What is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)?

What is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)?

Content Summary

Endometriozis, rahim dışındaki farklı bir yerde rahim iç tabakasının (endometriyum) büyümesiyle oluşan ağrılı bir hastalıktır. Tanı için laparoskopik yöntem kullanılır; bu yöntem, karın boşluğunun kamera yardımıyla göbek deliğinden girilerek incelenmesini içerir. Hastalığın kesin nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte, genetik faktörler ve ters yönde adet görme gibi durumlar risk faktörleri arasında yer alır. Belirtiler arasında şiddetli adet ağrısı, cinsel ilişki sonrası ağrı, bağırsak ve idrar yolu ağrısı, infertilite, yorgunluk, kabızlık, şişkinlik, bulantı, kusma ve ishal sayılabilir. Ağrı şiddeti hastalığın ciddiyetini yansıtmaz. Tanı, pelvik muayene, ultrason, MR ve laparoskopi gibi yöntemlerle konulur. Tedavi, ağrı kesiciler ve hormon tedavisi gibi ilaçlar veya laparoskopik cerrahi ile yapılır. Hormon tedavisi ağrıyı azaltır ancak kalıcı bir çözüm değildir. Yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri (egzersiz, kafein ve alkol tüketiminin azaltılması, vücut yağ oranının düşürülmesi) de semptomları kontrol etmeye yardımcı olabilir.

Endometriosis, also known as chocolate cyst, is a chronic disease in women. It is characterized in areas outside the uterus, such as the ovary, fallopian tube or abdominal cavity. The menstrual cycle occurs as a result of improper positioning of the endometrial tissue. If it is located in the ovaries, it affects the quality of the ovaries and impairs the function of the fallopian tubes. Mild symptoms and ignoring the symptoms can lead to infertility.

It is a painful disease that occurs when the endometrium layer in the uterus grows in a different place outside the uterus. In order to diagnose the disease and reach definitive results, laparoscopic method is used in treatment and diagnosis. This method involves entering through the belly button with the help of a camera and examining the abdomen.

What Causes Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)?

Although the cause of the disease is not known for certain, there are some factors that are suspected and thought to cause chronic disease. These include genetic factors, some situations such as menstruation in the opposite direction. The factors that cause endometriosis disease are as follows:

Genetic Factors
The risk of developing the disease is high as a result of the disease being passed on in genes found in family members. It affects some ethnic origins more. The likelihood of this condition, which is included in the disease history of the individual's family, is higher than other people.

Presence of Reverse Menstruation
With menstrual bleeding, the endometrium layer of the uterus is expelled through the vagina. In cases of reverse bleeding, the tissue can settle in the abdominal cavity and different organs and cause disease.
A decrease in the body's resistance to diseases and infections due to immune system problems can also play a role in the development of the disease.
Through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system, endometrial cells can spread to different parts of the body and settle in different organs.
The lymphatic system consists of tubes and glands as part of the immune system. However, the above information has not been proven to be the exact cause of the disease.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis (chocolate cyst)?

One of the symptoms of a chocolate cyst is groin pain, which is often associated with and characterized by menstrual periods. During menstrual periods when most women feel pain, women with the disease experience even more severe pain and the intensity may increase over time. Symptoms of endometriosis include

  • Experiencing severe pain during menstrual periods
  • Pain during or after sexual intercourse
  • Pain during defecation or urination
  • Occurrence in people receiving medical assistance for infertility
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Constipation and bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea

The level of pain does not give a clear information about the condition of the disease. Mild illnesses can cause severe pain and vice versa.
There are also some conditions that the disease is confused with. For this reason, it is important that the diagnosis is made by specialized and trained doctors in terms of the health of the person and treatment methods.

How is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst) Diagnosed?

In order to diagnose the disease, you should see a specialist doctor and give detailed answers to the questions the doctor may ask. The doctor may ask about complaints about the disease and medical history. These questions are important for diagnosis and some tests may be performed to check physical conditions.
Together with a number of tests, imaging methods and a physical examination, a diagnosis is made and the disease is diagnosed. Diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of endometriosis are as follows:

Pelvic Examination: Also known as gynecological examination, this examination is performed to detect abnormal conditions in the reproductive organs and cystic structures formed due to the disease.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound, one of the imaging techniques, can be performed for the best examination of the reproductive organs.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): With this imaging method, organs and tissues are examined in detail. The method, which helps in diagnosis and surgical planning, provides information about the location and size of tissues located outside the uterus.

Laparoscopy: This method is surgical and is performed under general anesthesia. It is performed through a small incision made through the belly button and with the help of a lighted camera inserted through this incision.

How is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst) Treatment Performed?

Endometriosis can be treated with medication or surgical intervention as deemed necessary by the doctor. In some cases, medication and surgery may need to proceed at the same time. Medications are tested before treatment. If there is no success, surgical treatment option is considered.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed by the specialist to relieve pain and cramps during menstrual periods. Women who do not plan to become pregnant can be given hormone therapy along with painkillers. Hormone supplementation is effective in reducing or eliminating the pain caused by the disease.
During menstrual periods, the hormones produced in the body first rise and then fall, which can cause thickening, disintegration and bleeding in the endometrial tissues. This can be prevented with hormone supplementation. However, it is not a permanent solution. If treatment is stopped, symptoms may return.
Hormone therapy is not recommended for women considering pregnancy. In this case, surgical method is preferred and mostly laparoscopic method is applied. Through an incision made in the belly button and with the help of a lighted camera, the cyst site is identified and the cyst tissue is removed.
In order to control the symptoms of the disease, it is also important to change one's diet and lifestyle habits. It is observed that the estrogen hormone secreted in the body damages and thickens the endometrial tissue. Therefore, reducing the level of this hormone is important for the treatment of chocolate cyst disease. The person should exercise regularly, reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption and reduce body fat.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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