What is Nerve Compression? Symptoms and Treatment

What is Nerve Compression? Symptoms and Treatment

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Sinir sıkışması, sinir hücrelerinin kemik veya kıkırdak gibi yapılara baskı yapmasıyla oluşan ve şiddetli ağrı, karıncalanma, uyuşma veya güçsüzlük gibi semptomlara yol açan bir durumdur. Yaygın sinir sıkışma türleri arasında karpal tünel sendromu (bilekte sinirin sıkışması) ve meralji parestesika (kalça bölgesindeki lateral femoral kutanöz sinirin sıkışması) yer alır. Semptomlar, etkilenen bölgeye göre değişmekle birlikte boyun ve omuz ağrısı, uyuşma, güçsüzlük ve hareketle ilgili sorunlar içerebilir. Sinir sıkışmasının nedenleri arasında tekrarlayan hareketler, ani gerilmeler, kırıklar, diyabet, eklem iltihabı, kitleler veya kistlerden kaynaklanan basınç, gebelik, obezite ve doğuştan gelen deformiteler sayılabilir. Tedavi, ilaçlar, yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri, fizyoterapi gibi cerrahi olmayan yöntemler veya ileri vakalarda ameliyat ile yapılabilir. Ameliyatta, sinire binen baskıyı azaltmak için sıkışan sinirin çevresindeki yumuşak dokudan bir kısmı çıkarılabilir.

Nerve compression is a common health problem. A pinched nerve occurs when there is weight on the nerve for various reasons. This can cause problems with the function of the nerve. Multiple causes such as herniated discs, problems with sitting posture and posture, distress and genetic factors can be listed in the occurrence of nerve compression. The most important of these is stress. Therefore, timely detection of a pinched nerve helps to heal the condition.

What are the Types of Nerve Compression?

Nerve compression is defined as a condition that occurs when a nerve cell creates pressure on structures such as bone or cartilage. After the pressure, nerve functions are damaged and symptoms such as severe pain, tingling, numbness or weakness are observed.
There are several types of nerve compression. We can list the most common types of nerve compression as follows;
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: It is known as a commonly occurring nerve compression. It occurs as a result of compression around the wrist of the person. It spreads from the parts on the upper arm to the finger at the beginning. The passage through the wrist area occurs through a tissue called the carpal tunnel . As a result of the formation of edema in the wrist, it causes an external pressure on the nerve progressing through the tunnel and this event ends with the development of carpal tunnel syndromeover time.
Meralgia Paresthetica : If the "lateral femoral cutaneous nerve", which is located in the hip bone and contains sensory fibers, is compressed in the lower parts, nerve compression occurs. In this case, there is usually significant pain and loss of sensation on the outside of the lateral side of the thigh. These symptoms occur mainly in one area.

What are the symptoms of nerve compression?

Symptoms that occur as a result ofnerve compression may differ according to the affected parts. Nerve compression in the neck generally manifests itself in the form of pain in the shoulder area. In addition to pain, many other symptoms can be observed. We can list these symptoms as follows;

  • Pain in the neck and shoulder area
  • Change in the rate of increase in pain
  • Mild numbness in the hand and fingers
  • Weakness in the muscles of the upper body
  • Loss of strength in the hands, arms and back

Carpal tunnel syndrome, a common nerve compression disorder, is less common in men. With the development of this condition, severe pain, especially at night, can be a symptom. In addition to pain, tingling, weakness or different situations related to movements such as holding objects can be other symptoms of the condition.

What Causes Nerve Compression?

Nerve compression is characterized by recurring injuries. These injuries are generally determined by the work of the individual and the conditions of the working environment. For example, the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndromemay be high in jobs where computer use is continuous.
Except for repetitive situations, processes such as sudden strain or fracture of the bone can put pressure on the nerves and cause an increase in nerve compression.
All these differences affect the nerves negatively and make them dysfunctional. After the condition, problems such as pain, tingling and loss of function may occur. We can list the reasons that are effective in the formation of nerve compression as follows;

  • Diabetes
  • Joint inflammation
  • Pressure caused by masses or cysts
  • Pregnancy or perimenopause
  • Chronic discomfort due to adiposity
  • Prenatal (congenital) deformities
  • Mental disorders

How to treat a pinched nerve?

Nerve compression treatment is performed after consulting a specialist. Treatment is basically divided into 2 main groups: surgical and non-surgical methods. Non-surgical treatments include medication, lifestyle changes and physical therapy. Avoiding behaviors that support severe pain, creating appropriate working conditions at home and in the workplace, or choosing jobs with different assignments other than those that cause increased problems are the differences to be applied to keep nerve compression under control. Reducing body mass can contribute to the solution of problems in nerve compression caused by causes such as chronic disorders due to adiposity.
Physical therapy methods contribute to increasing flexibility, endurance and range of motion in the painful parts of the person. With these methods, symptoms such as pain and tingling may improve. In some cases of nerve compression in the arms and shoulders, some movements can be made without realizing it while sleeping, and splint application can contribute to prevent these challenging movements. Painkillers, antipyretics and antipyretics that are prescribed and used with the doctor's recommendation are among the medications. These medications contribute to the relief of edema and suppression of inflammation in the part where the nerves are pressed.
In advanced cases that do not achieve results in treatment methods that do not require surgery, surgeries that provide different regional comfort can be applied. In these applications, the affected nerve and the affected part are determined and a certain part of the soft structure in this area can be removed to reduce the pressure on the nerves.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 June 2022
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