What is Pregnancy (Pregnancy)? What are the Symptoms?

What is Pregnancy (Pregnancy)? What are the Symptoms?

Content Summary

Gebelikte, östrojen, progesteron ve prolaktin gibi hormonlardaki artışa bağlı olarak çeşitli fiziksel ve ruhsal belirtiler ortaya çıkar. Bunlar arasında adet gecikmesi, göğüslerde ağrı ve hassasiyet, vajinal kanama ve akıntı, mide bulantısı ve sindirim sorunları, şişkinlik, baş ağrısı ve baş dönmesi, duygusal dalgalanmalar, sık idrara çıkma ve vücut sıcaklığında artış sayılabilir. Diğer belirtiler arasında diş eti kanaması, ağızda metalik tat, kabızlık, burun tıkanıklığı ve nefes darlığı, yüz aknesi veya cilt pigmentasyonunda artış, bel ve sırt ağrısı, uyku problemi yer alabilir. Gebeliğin teşhisi için evde gebelik testi yapılabilir ve sonuçlara göre doktora danışılmalıdır. Gebelik süresi yaklaşık 9-10 ay sürer ve son adet tarihinden itibaren hesaplanır. Gebelik şeker hastalığı (gestasyonel diyabet) durumunda uygun diyet ve gerekirse insülin tedavisi uygulanır. Gebeliğin ilk 3 ayı özellikle dikkat gerektirir; ani hareketler ve ağır kaldırmaktan kaçınılmalıdır. Genel olarak gebelik belirtileri cinsel ilişkiden sonra 5-10 gün içinde ortaya çıkmaya başlar ancak kişiden kişiye değişkenlik gösterebilir. Her belirti mutlaka gebelik anlamına gelmez ve şüphe durumunda mutlaka bir hekime danışılmalıdır.

One of the first signs of pregnancy, which is one of the first signs of pregnancy, can start one after the other with a delay of 5-7 days of menstruation. This process, in which the symptoms should be followed step by step, can be a challenging process for the expectant mother, especially in the first weeks, and it is necessary to pay attention to the health of both the mother and the baby. If the expectant mother thinks that she is pregnant with a high probability as a result of the symptoms, she should consult a gynecologist.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

What are the symptoms of pregnancy, the pregnancy process lasts an average of 9-10 months. From the beginning of this process, some physical and mental symptoms occur. These symptoms may vary from person to person. Some individuals may have more intense and severe effects, while others may have milder effects. However, not every symptom may be a sign of pregnancy. Observing these symptoms and acting according to observations can ensure a healthier process for expectant mothers. What are the symptoms of pregnancy, while in some people the symptoms appear in the first months of pregnancy, in some people this process may be prolonged. If the individual has doubts that she is pregnant, taking a pregnancy test to eliminate doubts will provide certainty.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy and the problems that can be experienced during this process? How to recognize pregnancy?

During pregnancy, which can cause different effects and symptoms in every body; hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and prolactin increase. As a result of these hormonal changes, the main symptoms that can be seen physically and mentally are as follows:

  • Menstrual delay

What are the symptoms of pregnancy, delayed menstruation is one of the most common and earliest symptoms at the beginning of the pregnancy process. Many people may think they are pregnant because their menstrual cycle is delayed after having intercourse. However, not every menstrual delay may be a sign of pregnancy. Some gynecological diseases, stress, eating disorders or changes in diet, changes in lifestyle, environmental factors can cause delayed menstruation. What are the symptoms of pregnancy, groin pain can also be one of the symptoms that can be experienced during this period. Groin pains occur due to reasons such as the egg implanting in the uterus and the uterus growing.

  • Pain and tenderness in the breasts

What are the symptoms of pregnancy, such as pain, swelling and tenderness in the breasts, which occur as a result of the change in hormonal balance during menstruation, may be more effective in early pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, the extent of the symptoms increases. Over time, the body adapts to the process. The pain and tenderness in the breasts decrease. There is also darkening of the nipples and darkening in the circular area around the nipples. As the process progresses, the breasts enlarge. The nipples may become more prominent and the milk ducts in the nipples begin to open during pregnancy.

  • Vaginal bleeding and discharge

Especially in the early stages of pregnancy, mild vaginal bleeding and discharge can be seen with groin pain. The bleeding is not as intense and continuous as menstrual bleeding. These pains and bleeding are caused by the embryo trying to attach and settle in the womb. These spotting - especially bleeding and cramps - that start in the early stages of pregnancy can also be dangerous for the person experiencing the symptom. It is therefore advisable for the expectant mother to see a doctor.

  • Nausea and digestive problems

Nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, heartburn, which are among the first symptoms that come to mind when you think of pregnancy, can be among the complaints seen especially in the first three months. In some people, these complaints may last more than three months. During this period, disgust for food and sensitivity to certain odors may also be observed due to the estrogen hormone.

  • Bloating

As a result of the change in hormone balance during pregnancy, the body experiences bloating from the first months. It is just like during menstruation and may increase gradually. Edema can be seen all over the body, especially in the abdomen, and indigestion may occur.

  • Headache and dizziness

Blood flow and metabolic changes affected by elevated hormones affect blood pressure. This can cause dizziness and headaches.

  • Emotional fluctuations

During pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience some emotional/spiritual changes as well as physical changes. The change in hormones during pregnancy can make the person emotional, sensitive, moody and irritable. The individual may experience these emotional changes more frequently in the first three months. These fluctuations caused by the hormone progesterone can also lead to fatigue and weakness.

  • Frequent urination

The expectant mother may experience frequent urination during pregnancy. This condition, which is especially common at the beginning of pregnancy, can often be seen towards the end of pregnancy as the baby's head presses on the bladder or the growing uterus compresses the bladder. If there are complaints such as burning and pain following frequent urination, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible due to the risk of urinary tract infection.

  • Increase in body temperature

During this period, the body temperature rises by one degree with hot flushes and sweating. Again, it is one of the symptoms seen in parallel with hormone changes. What are the symptoms of pregnancy, body temperature may remain high during pregnancy.

Apart from these symptoms, what are the symptoms of pregnancy, other symptoms that the individual may encounter during the pregnancy process, depending on the conditions and physical structure; bleeding gums, metallic taste in the mouth, constipation, nasal congestion and shortness of breath, facial acne or increased skin pigmentation, lower back and back pain, difficulty sleeping.

What are the suggestions for common problems during pregnancy?

  • Stretch marks

Stretch marks, which can occur on skin that is not elastic enough, as a result of rapid weight gain and loss, can be seen in 90% of women due to the effects of growth and weight gain during pregnancy. These stretch marks, which are mostly seen on the breasts, buttocks and abdomen, can be prevented or reduced if regular exercise, a healthy diet and a systematic routine are followed. In order to minimize these stretch marks, which can be visually disturbing and demoralizing, creams and oils that will give the body flexibility and prevent the formation of stretch marks can be used.

  • Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are common during pregnancy. The nose may swell and there may be a feeling of fullness in the nose. The hormones estrogen and progesterone increase blood flow, causing the nose to soften and swell. As pregnancy progresses, discomforts such as nasal congestion are also experienced. As a solution, it may be recommended to use devices that balance the dryness in the air with moisture vapor.

  • Constipation

Foods that can cause constipation should be avoided during pregnancy. Due to the increase in hormone levels, the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the intestines. This can cause constipation. Foods rich in fiber; fruits, vegetables, legumes should be consumed. Fluid intake should be increased and frequent walks should be taken; the expectant mother should be more active.

  • Nausea

Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, is a good sign for hormones. However, this is uncomfortable and undesirable for the individual. Doing sports to balance hormones; swimming, yoga, walking etc. can be effective. Teas such as ginger can be consumed to soothe the stomach. Do not starve for a long time or consume caffeine in small amounts. During this period, the pregnant person should be sensitive about nutrition.

  • Skin Changes

Another effect of the hormone progesterone on the body during pregnancy is dry skin. This dryness can also cause itching. Using moisturizing creams or a cream with anti-itching properties recommended by a doctor can help.

How is pregnancy diagnosed? When is a pregnancy test done?

As a result of the mental and physical changes that can occur during pregnancy, it can be partially understood whether a person is pregnant or not. To find out for sure, a home pregnancy test is performed and a doctor is consulted according to the results. If the pregnancy test strip shows 2 colored lines, it is most likely pregnant. After the symptoms and the pregnancy test, the gynecologist is still the best judge. A pregnancy test can be performed five days to one week after the menstrual period. A blood test at the beginning of pregnancy can also show whether a woman is pregnant or not.

How to calculate pregnancy?

The baby's development process is important for the expectant mother. Pregnancy, which can last approximately 9-10 months, is considered as the beginning of pregnancy on the date of the last menstrual period and the average gestation period is calculated with this date. From the first day of the last menstrual period, 280 days are counted. The result is the probable date of birth.

What can be done for gestational diabetes?

During pregnancy, the glucose level in the blood rises. In this case, the patient is given an appropriate diet. Gestational diabetes can become a problem especially for individuals who are prone to diabetes. If sugar levels are normal, the diet is continued. Otherwise, insulin treatment may be started.

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

Pregnancy symptoms first become apparent within 5 to 10 days after intercourse. Hormonal changes and physical sensations begin to appear.

When are the earliest pregnancy symptoms?

The earliest pregnancy symptoms appear within 5 to 7 days or within 10 days.

Pregnancy Symptoms First Week

Pregnancy symptoms are usually evident within the first 10 days.

These are usually

  • Experienced groin pains
  • Changes and delays in menstrual cycle
  • Bloating and edema in the body
  • Generalized tenderness in the breasts
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Sensitivity to odors
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue and drowsiness
  • Changes and fluctuations in one's mood

Pregnancy Symptoms First Month

Pregnancy symptoms show the same symptoms in the first month and the first weeks. These are generally

  • Groin pains
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Odor sensitivities
  • Stomach distress and general nausea
  • Fatigue and feeling tired all the time
  • Momentary changes in one's mood
  • Shortened timing of urination, continuous urination
  • Breast tenderness

What are the One Hundred Percent Pregnancy Symptoms?

Apart from the symptoms of pregnancy, a blood test is required to determine the exact pregnancy.

Things not to do during pregnancy

The first months of pregnancy, especially the first 3 months, need to be more careful. Sudden movements and heavy lifting should be taken into consideration as there may be a risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. You should follow your doctor's advice in this regard.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 January 2022
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