What is Adenovirus? What are the Symptoms of Adenovirus?

What is Adenovirus? What are the Symptoms of Adenovirus?

Content Summary

Adenovirüs enfeksiyonu, solunum ve sindirim sistemini etkileyen, ateş, öksürük, burun akıntısı, boğaz ağrısı, göz sulanması, cilt döküntüsü, ishal ve mesane enfeksiyonu gibi semptomlara neden olan bir virüs enfeksiyonudur. Bulaşma, enfekte kişilerle temas, öksürme, hapşırma, ortak eşyalara dokunma, kalabalık ortamlarda bulunma (örneğin yüzme havuzları, kreşler, yurtlar, hastaneler) ve zayıf bağışıklık sistemine sahip kişilerle temas yoluyla olur. Belirtiler genellikle grip veya nezle benzeri olup, bazı durumlarda konjunktivit (pembe göz), bronşit, pnömoni, mide veya bağırsak iltihabına da yol açabilir. Tanı, tıbbi öykü, fizik muayene ve antijen testi veya PCR testi gibi laboratuvar testleri ile konur. Spesifik bir tedavi yoktur; ancak semptomlar hafifse istirahat, izolasyon, iyi hijyen ve bol sıvı tüketimi önerilir. Şiddetli semptomlarda ise doktor tarafından reçete edilen ilaçlar kullanılabilir. Belirtilere bağlı olarak yapay göz damlası, nemlendirici veya solunum yollarını açan ilaçlar da önerilebilir.

Adenovirus is a group of viruses that can cause mild or severe infections in the body. The most common area of the body affected by this type of virus infection is the respiratory system. Infections can cause cold or flu-like symptoms. Infections are often mild and treatment is usually aimed at improving symptoms and signs.

Such viruses and infections mostly affect the respiratory tract or the intestinal tract. They can cause symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose and eyes, headache, fever and cough. In some cases, croup or bronchitis may occur, while others may have skin rashes, diarrhea and bladder infections.

How is adenovirus transmitted?

Adenovirus infection can be transmitted in different ways. The most common way of transmission is not washing hands after contact with the infected person and contact with the mouth and eye area. Commonly known transmission routes are as follows:

  • Contact with an infected person
  • Coughing and sneezing of the infected patient
  • Touching the patient's contact object or area and not washing hands
  • Being in public areas such as swimming pools
  • Contact with the virus by people with weak immune systems
  • Transmission to children after contact of an infected person with children

What are the Symptoms of Adenovirus Infection?

Infections can often cause flu-like or cold-like symptoms, fever or sore throat. It can also cause diseases such as red eyes, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung infection and inflammation of the stomach or intestines. in addition, Adenovirus symptoms can be listed as follows.

  • Cough
  • Fire
  • Runny nose
  • Pharyngitis (sore throat)
  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
  • Middle ear inflammation (ear infection)
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Pneumonia and bronchitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal tenderness and swelling

Who Can Get Adenovirus Infection?

Adenovirus infection can be seen in all age groups. However, it is usually common in children under 5 years of age. It spreads to babies and children mostly in environments such as nurseries or kindergartens. It is more likely to spread in children who are in close contact with each other in these environments.
In adults, its occurrence and transmission can occur in crowded environments. Living in crowded places such as dormitories increases the risk of contracting the virus. It can also spread widely in hospitals and nursing homes.
People with a weakened immune system are more likely to catch this type of virus. People with cancer or HIV/AIDS are also at high risk of infection. People with heart or respiratory diseases are also more likely to be infected.

How is adenovirus diagnosed?

People who see a specialist doctor with suspicion of infection symptoms are asked some questions by the doctor to understand their medical history and complaints. The person is then examined and a laboratory test may be required to identify the viruses. The disease is diagnosed as a result of the tests. For adenovirus diagnosis methods, antigen test, polymerase chain reaction, also known as PCR test, which determines the viral genetic material, can also be performed.

Adenovirus Infection Treatment

There is no specific treatment for adenovirus. In some cases, treatment is not needed as the infections usually cause mild symptoms and signs. In cases that require treatment, medication prescribed by a doctor is used to reduce and control symptoms.
In the absence of complications, patients are usually advised to rest, isolation, good hygiene, doctor-recommended antipyretics and plenty of fluids. In cases such as conjunctivitis, artificial tear drops may be recommended, and in cases of severe congestion or runny nose, humidifiers and medication to dilate the airways may be recommended.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 March 2023
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