What is a Boil? Why does a boil appear?

What is a Boil? Why does a boil appear?

Content Summary

Kaynama, bakteriyel bir enfeksiyon sonucu oluşan, cilt altında iltihap ve enfeksiyondan kaynaklanan, sivilce benzeri kırmızı bir şişliktir. Zayıf bağışıklık sistemi, enfekte kişilerle yakın temas, kronik hastalıklar (diyabet, HIV/AIDS), cilt hastalıkları (egzama), alerjik hastalıklara yatkınlık, yetersiz hijyen, dar giysiler ve yağlı cilt, aşırı terleme ve alkol tüketimi gibi risk faktörleri kaynama oluşumunu artırır. Kaynama, vücutta herhangi bir yerde oluşabilir ancak özellikle yüz, boyun, koltuk altı ve kalçalarda daha sık görülür. Başlangıçta hafif kızarıklık veya sivilce benzeri bir görünümle başlayan kaynama, daha sonra şişlik, yanma ve ağrıyla birlikte büyür. Sarımsı beyaz bir görünüm alır ve bağışıklık sistemi zayıf olan kişilerde kan dolaşımına girerek vücuda yayılabilir. Ateş, halsizlik ve üşüme gibi belirtiler görülebilir. Tedavi genellikle kendiliğinden patlayarak iyileşmeyi içerir ancak enfeksiyon riski nedeniyle dikkatli temizlik önemlidir. Sıcak kompresler erken evrede iyileşmeye yardımcı olabilir. Ağır vakalarda antibiyotik krem, merhem veya antiseptik solüsyon ve ağrı kesiciler reçete edilebilir. Özellikle göz, burun ve kulak çevresindeki kaynamala dikkatli olunmalıdır, çünkü beyne ulaşabilecek kadar ciddi sağlık sorunlarına yol açabilir. Sık kaynama, artan sayıda kaynama, ateş, halsizlik ve üşüme gibi belirtiler veya iki haftadan fazla süren iyileşme belirtileri görülürse hemen bir doktora danışılmalıdır. Kişisel hijyene dikkat etmek, sık temizlik yapmak ve rahat giysiler tercih etmek kaynama önlenmesine yardımcı olur.

Aboil is a painful skin disease that occurs suddenly on the skin and develops as a result of infection caused by bacteria called staphylococcus. It is a contagious infection. While it can appear anywhere on the body, it is usually seen on the face, neck, armpits, buttocks and back. While it can heal spontaneously with hot compresses and home treatments, medical treatment may be required in some cases. In cases such as squeezing or piercing, there is a risk of spreading the infection and is not recommended.

Oily skin, excessive sweating, alcohol consumption and some itchy conditions are among the factors that increase the occurrence. If seen in people with weak immune systems, it can cause serious health problems. Although it starts to form like a small pimple, it progresses and becomes a large and large mass. It is more common in men than women.

Why does a boil appear? What are the Risk Factors?

It occurs as a result of infection caused by bacteria. Infection and inflammation under the skin causes a pimple-like red lump on the skin. There are also some risk factors that cause this condition to occur. These can be listed as follows:

  • Weak immune system
  • Living or having close contact with an infected person
  • Chronic diseases (such as diabetes, HIV and AIDS)
  • Skin diseases (such as eczema)
  • Being prone to allergic diseases
  • Poor hygiene conditions
  • Choosing tight clothing

What are the symptoms of boils?

While it can occur anywhere on the body, it manifests itself with typical symptoms of infection. On the body; It can develop on the face, neck, armpits and buttocks due to sweating or friction.
Initially, thesymptoms of a boil are characterized by mild redness or pimple-like conditions. Later there may be a slight swelling and an increase in size with burning. When there is swelling on the skin, the tissue hardens and causes pain and soreness on contact.
It is usually white or yellowish in color. Pain conditions can progressively increase and spread throughout the body by getting into the bloodstream in individuals with a low immune system.
In such cases, the individual's fever may rise, weakness may occur, chills and chills may be seen, while it can be transmitted to people in close contact.

Who Has Boils Frequently?

It is especially seen in individuals with weak immune systems. However, it can also be seen in individuals with normal and strong immune systems if they do not pay attention to hygiene conditions or live in areas with poor hygiene conditions.
Since it is often seen in hairy parts of the body, it can be seen more in people with a lot of hair on their body. In addition to these, the answers to the question of who boils are common are as follows:

  • Diabetes patients
  • Elderly
  • People living in hot and humid regions
  • Obesity patients
  • Those who sweat a lot and experience friction due to weight
  • People with oily skin
  • People with kidney disease
  • People with chronic skin diseases
  • People with liver diseases

How to Prevent Boils?

The easiest and most effective method to prevent boils is to pay attention to and follow the rules of personal hygiene. The body should be cleaned during the shower and the areas that are most likely to develop should be washed well.
The risk of formation can be prevented by preferring to use machines instead of tools that can damage the skin, such as razor blades. Comfortable clothes should be preferred instead of tight and restricted clothes.
In this way, frequent sweating and abrasion of sweating areas by rubbing can be prevented. Frequent cleaning of sweating areas is also one of the measures that can be taken.

How is a boil treated?

It usually heals spontaneously by bursting. Since it may cause a new and different infection after it bursts, it should be touched using protective materials such as gloves and the area should be well cleaned. When it is recognized early, its growth can be prevented and healing can be achieved by applying hot compresses.
However, if the number of symptoms is high, if they keep increasing and if there are other symptoms that indicate a weakened immune system, the individual should definitely consult a doctor. In such cases, the specialist will listen to the patient's medical history and perform a physical examination. If the doctor deems it necessary, a number of tests and investigations may be ordered.
Boils are usuallytreated with antibiotic cream, ointment or antiseptic solution prescribed by the doctor. In cases where the pain is severe, the specialist may prescribe some painkiller creams.
During the treatment process, the person should not touch or scratch the itchy and painful areas. If irritated, it may cause infection and spread to different parts of the body.
Interventions by people, especially in places such as under the eyes, nose and ears, can cause the infection to enter the bloodstream and reach the brain and cause serious health problems.
If you frequently encounter this situation in different parts of the body, if the number of them increases around the face and ears, if you experience symptoms such as fever, weakness and chills, and if there is no improvement for at least two weeks and this situation recurs, you can contact the nearest health institutions immediately.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 December 2022
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