What are the Benefits of Hibiscus?

What are the Benefits of Hibiscus?

Content Summary

Hibisküs, mor çiçekleri, uzun yeşil yaprakları ve gövdeleri olan bir bitki türüdür. Yaprakları, çiçekleri ve kökleri kullanılır; yapraklar çiğ veya pişmiş olarak tüketilir. Çiçekler ve yapraklar kurutularak çay yapılırken, taze yapraklar da yemeklerde ve salatalarda kullanılabilir. Pişirildiğinde içindeki mukus sıvısı açığa çıkar ve eklendiği yemeklerin kararmasına neden olur; bu sıvı solunum ve sindirim sistemini korumada faydalıdır. Hibisküs, kalsiyum, magnezyum, potasyum, çinko ve demir açısından zengin vitamin ve mineraller içerir; ayrıca A ve C vitaminleri ile B vitaminleri içerir. Solunum yolu hastalıklarının tedavisinde etkilidir, boğazdaki iltihabı azaltır, sindirimi kolaylaştırır, mide asidini azaltmaya yardımcı olur, kilo vermeye katkıda bulunur, cilde parlaklık verir ve cilt yaşlanmasını geciktirir, saç kırılmasını önler, diş etlerini enfeksiyonlardan korur, kanser riskine karşı etkilidir, zihni ve bedeni rahatlatır, kas-iskelet sistemine faydalıdır, kemik erimesini önlemeye yardımcı olur ve kuru gözlere iyi gelir. Bilinen bir zararı yoktur ancak diğer bitkilerle karıştırılıp tüketildiğinde etkisi bilinmediğinden dikkatli tüketilmelidir. Günde 2 fincandan fazla çay tüketilmemeli ve antidepresan ilaçlarla etkileşime girebileceğinden bu ilaçları kullanırken tüketilmemelidir. Diğer ilaçlarla birlikte kullanımı uzman kontrolünde olmalıdır. Hamile ve emziren kadınlarda kullanımına dair çalışma olmamasına rağmen, anne ve bebek sağlığı için uzman tavsiyesi alınmalıdır. Salata ve çay olarak kullanılır; ayrıca gargara ve merhem olarak da kullanılabilir.

The hibiscus plant , which has been used by many cultures since its discovery in the parts where it grows, has been used by people in various areas; The mallow plant , which is named using different names such as divangir, ilbik, boiler black, is used for different purposes and with various methods. It has a healing effect when it is dried and consumed as herbal tea as it is preferred in meals and salads.

It is a plant species with purple flowers, long green feathers and stems. Leaves, flowers and roots of hibiscus are utilized. Leaves are consumed both raw and cooked.
Flowers and leaves are dried and used for tea, and fresh leaves can also be preferred for meals and salads. Since the mucus liquid in its content is released when cooked, it has the effect of darkening the dishes to which it is added, and this liquid is useful in protecting the respiratory and digestive system.

What are the Benefits of Mallow?

"What are the benefits of hibiscus?" We can start by counting the vitamins and minerals contained in hibiscus to answer the question. It contains vitamins and minerals rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron.
Vitamin B contains vitamin A and vitamin C. Mallow ensures that the wounds are good and protects the body against infections. Other benefits of hibiscus are as follows;

  • It is effective in treating respiratory diseases.
  • It helps to remove inflammation in the throat.
  • It helps easy digestion of food.
  • Contributes to the reduction of stomach acid.
  • It is effective in weight loss.
  • It gives shine to the skin and delays skin aging.
  • It is also effective against hair breakage.
  • Protects the gums against infections.
  • It is a very effective plant against cancer risk.
  • It can help relax the mind and body.
  • It has a calming effect.
  • It is very useful for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Helps prevent bone resorption.
  • It is good for dry eye.

What are the Harms of Mallow?

The mallow plant has no known harm. However, like every plant, this plant species should be consumed carefully. Care should be taken not to consume it in this way, especially when it is mixed and consumed with different types of herbs, as the effect it will produce is unknown. Tea should not be consumed more than 2 cups during the day. However, since it may interact with antidepressant drugs, you should take care not to use the hibiscus plant while using these drugs. When used with other medicines, a specialist should be consulted. Even if there are no studies on the consumption of this plant by breastfeeding and pregnant women, it may be necessary to consume it in consultation with a specialist for the health of the mother and baby.

How to Consume Mallow?

It is consumed in different types depending on the intended use. In particular, it is a natural plant source that is generally used as salad and tea. For example, you can add some hibiscus into pure and cleanly boiled water and use it as tea. When consuming hibiscus as tea, care should be taken not to consume sugar.
In addition, specially produced and prepared mallow is very useful for teeth and gums in the form of mouthwash in the mouth. Thanks to the poultice prepared with fresh leaves, it is effective in removing some wounds and boils. Together with these, you can get rid of this problem by applying dressing with mallow tea for dry eyes. Another way of use is a natural resource that is highly preferred in salads.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 January 2023
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