What are the Psychological Effects of an Earthquake?

What are the Psychological Effects of an Earthquake?

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Uskudar Üniversitesi Kurucu Rektörü Psikiyatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Türkiye'yi yasa boğan depremin psikolojik etkilerini değerlendirdi. Temel ihtiyaçlar karşılandıktan sonra psikolojik ihtiyaçların ortaya çıkacağını belirten Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, "7-14 gün arasında normalleşmenin sağlanması gerekiyor. Normalleşme sağlanmazsa travma uzar ve travma uzadığında umut duygusu zayıflar" dedi. Deprem travması ve akut stres bozukluğu hakkında önemli açıklamalarda bulunan Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, normalleşme sağlanmadığı takdirde travmanın uzadığını belirtti. Şok süresi 3 günü aşarsa bir uzmana danışılması gerektiğini vurgulayan Tarhan, akut stres bozukluğunun birkaç gün içinde düzelebileceğini, ancak 3 günü aşması durumunda uzman desteğine ihtiyaç duyulacağını söyledi. Psikolojik desteğin genellikle iki ila üç hafta sonra daha belirgin hale geleceğini belirten Tarhan, öncelikle barınma, yiyecek ve içme suyu gibi temel ihtiyaçların karşılanmasının önemli olduğunu, ardından psikolojik ihtiyaçların ön plana çıkacağını ifade etti. 7-14 gün içinde normalleşmeye geçilmesi gerektiğini, aksi takdirde travmanın kronikleşeceğini ve umudun kaybedileceğini, bunun da suçlara ve kamu düzeninin bozulmasına yol açabileceğini belirtti. Ayrıca, depremzedelerin yaşadıkları travmanın yanı sıra, depremi ikinci elden yaşayanların da "ikincil travma" yaşadığını ve dayanıklılık, sabır ve empati göstermenin önemini vurguladı. Son olarak, deprem sonrası yardım çalışmalarında yaşanan gecikmelerin, kardeş şehir uygulamasıyla en aza indirilebileceğini önerdi.

The shock period seen in people exposed to earthquakes can usually last up to 3 days. Experts emphasize that it is important to seek psychological support if this period lasts longer than 3 days. Traumas that occur after an earthquake can lead to a number of psychological effects and acute stress disorder.

Üsküdar University Founding Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, evaluated the psychological effects of the earthquake that plunged Turkey into mourning. Stating that psychological needs will arise after basic needs are met, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "It is necessary to normalize between 7-14 days. If normalization is not achieved, the trauma is prolonged, and when the trauma is prolonged, the sense of hope weakens." Making important statements about earthquake trauma and acute stress disorder, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the trauma is prolonged if normalization is not achieved.

Post Traumatic Acute Stress Disorder

Underlining that a specialist should be consulted if the shock period lasts more than 3 days, Tarhan said, "In the first periods of shock, earthquake victims cannot feel much. The person does things unconsciously at that moment. This sometimes lasts one day, sometimes three days, sometimes a little more. This is a state of confusion. He wanders around or does not remember what he did afterwards. The person has such a period, they experience the trauma themselves. This is called acute stress disorder in the literature.

There is this condition, but then it resolves within a few days. People start to recover after that. In the meantime, those who come from the environment are more helpful. It is usually expected to improve within three days. If it exceeds three days, expert help is needed. Some people attack left and right at that moment. They have such angry behavior that they injure others. There are people here who injured rescue teams. One of them showed me that his foot was bleeding, the person he was trying to save lost control. There will be situations like this.

At that moment, what we used to call briefing used to be done. This is not done now because it was found to be inconvenient. That was the method developed by the Israelis. The current method is to make them feel that they are safe with these people. There is no need to talk to them for a long time. It is enough for the person to feel that their basic needs are met, and when they feel that 'I am safe, I am being helped here in an organized way, the institutions related to me are helping me here', their anxiety and panic will go away at that moment."

When Should Psychological Support Be Received After the Earthquake?

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the issue of psychological support will usually become more apparent after two to three weeks and said, "Right now, basic needs such as shelter, food and drink are very important. After meeting these, psychological needs start to come to the fore more. For example, we are preparing short videos about this as a team; 'What is the first psychological first aid, what is secondary trauma, what to do in acute stress disorder, what is post-traumatic growth?' We will try to prepare and share dozens of videos about all these. People can listen to this and draw something from it on their own, in the style of psychoeducation, we are trying to do that.

For psychological support, unless there is an acute reaction, meeting the basic needs of those people is the biggest support. Basic needs are currently suppressing their psychological needs. After the basic needs are met, psychological needs emerge, but at the moment they emerge more in people with old illnesses or those who are weak. Generally, there is a 4-week period here, and it is necessary to transition to normalization between 7-14 days, and at the moment, it is beneficial to transition within 1 week.

If normalization is not achieved, the trauma is prolonged, and when the trauma is prolonged, the sense of hope weakens. When hope is lost, there are crimes committed, public order is disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to restore order and normalization within 7-14 days, otherwise the problem becomes chronic, when the problem becomes chronic, people start to worry about the future, they cannot tolerate it and bad propaganda becomes more effective."

What is Secondary Traumatic Stress?

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan mentioned that the windows in front of people open when they realize the value of the things they have and tolerate them instead of complaining in such situations. "Earthquake victims have experienced the pain of this trauma, this is a very big test for them. It is very important to endure such tests by showing tolerance. A second test is those who experienced the earthquake here secondarily.

We are not remotely in the earthquake, but their test, which we call secondary trauma in a similar way to the earthquake, is the test of being able to help the victimized, oppressed victims there. If the victims on both sides manage to wait without despairing about endurance, perseverance and patience, patience is not about standing aside and waiting. Patience is obeying the pace and rhythm of nature. Patience is a meditative act. It relaxes the person, patience is bitter but the fruit is sweet.

The benefits appear later on. Therefore, instead of complaining in such situations, when you realize the value of what you have, when you appreciate what you have and endure it, then the windows in front of us open. The developments behind this calamity are then revealed. In such situations, instead of complaining to a person with a broken arm, "Why is your arm broken?", it is like asking, "What is the remedy in such situations?" and the second test is more important. Understanding those people is called 'sympathy' in Anatolia. The sense of empathy, altruism and empathy is still alive in us."

Sister Cities Can Be Announced

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan mentioned that delays could be minimized if sister cities were announced and said, "There were transportation difficulties. For example, one of the first ones to come to help the next day was the Municipality of Ordu, I guess he came to Kahramanmaraş. It was only the first day, he saw it immediately. Similarly, if a sister city is declared in Istanbul, let's say Izmir, Erzurum, Samsun or Adana, in such a case, if something like this happens automatically, there is no need for any instruction. It automatically sends its ready system there immediately. So this is one of the lessons we can learn from this. Such sister cities are declared and they complement each other like 'Buddy'. If this happens, we will minimize the delays on the first day. In such cases, in first aid, to those who are caught in the middle because the first 24-48 hours are very important."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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