What is Kumquat (Kumquat)? What are the Benefits?

What is Kumquat (Kumquat)? What are the Benefits?

Content Summary

Kumkuat, üzümden biraz daha büyük, portakal benzeri bir yapıya sahip bir meyvedir. Omega-3 yağ asitleri de dahil olmak üzere sağlıklı yağlar içeren çekirdekleri vardır. Bağışıklık ve sindirim sistemini güçlendirir, antioksidan özellikleriyle rahatsızlıkları ve hastalıkları önler, göz sağlığını destekler ve bağırsak sağlığını korur. Ayrıca kilo vermek isteyen kişilerin beslenme programlarına sağlıklı bir atıştırmalık olarak ekleyebileceği bir meyvedir. Kalp sağlığını koruyarak, damarlardaki yağ birikimini azaltır ve yüksek tansiyon, felç ve kalp yetmezliği riskini düşürür. Yüksek C vitamini, lif ve antioksidan içeriğiyle bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir ve çeşitli enfeksiyonlarla savaşır. Lif açısından zengin içeriğiyle sindirim sorunlarını iyileştirmeye yardımcı olur, kabızlık, şişkinlik ve gaz gibi sorunları azaltır. A vitamini sayesinde göz sağlığını destekler ve katarakt riskini azaltır. C vitamini ve kalsiyum içeriğiyle kemik sağlığını iyileştirir ve osteoporoz riskini düşürür. C vitamini içeriği stresi azaltmaya ve ruh halini düzenlemeye yardımcı olur. Yüksek lif oranıyla tokluk hissi sağlar ve kilo alımını önler. Ancak aşırı tüketimi sindirim sorunlarına ve alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabilir, bu nedenle orta düzeyde tüketilmelidir. Yaklaşık 100 gram kumkuat 70 kalori, 16 gram karbonhidrat, 2 gram protein, 1 gram yağ, 7 gram lif, günlük ihtiyacın %6'sı A vitamini, 44 mg C vitamini, 62 mg kalsiyum ve 20 mg magnezyum içerir. Yuvarlak, oval, Meiwa, Hong Kong ve Jiangsu olmak üzere çeşitli kumkuat türleri mevcuttur.

The fruit, also calledkumquat or kumquat , belongs to the citrus family. The structure of the fruit, which also means golden tangerine, is a citrus fruit that resembles an orange, is slightly larger than a grape and has an oval shape. It grows mostly in warm places and is resistant and strong against cold. It has a slightly sour and sweet flavor. It contains high amounts of water, Vitamin C and fiber. It can also be consumed with its peel.

The fruit grown on kumquat trees is slightly larger than grapes and has an orange-like structure. It provides many benefits to the body and human health with its nutrients and properties. It contains healthy fats such as Omega-3 fatty acids in its seeds. Strengthens the immune system and digestive system. With its antioxidant properties, it prevents discomfort and diseases that may occur, supports eye health and protects and strengthens intestinal health. It is also a fruit that people who want to lose weight can add to their nutrition programs as a healthy snack.

What are the Benefits of Kumquat?

With its antioxidant properties, it regulates the functional structure of the intestines, keeps the immune system strong and creates a preventive wall against diseases. It is also effective in weight management. Kumquat (kumquat) benefits can be listed as follows:

Protects and Strengthens Heart Health
High amounts of Vitamin C, fiber and antioxidant properties reduce the accumulation of fat in the arteries. Reduces the risk of heart failure, stroke, stroke and high blood pressure.

Strengthens the Immune System
Citrus fruits support the immune system due to the presence of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. Other antioxidants such as flavonoids also boost immunity. In addition to antioxidants, the fruit has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that fight various infections and diseases.

Supports the Digestive System
It has an effective feature in healing stomach problems. Fruit rich in fiber; It is effective in reducing and eliminating problems such as gas, indigestion, constipation, bloating and stomach cramps. It contributes to the functionality of the intestines.

Provides Eye Health Benefits
The Vitamin A feature in the fruit prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body. It also supports the eye health of the person thanks to this vitamin. By reducing the risk of cataracts, it removes factors that can trigger vision loss from the body.

Strengthens Bones and Improves Bone Health
Kumquat fruit contains plenty of Vitamin C and calcium. Vitamin C significantly reduces the risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Acid-containing foods and foods reduce the amount of calcium in the bones, damaging bone health and increasing the risk of disease. Kumquat fruit is therefore effective against conditions such as bone resorption.

Regulates Mood Disorders
Some studies report that foods rich in Vitamin C can improve stress and similar psychological disorders and promote sleep patterns. Having an antidepressant-like effect, it helps to improve mental health and regulate mood disorders by reducing conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress.

Prevents Weight Gain and Obesity
It prolongs the satiety period with its high amount of fiber. It reduces the risk of weight gain by preventing fat formation in the body.

What are Kumquat (Kumquat) Harms and Side Effects?

As with all nutrients and foods, excessive consumption of this food can cause some negative consequences. Different complications can develop when consumed too much and uncontrolled. People who consume too much of this fruit due to its fiber content may experience digestive system problems, indigestion, constipation, gas or bloating. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation and in moderation. You may also experience allergic reaction conditions, as can be seen in some foods. In order to prevent allergy conditions, you should get support from a specialist.

What are Kumquat (Kumquat) Types?

In terms of color, shape and taste, there are 6 different varieties and types of this fruit. Kumquat (Kumquat) varieties can be listed as follows:

  • Round Kumquat
  • Oval Kumquat
  • Meiwa Kumquat
  • Hong Kong Kumquat
  • Jiangsu Kumquat

What are Kumquat (Kumquat) Nutritional Values?

Kumquat is a fruit with many benefits and benefits for human health and body health. The nutritional values of the fruit, which contains high amounts of Vitamin C and fiber and is very useful, are as follows in about 100 grams:

Calories: 70
Carbohydrate 16 grams
Protein 2 grams
Fat 1 gram
Fiber: 7 grams
Vitamin A 6% of daily requirement
Vitamin C 44 Mg
Calcium: 62 Mg
Magnesium: 20 Mg

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At02 February 2023
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