What are the Benefits of Peach?

What are the Benefits of Peach?

Content Summary

Şeftali, kayısı ve erik gibi çekirdekli meyve ailesinin bir üyesidir, bol su, C vitamini, A, E ve K vitaminleri ile magnezyum, potasyum ve kalsiyum açısından zengindir. Gebelikte anne ve bebek sağlığına faydalıdır, bebek kas gelişimi için gerekli olan C vitaminini sağlar, mide rahatsızlıklarını hafifletir, cilt sağlığını iyileştirir, antioksidan ve kansere karşı koruyucu özellikteki bioflavonoid içerir, böbrek ve bağırsak sağlığını destekler, kabızlığı giderir, anemiyi önler ve kilo vermeye yardımcı olur. Ancak, yüksek potasyum içeriği nedeniyle aşırı tüketimi böbrekleri olumsuz etkileyebilir, pestisit kalıntılarından dolayı iyice yıkanması gerekir, tüylü kabuğu alerjik reaksiyona veya boğazda yanmaya neden olabilir. Olgun şeftali seçerken yoğun tatlı kokusuna dikkat edilmeli, hasarlı olanlardan kaçınılmalı, oda sıcaklığında yaklaşık bir hafta, daha uzun süre saklamak için buzdolabında muhafaza edilmelidir. Şeftali diyeti hızlı kilo kaybı için kullanılabilir ancak 3 günü geçmemeli, düşük kalorili olması, tok tutması ve bol su içermesi bu diyeti destekler; örnek bir diyet planı ise; kahvaltıda yoğurt, şeftali ve şekersiz çay, öğle yemeğinde yoğurt, şeftali ve haşlanmış tavuk, akşam yemeğinde haşlanmış yumurta, şeftali ve yoğurttan oluşur. Bu diyetin uzun süre uygulanmaması, ara verilmesi ve günde yarım saat yürüyüş ile 2 litre su tüketilmesi önerilir. Herhangi bir sağlık sorunu durumunda diyete son verilmeli ve bir uzmana danışılmalıdır.

Peaches contain vitamins A, C, E and K and are extremely rich in content. It protects from many diseases, especially cholesterol and obesity. In addition, it provides very important benefits in eye care, skin care, bone and teeth development.

Peach, a sweet fruit with plenty of water, is a member of the stone fruit family such as apricot and plum. Peach also contains plenty of vitamin C . In addition, it also contains vitamins A, E and K. It is also rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium. We can list the benefits of peach as follows;

  • Peach contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is beneficial for the health of mother and baby during pregnancy.
  • It contains plenty of vitamin C and contributes to the muscle development of the baby in the womb.
  • It is good for stomach ailments and soothes the stomach.
  • It is very effective in skin problems. It makes the skin look bright by renewing the cells.
  • Peach contains bioflavonoid component. This component prevents the formation of cancerous cells. If cancer is present, it protects the cells and prevents the spread of cancer.
  • Peach has antioxidant properties.
  • Peach helps the kidneys work better. It has a fibrous structure, thus contributing to the better functioning of the intestines.
  • It is effective in eliminating constipation problem.
  • If consumed regularly, it prevents anemia problem.
  • Peach is effective in healthy weight loss.

What should be considered when consuming peaches?

Peach contains more than one vitamin and mineral content. We can list the things to be considered when consuming peaches as follows;

  • Peach contains plenty of potassium in its essence. When consumed too much, it can damage the function of the kidneys.
  • It should be consumed by washing it sufficiently. Otherwise, the usual pesticide called pesticide can cause poisoning.
  • Feathers on the outer surface may cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.
  • Some individuals who consume peach with its hairy peel may also have a burning problem in the throat.
  • You can consume peaches by slicing.
  • You can prepare a mixture of peaches and add strawberries.
  • You can eat peach slices by heating them on the stove or in the oven and adding cinnamon.

How to Choose and Store Peaches?

When choosinga peach, there are items to be considered. One of them is the smell. The intense sweetness of the peach indicates that it is ripe. Damaged, brownish, crushed or wrinkled peaches should be avoided. It may be better to consume peaches with firm or only slightly softened flesh. Ripe peaches are kept at room temperature for about 1 week. If it will not be consumed in this time period, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator to prevent over-ripening.

How to Make a Peach Diet?

It is possible to see peaches frequently in diet lists. Peach, also called shock diet, is effective in losing excess weight in a short time. It is necessary to be very careful when making a peach diet . Because it is said to lose 3 kilos in 3 days, it is said to lose 3 kilos in 3 days and is considered a shock diet. Therefore, many dietitians emphasize that people who follow this diet should act cautiously.
Since the body cannot take various foods while dieting, this diet should not be done for more than 3 days. The fact that it is low in calories, has plenty of water in its essence and keeps it full for a long time makes peach indispensable for diet lists. The sample peach diet is applied as follows;

1 bowl of yogurt (homemade yogurt preferred)
1 medium peach
1 cup of unsweetened tea
1 bowl of yogurt
1 peach (can be sliced)
1 portion of boiled chicken
1 boiled egg
1 medium peach
1 bowl of yogurt

You should be very careful when following this diet. Diet duration is 3 days. Doing it longer reduces the body's resistance. However, if you want to continue the diet, a break of 15-20 days should be taken. It is recommended to walk for half an hour a day for the diet to show its effect. Along with this, consuming 2 liters of water a day helps the diet to show its effect. If you experience any health problems while following the diet, you should end the diet and consult a specialist.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 October 2022
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