What is Good for Headache?

What is Good for Headache?

Content Summary

Baş ağrısı, doğal ve basit yöntemlerle evde hafifletilebilir ve giderilebilir; ancak ağrı çok şiddetli hale gelirse uzman bir hekime danışılmalıdır. Baş ağrısına iyi gelen pratik yöntemler arasında bol su içmek (dehidratasyon baş ağrısına neden olabilir), soğuk kompres uygulamak, temiz hava almak ve egzersiz yapmak yer alır. Alkol ve sigara tüketiminden kaçınılmalı, kafein ise ölçülü tüketilmelidir. Nane ve limon kokuları baş ağrısını hafifletebilir. Akupunktur, belirli noktalara basınç uygulamak ve masaj (kaşlar arası, gözlerin ortası, boyun, şakaklar ve alın) da baş ağrısını hafifletmeye yardımcı olabilir. Migren tipi baş ağrılarında ise karanlık ve sessiz bir ortamda dinlenmek önerilir. Baş ağrılarının türleri arasında gerilim tipi, küme tipi, migren ve gök gürültüsü baş ağrısı bulunur ve her birinin farklı nedenleri ve tedavi yöntemleri vardır. Tedavi, nörolog tarafından belirlenir ve ilaç tedavilerinin yanı sıra elektriksel stimülasyon, biofeedback ve çok disiplinli bir yaklaşım (nörolog, psikiyatrist, psikolog, fizik tedavi ve diyetisyen) içerebilir. Düzenli egzersiz ve beslenme de önemlidir.

Headaches can sometimes be caused by stress, or severe headaches can bring a person's daily life almost to a standstill. Headaches may be of psychological origin from time to time, as well as symptoms of neurological disorders. However, it should not be forgotten that this condition is characterized as a disease and is a disorder with its own varieties.

Headache can be alleviated and relieved at home with natural and simple methods. However, if the pain becomes very severe, a specialist should be consulted. We can list the practical methods that are good for headache as follows;
Water consumption: Consumption of plenty of water helps to relieve and relieve pain. A dehydrated body can cause headache. Therefore, when pain is experienced, water should be consumed before painkillers. It should not be forgotten that an average of two liters of water to be drunk daily has a protective effect on body health. Taking a shower also relaxes the body and the shower has the ability to relieve and relieve headaches.
Cold compress It can be useful to apply a cold compress to relieve the pain. When a wet cloth or ice pack is placed on the head, the headache can go away.
Taking oxygen: Getting fresh air and ventilating the environment well is good for headache as it provides oxygen intake to the head. It will be very useful to go outdoors when you have a headache. If possible, walking can also be recommended.
Avoiding alcohol and smoking: Smoking can cause pain in the head, so not smoking will be good for headaches. Alcohol causes a lot of headache, especially the next day. If alcohol is not taken, pain is not experienced. The myth that drinking alcohol when you have a headache relieves pain is also not true.
Caffeine consumption: A cup of Turkish coffee will relieve the pain. However, as with everything else, caffeine should not be overdone. Intense odors can trigger pain. It is recommended to avoid perfume products. Apart from that, the smell of mint and lemon relieves pain and opens the head. It can also be added to the water you drink.
Also; acupuncture is known to relieve pain. Pressure and massage on some special points on the body reduces the pain in the head. These points are between the two eyebrows and in the center of the two eyes. It may be possible to relieve and relieve mild or severe headaches by massaging the neck, temples and forehead. If the headache is of the migraine type, it is recommended to sleep in a dark and quiet room. Because during migraine, the individual becomes very sensitive and a dark, quiet environment has a migraine-relieving effect.

What are the Types of Headache?

If headaches are not caused by an underlying health problem and occur with a direct pain picture, this is called primary headache. Common types are migraine, tension-type and cluster headache. There are many types of headache;
Tension-type headache: It is common in the afternoons and may initially respond to painkillers but may later become unresponsive. In patients who take painkillers for a long time, stomach and kidney diseases may occur due to painkillers. Therefore, it is recommended to treat this type of pain with specific treatment approaches rather than painkillers. These may include medication to reduce tension and anxiety, relaxation exercises and psychotherapy.
Cluster headache: It usually presents as a severe pain behind the eyes. The pain usually comes in attacks lasting days, meaning it tends to cluster at certain times. It may be accompanied by eye redness and tearing.
Migraine: Migraine is also a very common disease in the society. It usually causes one-sided and throbbing pain. It may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraine pain can be very severe and can lead to serious decreases in school and work performance. Special painkillers called triptans can be used in the treatment of migraine. However, if the person has frequent attacks and these attacks cause problems in work, school and family life, special migraine medications can be used. These medications are blood pressure medications called beta-blockers and anti-epileptics called epilepsy medications.
Thunder Headache: It is a type of pain that occurs suddenly and is sudden and severe. It manifests itself insidiously without any warning signs and lasts for about 5 minutes. It is especially related to the blood vessels in the brain and occurs due to problems that need to be treated as soon as possible.
High blood pressure headache: This is severe pain associated with high blood pressure and must be kept under control. Headache due to high blood pressure is usually characterized by pain in the nape of the neck. It is associated with an increase in blood pressure.

What are the Causes of Headache?

The causes of pain vary according to its form. For example; in primary headaches, in genetically predisposed individuals, environmental factors create an activation in the brain. This activation causes dilation in the brain vessels and chemical substances are released. These stimulate the nerves and pain occurs.
Various causes can be seen under the secondary type of headache. For example; inflammation, wear and tear in blood vessels, tumors, high blood pressure are just a few of the causes. Therefore, it is very important to determine the cause of this type of pain. In addition, headaches can also be observed in women during menstruation. Apart from this, stress also has a significant effect.

Headache Treatment

It is a neurological problem and a treatment plan is made by a neurologist. Today, there are many drug treatments with proven efficacy in headache. In addition, recent studies have revealed that electrical stimulation of the head with direct current is an effective treatment for migraine. In the studies conducted, headache can be treated at a good rate by teaching the person methods of controlling his/her own body.
For this reason, new treatment methods that have been scientifically proven are used. In addition to classical treatments, the latest and up-to-date treatment methods such as brain stimulation and biofeedback are applied. Neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists should work together in the treatment. A multidisciplinary treatment method should be applied to the patient. Because these pains and their types can be caused by many psychological disorders and stress, as well as mental problems can cause headaches and related headache types.
Regular exercise and regular nutrition are very important. Regular exercise and regular nutrition are often recommended in the treatment of headache types. In order to get rid of headaches and related headache types, people should organize their lives accordingly.
In the treatment, departments such as neurosurgery, dietitian and physiotherapy are consulted according to the type of your headache. For example, if your headache is due to a pinched nerve, the neurosurgery team can eliminate the pain with a simple intervention on this nerve. Some of our patients' headaches may be caused by the foods they eat and drink. Especially the pain of migraine patients can be triggered by alcohol, chocolate, processed foods and cheese. Finding and eliminating these foods from the diet can lead to a significant reduction in pain. In addition, physical therapy can be applied especially in musculoskeletal pain, for example in headaches caused by "calcification" in the neck.

What is good for headache?

Headache can be alleviated and relieved at home with natural and simple methods. However, if the pain becomes very severe, a specialist should be consulted. We can list the practical methods that are good for headache as follows;
Water consumption: Consumption of plenty of water helps to relieve and relieve pain. A dehydrated body can cause headache. Therefore, when pain is experienced, water should be consumed before painkillers. It should not be forgotten that an average of two liters of water to be drunk daily has a protective effect on body health. Taking a shower also relaxes the body and the shower has the ability to relieve and relieve headaches.
Cold compress It can be useful to apply a cold compress to relieve the pain. When a wet cloth or ice pack is placed on the head, the headache can go away.
Taking oxygen: Getting fresh air and ventilating the environment well is good for headache as it provides oxygen intake to the head. It will be very useful to go outdoors when you have a headache. If possible, walking can also be recommended.
Avoiding alcohol and smoking: Smoking can cause pain in the head, so not smoking will be good for headache. Alcohol causes a lot of headache, especially the next day. If alcohol is not taken, pain is not experienced. The myth that drinking alcohol when you have a headache will relieve the pain is also not true.
Caffeine consumption: A cup of Turkish coffee will relieve the pain. However, as with everything else, caffeine should not be overdone. Intense odors can trigger pain. It is recommended to avoid perfume products. Apart from that, the smell of mint and lemon relieves pain and opens the head. It can also be added to the water you drink.
Also; acupuncture is known to relieve pain. Pressure and massage on some special points on the body reduces the pain in the head. These points are between the two eyebrows and in the center of the two eyes. It may be possible to relieve and relieve mild or severe headaches by massaging the neck, temples and forehead. If the headache is of the migraine type, it is recommended to sleep in a dark and quiet room. Because the individual becomes very sensitive during migraine and a dark, quiet environment has a migraine-relieving effect.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 May 2023
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