What happens if the pancreas does not work well?

What happens if the pancreas does not work well?

Content Summary

Pankreas, vücutta önemli bir rol oynayan büyük bir bezdir. Dış salgıları oniki parmak bağırsağına bağlanarak sindirim sisteminde görev alırken, iç salgısı olan insülin doğrudan kana karışır. Pankreas, sindirim sisteminin temel işlevlerinde yer alır ve yağ, protein ve şekerli/nişastalı besinlerin sindiriminde hayati öneme sahip dış salgılar üretir. İnsülin hormonu ise kan şekeri seviyesini düzenler ve eksikliği veya yetersizliği diyabet gibi sağlık sorunlarına yol açar. Pankreas sağlığını korumak için sarımsak, tarçın, kişniş, hindiba, yoğurt, üzüm, brokoli, pırasa ve patates gibi besinler tüketilmeli; tütün, alkol, et, yağlı yiyecekler, şekerli yiyecekler, unlu mamuller, kızartmalar ve tatlandırıcılar gibi besinlerden ise uzak durulmalıdır.

Thepancreas is recognized as an anatomical structure. It is an important organ in the body and functions in the digestive system. The pancreas, which is located at the back of the stomach, is a large gland and has two types of secretion, internal and external secretion. Some diseases may occur if there is little or no secretion.

The pancreas plays an important role in the human body. It is a large gland, its external secretions are transmitted through connections to the duodenum and play a role in the digestive system. Its internal secretions are known as insulin, which combines directly with the blood. It is usually involved in the basic systems of the digestive system.

What is the pancreas and what does it do?

It is one of the most important organs in the body. It is known as the largest gland, it has different functions in the body. In case of little or no secretion, some diseases are likely to occur in the body. It has very important tasks, it is located in a safe area in the body. At the back of the abdominal cavity and in front of the vertebrae, in front of the pancreas is the stomach. The duodenum is wrapped around the head of the pancreas.
In cases where the pancreas does not produce secretion in the body or the secretion produced is low, it can cause many discomfort. In particular, the external secretion type of the pancreas is necessary for the digestion of fats, the digestion of proteins, and the digestion of foods containing sugar and starch. The secretions that develop internally are referred to as the hormone insulin. Diabetes can develop in cases where the hormone insulin is secreted at a low rate or is not secreted completely. Diabetes is also referred to as diabetes. It is also important for the health of the internal secretion masses that are located inside the tissues that form external secretion .

What are the Duties of the Pancreas in the Body?

It undertakes more than one task in the body. It is evaluated in two categories as internal and external secretion. The external secretion is also known as the essence of the pancreas, it separates starch and fat extracts. The endocrine secretion is responsible for the secretion of insulin. It is responsible for secreting insulin in the body and keeping blood sugar at a certain level. It is also responsible for the secretion of hormones that regulate blood sugar and help the digestive system. In addition to being an important organ, the pancreas can also bring some health problems. The most common disease when there is little or no secretion of internal secretions is diabetes, also known as diabetes. We can say that the function of the pancreas in the body is to digest and secrete the hormone insulin.

What Should Be Consumed to Protect Pancreatic Health?

The pancreas produces the ferments required for the digestive system in the body. The pancreas balances blood sugar and helps maintain overall body health. However, if you adopt an irregular and unhealthy diet, the pancreas can be significantly affected, and it is important to consume foods that are good for health. However, it is necessary to stay away from foods that tire the pancreas. Therefore, the foods to be consumed are as follows;

  • Garlic
  • Cinnamon
  • Licorice
  • Dandelion
  • Yogurt
  • Grape
  • Broccoli
  • Leek
  • Potato

The foods mentioned above help to maintain pancreatic health. In addition, the foods that should be avoided to maintain health are as follows;

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Meat
  • Foods containing fat
  • Foods containing sugar
  • Flour products
  • Roasts
  • Sweeteners

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 October 2022
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