What is Dry Eye? What is Good for Dry Eye?

What is Dry Eye? What is Good for Dry Eye?

Content Summary

Kuru göz, gözyaşlarının yeterli nemlendirmeyi sağlamadığı yaygın bir rahatsızlıktır. Kuru hava (iklim koşulları, kapalı ortamlar, araç klimaları), yaş, bazı ilaçların yan etkileri, uzun süreli kontakt lens kullanımı, tıbbi durumlar, alerjiler ve gözyaşı üretiminin azalması (yaşlılık, diyabet, romatoid artrit, tiroid sorunları, A vitamini eksikliği, lazer göz ameliyatı, iltihaplanma veya radyasyon kaynaklı gözyaşı bezi hasarı gibi faktörlerden kaynaklanabilir) kuru göze neden olabilir. Belirtiler arasında batma, yanma, kaşıntı, gözlerde veya çevresinde ipliksi mukus birikmesi, güneşe veya farklı ışığa karşı hassasiyet, göz kızarıklığı, gözde cisim varmış hissi, lens kullanımında zorluk, gece araba sürmede zorluk, sulu gözler, bulanık görme ve gözlerde yorgunluk hissi yer alır. Tedavi yöntemleri arasında ortam havasının nemlendirilmesi (örneğin, ıslak bir havluyu kalorifere koymak), omega-3 tüketimi, doktor tarafından önerilen yapay gözyaşı damlaları ve gözlerin dinlendirilmesi yer alır. Göz kapağı iltihabı veya kornea iltihabı durumunda antibiyotik tedavisi gerekebilir. Erken teşhis ve tedavi, kronikleşmeyi önlemek için önemlidir.

Dry eye is a condition in which the layer that protects the front part of the eye and keeps it wet is missing or irregular. This layer protects the eye from many microorganisms and external factors (such as dust, sand, wind). Dryness in the eye can occur due to some problems in this layer. For this reason, necessary controls and precautions should be taken for eye health.

Dry eye is a very common condition that can occur when tears cannot provide the moisturizing they need to provide. There are many reasons such as dry air, especially due to climatic conditions, people being in closed and stuffy environments, air conditioners in cars drying the air in the environment. The measures that should be taken against such situations and are good for dry eye are as follows:
Humidification of Ambient Air
Air humidity is important in preventing dry eyes. Especially air conditioning, dry air in shopping malls, heaters, work environment, working on the computer for a long time and continental climate cause dry air. Moisturizing the eye surface and keeping it healthy depends on many conditions. There are many different methods to moisturize the environment. In the home environment, a large towel can be wetted and placed on the heater. It is especially important for people who work remotely to moisturize their rooms.
Omega 3 Consumption
The fatty layer of the tear is also important for a healthy eye. This secretion causes lubrication and slows down evaporation. It is very important for people to consume omega 3 for healthy secretion. Vitamins with omega 3 content or consumption of foods containing omega 3 is very useful in this respect.
Artificial Tear Drops
There are artificial tear drops recommended by a doctor for temporary problems. The person should be examined by a specialist before taking them and should take them on the advice of a doctor. These drops cause the eye to get wet and moist.

What are the Symptoms of Dry Eye?

Symptoms of dry eye are mostly similar. It mostly affects both eyes. In some people, it can rarely be seen in one eye, but not in the other eye. Common symptoms of dry eye are as follows:

  • Stinging, burning or itching
  • Fibrous mucus accumulation in or around the eyes
  • Sensitivity and sensitivity to the sun or different lights
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Feeling like there is an object in the eyes
  • Difficulty in lens use
  • Inability to drive at night and focus on the road
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurred vision and a feeling of fatigue in the eyes

Most people have similar symptoms. However, these symptoms do not always occur in people with dry eye. If symptoms are seen and complaints begin in the person, it should be treated immediately. In cases where it is not treated, the quality of life of the person decreases and there is a possibility of permanence.

Why Does Dry Eye Occur?

There are many answers to the question "Why does dry eye occur?". With advancing age, the amount of tears decreases over time. This can cause dry eye.
In addition, side effects after the use of certain medications can cause this condition. Long-term use of contact lenses is among the causes of this condition. In addition, while some medical conditions and allergies can cause this condition, the main cause is the lack of tears.
In some people, this is due to a lack of tear production. This can be caused by factors such as advanced age, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid problems and vitamin A deficiency. In addition, previous laser eye surgery, inflammation or radiation-induced tear gland damage can also cause dry eyes. Not opening and closing the eyes for a long time while using the computer or watching television for a long time can cause temporary dry eyes.
In addition; Antihistamine drugs, Decongestants drugs, Hormone replacement therapy, Antidepressants, high blood pressure medications, birth control pills and drugs used in Parkinson's treatment can also cause dry eyes.

How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

There are a number of tests and procedures that can be applied to determine the cause of this problem and to make a diagnosis. The most recommended and preferred of these is a comprehensive eye examination. After the examination, the cause of this condition is usually determined.
The amount of tears is determined by a test performed by a specialist. In addition, tear quality is also determined with a different test. Thus, the factors causing this condition are determined and the treatment process deemed necessary by the specialist begins.

What are the Treatment Methods for Dry Eye?

Among the most frequently asked questions for this condition, which is very common today, is the question "What is good for dry eye?". Paying attention to air currents caused by air conditioners and fans used due to the heat experienced especially in summer periods can prevent this situation. However, using sunglasses in sunny weather protects the eye and prevents this condition from occurring.
Air conditioners and heaters in homes during winter periods can dry the air in the environment and cause this condition. In order to prevent such situations, devices that humidify the environment can be used or water can be placed on the heating radiators to humidify the air.
Reading books frequently, using the computer too much and watching television for a long time can tire the eyes and cause them to dry out. Since the eyes need rest, take breaks and rest for a while.
In addition to these, the specialist may recommend antibiotic drops or oral antibiotics for eyelid inflammation, which is among the different causes. Antibiotic treatment can also be applied in case of inflammation in the cornea.
If you or your relatives have symptoms and complaints, you should be examined immediately. Otherwise, it may become chronic and turn into a problem that needs to be treated for a long time.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 October 2022
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