What are the Ways to Maintain Mental Health?

What are the Ways to Maintain Mental Health?

Content Summary

Güçlü ve sağlıklı bir psikolojinin temel taşı, iyi ve kötü her olayı veya deneyimi kabullenme yeteneğidir. Günlük yaşamda aşırı strese ve benzer durumlara maruz kalan kişilerin ruh sağlığı olumsuz etkilenebilir. Uzun süreli maruz kalma ciddi sorunlara yol açabilir. Bu nedenle, psikolojiyi ve ruh sağlığını korumak için uygulanabilecek bazı yöntemler vardır. Bunlar; kendinizi değerlendirmek, duyguları ve düşünceleri kontrol altında tutmak, düzenli uyumak ve sağlıklı beslenmek, stres faktörlerini azaltmak, düzenli spor ve egzersiz yapmak, şikayet etmekten vazgeçip çözüm aramak, aşırı fedakarlık yaparak kendinizi ihmal etmemek, gerçekçi hedefler belirlemek, olumlu düşüncelere sahip olmak, mutlu olacağınız bir meslek seçmek, aşırı kafein, alkol, sigara ve diğer maddelerden kaçınmak, sevdiklerinizle zaman geçirmek, geçmişte takılı kalmamak ve anın tadını çıkarmak, kendiniz için zaman ayırmaktır.

Psychology and mental health are as important as physical health in human life. Because good mental health can also positively affect physiological health. A strong and strong mental health enables people to enjoy life and be happy. Psychological problems, on the other hand, can cause some negativities in terms of physical health. It is recommended that people first seek professional support for psychological disorders. However, there are ways to keep mental health strong and protect mental health before facing these situations.

Being able to accept any event or experience, good and bad, is known as the cornerstone of a strong and healthy psychology. A person may be exposed to extreme stress and similar situations in their daily lives and their mental health may be negatively affected as they struggle with them. Long-term exposure to such situations can also lead to serious problems. For this reason, there are some methods that can be done to protect psychology and mental health.

How to Protect Mental Health?

Value Yourself
Treat oneself with kindness and respect and avoid constant self-criticism. Take up hobbies and spend time on hobbies and activities that are enjoyable. People who take up hobbies in daily life get away from stress, discover themselves, become self-confident, become successful in their educational life, produce quick and creative solutions to the problems they face in business life, and improve their social relations.

Keep Your Emotions and Thoughts Under Control
One of the ways to keep psychology and mental health strong is to keep emotions and thoughts under control and not let others determine and direct such behavior. Some people can push others into negative thoughts and bad feelings with their behaviors and thoughts. By keeping this situation under control, you should know how to look at life more positively and be aware of your own thoughts. In this way, you will be happier and your mental health will remain stronger.

Sleep Regularly and Eat Healthy
People who do not get enough sleep, sleep irregularly and have unhealthy eating habits may be more aggressive, irritable or angry when they wake up in the morning compared to other people. Since such situations will negatively affect daily life, it is necessary to establish a sleep pattern, eat a healthy diet and avoid excessive caffeine consumption in order to prevent this situation.

Reduce Stress Factors
Stress is a situation that a person may encounter at any time in their life. Factors that can lead to stress should be reduced by maintaining a quality life. Managing stress well and applying methods that can keep stress under control are among the ways to protect mental health. However, in some cases, the person cannot cope with stress and in these cases, it may be necessary to seek support from a specialist.

Do Regular Sports and Exercise
Making regular sports and exercise a routine is one of the most effective ways of coping with stress and preventing negativity during the day. According to research, people who regularly practice sports and exercise have a less stressful life than those who do not.

Stop Complaining and Look for Solutions
People who constantly complain have much more negative thoughts than other people. This situation affects the mental health of the individual badly and lowers their energy. Instead of complaining about the issues they are uncomfortable with, the person should first take that issue into hand and seek a solution. In this way, they are less affected psychologically and do not have problems in bilateral relationships. However, in people who constantly complain, this situation can become a habit and become uncontrollable. In such cases, support from experts should be sought first and this problem should be eliminated.

Don't Ignore Yourself by Making Excessive Sacrifices
Since making sacrifices is a sign of goodwill, one can enjoy it and be happy. However, making these sacrifices in excess, without caring about one's own feelings and thoughts, can lead to some problems in the future. If the goodwill shown to the other party is abused, the person may be disappointed, upset too much and face some psychological problems such as depression. Therefore, it is important to avoid excessive altruism, keep low expectations of people and prioritize yourself as a way to protect your mental health .

Set Realistic Goals
Some people may set unrealistic goals for themselves that are difficult to achieve and experience disappointment when these goals are not realized. This can lead to pessimistic thoughts and psychological problems such as depression. For this reason, more realistic and realistic goals should be set first, and goals should be realized step by step or new goals should be set when necessary. In this way, you can avoid feelings of hopelessness and pessimism and protect your mental health from negative effects.

In addition to these, some methods among the ways to protect mental health are as follows:

  • Have positive and positive thoughts. Positive thoughts stimulate positive emotions and make people feel better.
  • Choose a profession you will be happy in. People who are not happy working in closed environments can choose a different job or, if this is not possible, change their perspective.
  • You can protect your physiological and mental health by avoiding excessive caffeine, alcohol, smoking and other substances. You can also have positive energy by practicing sports and exercise regularly.
  • Do not neglect to spend time with your loved ones. When you have a problem, share it with your close circle and look for solutions.
  • Don't get stuck in the past and try to live in the moment.
  • Take time for yourself. You can refresh your mind by taking small breaks in your daily life.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At02 February 2023
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