What are the Benefits of Nettle? What is it Good for?

What are the Benefits of Nettle? What is it Good for?

Content Summary

Isırgan otu, yüksek C vitamini, demir, klorofil ve antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özellikler içeren, çok yönlü bir bitkidir. Toksinleri temizlemeye, böbrek ve mesanedeki kum ve taşların atılmasına yardımcı olur, idrar söktürücü özelliğe sahiptir ve böbrek taşının oluşumunu önler. Anemi tedavisine yardımcı olur, kanı temizler, kalp sağlığını korur, kemikleri güçlendirir, diş eti kanamasını önler, üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarını önler, saç dökülmesini engeller, cilt sağlığını iyileştirir ve bulantıya iyi gelir. Isırgan otu kurutulup uzun süre saklanabilir, salata, çay veya börek gibi çeşitli şekillerde tüketilebilir ve kozmetik ürünlerinde de kullanılır. Isırgan otu çayı hazırlamak için, ince kıyılmış bir çay kaşığı ısırgan otu kaynar suya eklenir, 5-10 dakika kaynatılır, süzülür ve 5 dakika dinlendirilir.

Nettle, which has been used in traditional medicine for many years, is among the miraculous and healing plants that are used in many medicines due to the enzymes, minerals and vitamins it contains. The plant, which is collected between May and August, grows in all kinds of soil. The plant, whose scientific name is 'Urtica', is popularly called nettle because of its itching and stinging sensation in case of friction and touch.

What are the Benefits of Nettle?

This miraculous plant, which is often mentioned in alternative therapies and science, has many benefits. It grows in all soils with a temperate climate and has a high level of vitamin C in its essence. This plant, which has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, contains iron, histamine, vitamin C, chlorophyll and aceltilcone. Therefore, it also has a pain relieving effect. We can list the benefits of nettle as follows;

  • It cleanses the body from toxins because it contains vitamin C and A. It has an important role in removing toxins that have no effect on the body.
  • It helps the sand and stone in the kidney, bladder and gall bladder to be easily removed. It also prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidney.
  • It has diuretic properties and protects the bladder against edema and infection.
  • It contains intense vitamin C and iron, so it accelerates the formation of red blood cells.
  • It can be consumed by individuals with anemia problems.
  • Contributes to blood purification.
  • Protects cardiovascular health and causes bones to strengthen.
  • It also contributes to the prevention of inflammation in bleeding gums.
  • Contributes to prevent upper respiratory tract infections.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • It is also beneficial on skin health. Prevents acne and acne formation.
  • It is useful for nausea.

How to Use Nettle?

Nettle is dried and can then be stored in a jar for a long time. This healing plant can be used in many types. Seeds are sold in herbalists and fresh ones are sold in neighborhood markets.

This plant is also consumed as salad and tea. It can be boiled and made ready to serve as a salad by adding yogurt on it. You can also add a little chopped leek into the boiled plant and serve it as a pastry. You can also choose the plant, which also finds its place in the cosmetics industry, for hair care.

How to Make Nettle Tea?

After nettle is collected, it can be dried and stored for a long time. Nettle tea is very easy to prepare. First of all, the grass is finely chopped. Then 1 teaspoon of chopped grass is added into a boiling glass of water. It is left to boil in water for 5-10 minutes. After boiling, it is filtered with the help of a strainer. The prepared tea is rested for 5 minutes and then made ready to drink.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At28 April 2023
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