What is Dopamine? What Does It Do?

What is Dopamine? What Does It Do?

Content Summary

Dopamin, bir nörotransmitter türü olan bir kimyasaldır ve mutluluk hormonları sağlar; vücuttaki birçok hayati fonksiyonda önemli bir rol oynar. Hareket koordinasyonunu destekler, hafıza ve öğrenmeyi etkiler, odaklanma ve dikkati iyileştirir, ödül ve motivasyonu etkiler, yaratıcılığı ve algıyı geliştirir ve uykuyu etkiler. Ayrıca kan damarlarını gevşetir, pankreasta insülin üretimini azaltır, sindirim sistemini düzenler ve korur ve bağışıklık sistemindeki lenfosit seviyelerini dengeler. Dopamin eksikliği, uykusuzluk, yorgunluk, mutsuzluk, düşük libido, titreme, kilo değişikliği, kas krampları, düşük enerji, hafıza kaybı ve konsantrasyon problemleri gibi semptomlara yol açabilir. Dopamin fazlalığı ise yüksek enerji, agresivite, aşırı kaygı, stres, yüksek libido, hiperaktivite ve uykusuzluk gibi semptomlara yol açabilir. Dopamin seviyelerindeki anormallikler Parkinson hastalığı, DEHB ve şizofreni gibi hastalıklarla ilişkilendirilmiştir. Dopamin eksikliğinin tedavisi için protein açısından zengin beslenme, doymuş yağ içermeyen gıdalar tüketmek, düzenli egzersiz yapmak, uyku düzenini oluşturmak, meditasyon, yoga, masaj, evcil hayvanla oynamak, doğada yürüyüş yapmak veya kitap okumak gibi yöntemler önerilebilir.

Dopamine is a chemical substance in the brain that transmits signals to the brain and is involved in many functions in the body, including motivation, mood, attention, memory and learning. It also acts as a hormone and has a direct effect on the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord. High or low levels of dopamine are associated with diseases such as Parkinson's disease, restless leg syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

This chemical, which is a type of neurotransmitter, provides happiness hormones and plays an important role in many vital functions. A neurotransmitter is a chemical substance that transmits signals in the body. It also acts as a hormone. The brain releases it when it expects an internal or external reward.

What is the role of dopamine in the body?

It is a chemical that plays a role in many bodily functions and is seen in important parts of human life. It affects everything from the way we think and act to the way we remember and behave. However, it provides different experiences from person to person. As a neurotransmitter, it is associated with

  • Supports coordination of movement
  • Impact on memory and learning
  • Effective for focus and attention
  • Affects reward and motivation
  • Enhances creativity and perception
  • Has an effect on sleep

It is released into the circulation as a hormone. It plays a minor role in the "fight or flight" syndrome. The fight or flight response refers to the body's reaction to a perceived or real stressful situation, such as the need to escape danger.
In addition to these, the benefits it provides are as follows;

  • Provides relaxation of blood vessels
  • Reduces insulin production in the pancreas
  • Regulates and protects the digestive system
  • Balances the level of lymphocytes in the immune system

What are Serotonin and Dopamine?

They are chemicals that play important roles in many functions in the brain and body. They are also known as chemicals that transmit signals to the brain. They are often referred to together because they have similar functions. The levels of these chemicals should be normal.

Since they are effective in brain and body functions, many physical signs, symptoms and psychological problems can be experienced in case of deficiency. When these substances are at normal levels, people are motivated and feel happy. They also have no problems with focus and attention. However, in cases of deficiency and high levels, some problems may occur.

What are the Symptoms of Dopamine Deficiency?

Some symptoms and signs may occur in people as a result ofdopamine deficiency . The symptoms seen in people in case of deficiency are as follows:

  • Insomnia and sleep problems
  • Feeling tired and sluggish
  • Feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness
  • Low sex drive
  • Tremors and loss of balance
  • Weight change
  • Cramps in muscles and joints
  • Low energy
  • Memory loss
  • Concentration problems

In addition, the person may feel withdrawn and emotionally negative thoughts. They may also experience stomach problems and movement coordination problems.

What is good for dopamine deficiency?

A decrease in this kind of chemical substance in the body can lead to a number of diseases and psychological problems. However, there are some applications that benefit this deficiency. These are as follows:

  • Eating a protein-based diet
  • Consuming foods that do not contain saturated fat
  • Regular sports and exercise
  • Establishing a sleep pattern
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Playing with a pet
  • Like taking a walk in nature or reading a book

What are the Symptoms of Dopamine Excess?

In addition to the complaints observed during the deficiency of the chemical, which has a direct effect on the central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord, there may be many different conditions in cases of excess, that is, high levels. Conditions that may occur as a result of excess dopamine are as follows:

  • High energy
  • Aggressiveness
  • Excessive anxiety
  • Stress
  • High sex drive
  • Hyperactivity
  • Insomnia

While high levels of dopamine can increase concentration, energy, sex drive and the ability to focus, it can also lead to competitive and aggressive behavior. It can also cause symptoms such as anxiety, trouble sleeping and stress.

Diseases Associated with Dopamine Levels

There are many diseases associated with dopamine levels. In cases of dopamine disorders, neurocognitive functions related to memory, attention and problem solving may decline, while many psychological problems may also develop.

Abnormal levels of hormones can lead to a number of health problems and mental health disorders. These diseases can be listed as follows:

Parkinson's Disease
Disorders in the production of the hormone, which sends signals to nerve cells in the brain to help them communicate and coordinate movement, can cause Parkinson's disease. Some physical symptoms can be experienced as a result of the disease and the lack of the hormone.

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Research has shown that people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder experience dopamine impairment in relation to symptoms of inattention and impulsivity.

Some symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions and hallucinations, can be caused by too much dopamine in certain parts of the brain, while other symptoms are caused by not enough of the hormone in a different part of the brain.
In addition to these, other diseases that occur as a result of dopamine disorder are as follows:

  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Dependency
  • Anxiety

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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