What are the Benefits of Kale?

What are the Benefits of Kale?

Content Summary

Kıvırcık, sonbahar ve kış aylarında yetişen, haçlı familyasından koyu yeşil yapraklı bir bitkidir. Özellikle üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarının yaşandığı kış aylarında tüketilmesi, enfeksiyon oluşumunu önler ve hastalıklara karşı koruyucu bir kalkan oluşturur. Kıvırcık, metabolizmayı hızlandırır, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, enfeksiyon oluşumunu önler, göz sağlığını korur, kemikleri güçlendirir, cildi korur ve yaşlanmayı geciktirir, sindirimi kolaylaştırır, kalp-damar hastalıklarına karşı etkilidir, astım, romatizma, safra kesesi gibi hastalıklara iyi gelir, stresi azaltır, kas onarımını hızlandırır ve kasları güçlendirir, kırmızı kan hücrelerini artırır, kansızlık ve kanser hücresi oluşumunu önler. Kıvırcık suyu da cilt ve saç foliküllerini besler, mide ve bağırsak ülserlerine iyi gelir, vücudu toksik maddelerden arındırır, idrar söktürücü etki gösterir, yağ yakımını hızlandırır ve kilo kaybına yardımcı olur. Zengin C, A, B, K vitaminleri, demir, kalsiyum, potasyum, sodyum ve magnezyum içerir. Ancak aşırı tüketimi iyot emilimini artırabilir, gaz, şişkinlik ve karın ağrısına neden olabilir, guatr hastaları için zararlı olabilir, idrar yollarında tahrişe neden olabilir, ishale neden olabilir ve hamilelik/emzirme döneminde bebeklerde bağırsak iltihabına yol açabilir. Haftada en fazla 3 kez tüketilmelidir. Kıvırcık, dolma gibi yemeklerde de kullanılabilir.

Kale is a winter vegetable that contains plenty of vitamin C and antioxidants. The vegetable, which is very beneficial for health due to the vitamins and minerals it contains, supports and regulates the digestive system with its high fiber content. It cleanses the body of toxins and protects heart health. The vegetable can be consumed in many different methods such as raw, roasting, boiling and steaming. With the boiling method, wrapping can be made from the leaves of the vegetable.

A member of the cruciferous family, the dark green leafy plant grows in the fall and winter months. Consuming it especially in winter months when upper respiratory tract infections are experienced prevents the formation of infection and creates a protective shield against diseases.
The vegetable, which has many different varieties, is also used as a publication in the world. In addition to its nutritional properties, it has many benefits for the body. The benefits of kale can be listed as follows:

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Prevents the formation of infection in the body
  • Protects eye health with the beta carotene it contains
  • Rich in calcium and strengthens bones
  • Protects the skin and delays aging with its antioxidant properties
  • High fiber value facilitates digestion and prevents constipation
  • Effective against cardiovascular diseases when consumed regularly
  • Beneficial for diseases such as asthma, rheumatism, gall bladder
  • Reduces stress and benefits depression
  • Accelerates muscle repair and strengthens muscles
  • Increases red blood cells
  • Beneficial against anemia problems
  • Prevents the formation of cancer cells

What are the Benefits of Kale Juice?

The juice of the vegetable, which can be boiled and consumed in liquid form, also has many benefits. Kale juice nourishes skin and hair follicles, is good for stomach and intestinal ulcers, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxic substances, is diuretic, accelerates fat burning and promotes weight loss.
The preparation of kale water is quite simple and practical. First, 1 liter of water should be boiled and 8 or 10 leaves should be thrown into the boiling water. Then it should be boiled for about 7-8 minutes and the boiled leaves should be passed through a strainer. The prepared juice should be consumed cold or hot on an empty stomach in the morning. When consumed regularly, it has many benefits to the body. However, it should be consumed in moderation and be careful about excessive consumption. In cases of excessive consumption, it can harm the body.

What Vitamins Are There in Kale?

It contains plenty of vitamin C in its vegetable content, which is extremely useful and nutritious. The properties of the vegetable, which is also rich in vitamins and minerals, are as follows:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A and B
  • Vitamin K
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium

What are the Harms of Kale?

Vegetable with many benefits for the body and health; It is also consumed by many people as soup, salad and wraps. However, this vegetable, like other nutrients and foods, has some damages to the body if consumed too much. The vegetable, which should be consumed at most 3 times a week, can cause different problems when consumed more.
The harms of kale, which may cause negative effects on people in some cases, can be listed as follows:

  • Increases iodine absorption when consumed too much.
  • When consumed too much, it can cause gas, bloating and abdominal pain in people by reducing the water content in the body.
  • It is harmful for goiter patients to consume. Patients whose thyroid glands do not work adequately affect the secretion of thyroid hormones more if they consume this vegetable.
  • Excessive consumption can cause damage and irritation in the urinary tract.
  • It is harmful to consume in cases such as diarrhea as it may increase the effect.
  • Excessive consumption by women during pregnancy or breastfeeding can cause intestinal inflammation in infants.

How to Make Black Cabbage Wrap?

Black cabbage rolls, one of the indispensable flavors of Black Sea cuisine, is one of the most popular types of rolls. Rich in vitamin C, the vegetable is beneficial for tooth and bone structure. This delicious dish that people can make at home is as follows.

  • Approximately 600 grams of cabbage,
  • 5-6 cups of hot water,
  • 2 tea cups rice
  • 2 grated onions
  • Salt
  • Black pepper and dried mint
  • Half a glass of oil
  • Tomato Paste
  • Parsley
  • Spice

Preparation: After the cabbages are cleaned well, they are thrown into boiling salted water and boiled until soft. Pass it through cold water and separate the veins. Chopped onions are added to the other ingredients and mixed. Take the mixture and wrap the leaves and place them in the pot. Drizzle olive oil over them and use a plate big enough to cover the wraps. Add hot water up to the level of the wraps and let it boil. It will be ready in approximately 45-50 minutes. Afterwards, you can optionally prepare and pour the sauce and serve.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 October 2022
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