

Reflux diet can be defined as not eating certain foods. The foods that should be eaten are in the form of how much to eat and meal planning. There is no reflux when the stomach is empty. The stomach must be full for reflux to occur. Having a full stomach all the time means suffering from pain in the form of stomach burning and gnawing all day long. The aim of the reflux diet is to plan portions and meals without tiring the stomach and causing reflux . This diet will help to alleviate and eliminate reflux symptoms. In general, the reflux diet should not include fried foods, acidic drinks, fatty and tomato paste dishes, caffeine-rich drinks and spices. We can list the benefits of the reflux diet as follows;

  • There are many people who suffer from silent reflux and their symptoms can be confused with heartburn. The actual causes are different, because the stomach does not produce too much acid during the feeding process, but the esophageal sphincter muscle loses its functionality.
  • If the fatty diet is excessive, this can be largely compensated for with foods that have a healthy effect on the digestive system. This includes whole grain products.
  • Pay attention to the acid balance of foods and dried fruits. In conclusion, a low-acid reflux diet can also be good for the digestive system.
  • A low-fat reflux diet can be followed to prevent the stomach from overfilling and stomach contents from entering the esophagus.
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks such as lemonade or cola may need to be avoided for a certain period of time to alleviate reflux.

How to Treat Reflux?

The first step in reflux treatment is to change one's lifestyle. For example; it is necessary not to lie down directly after eating, to eat little and at certain intervals, and to avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages. It may also be necessary to use some medications that help the esophagus and stomach to work regularly, which will be recommended by the specialist.
Surgery in Reflux Treatment: Ifreflux disease is caused by an anatomical problem such as a gastric hernia, surgical treatment method can be applied at this point if the person changes his/her lifestyle or if reflux medications are not effective. Reflux surgery may be considered in young people if no result can be obtained after long-term treatment.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At25 May 2022
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