What are the Benefits of Green Tea?

What are the Benefits of Green Tea?

Green tea is a type of food that is at the forefront with its rich content, whose countless beneficial effects on health are the subject of many scientific researches. It has been observed that people who want to protect their health pay attention to green tea consumption. It allows the body to remain dynamic, allows daily functions to function smoothly and shows positive effects against ailments through the high amount of antioxidants and health-beneficial micro-components it contains. To make the most of these benefits, green tea should be consumed regularly. Therefore, consuming 1-2 cups of green tea every day can provide positive effects.

During the production of green tea, the fresh leaves are subjected to high heat in a short time and all oxidizing enzymes lose their effect. As a result, the chlorophylls (color pigments) in the tea leaves remain intact and the leaves retain their green color as there is no fermentation process. This tea, which contains more polyphenols, contains almost ten times more vitamin C than black tea. Along with this, it contains vitamins B1 and B2. Green tea reduces stress and has a relaxing effect compared to black tea.

What are the Benefits of Green Tea?

Although herbal treatment methods have been observed to increase their popularity today and many herbal products have been brought to the agenda with health declarations, the effects of these are proven by scientific studies. It is possible to say that it is one of these rare foods rich in content. Green tea is a very important food that has protective properties against many ailments. The most important reason for this is the antioxidant components it contains. Consuming green tea regularly through antioxidant components that provide strong benefits has good brain function, protection against many types of cancer, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and many other benefits. The benefits of green tea are as follows;

It contains bioactive components beneficial to health: Green tea is a type of tea that contains flavor, but it promises much more than a beverage consumed to provide pleasure in times of rest. Even a cup of green tea contains very significant amounts of bioactive components. The most important of these are polyphenols, which contribute to the reduction of inflammation in the body and provide protective effects against many diseases. Green tea is a drink with a high mineral content compared to many other types of tea and contributes to fully meeting the body's need for micronutrients.

Helps improve cognitive functions: Green tea contains a significant amount of caffeine. This ratio can be defined as the ideal ratio to reflect the beneficial effects of caffeine on health without noticing its bad effects such as nervousness and palpitations. Caffeine helps to feel more lively and energized on a daily basis, while also helping to maintain cognitive functions. Caffeine has effects on the development of cognitive functions such as good mood, fast reaction time and strong memory. In addition to caffeine, green tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which can cross the blood brain barrier. This amino acid increases the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps to inhibit anxiety. It increases dopamine and alpha waves in the brain, strengthening cognitive functions and fighting against diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
It accelerates fat burning and contributes to the preservation of form: In many scientific studies, it has been observed that consuming green tea regularly accelerates fat burning and increases the rate of metabolism. Therefore, consuming green tea facilitates weight control and accelerates weight loss. It also contributes to prevent obesity. Against all these effects, the calorie content of green tea is quite low. A cup of green tea contains only 2 kilocalories of energy and is among the healthy drinks that individuals on a slimming diet can safely consume.

Protects against chronic diseases: Another of the benefits of green tea is that it provides a fight against chronic diseases. According to scientific researches, green tea has reduced insulin resistance and has been observed to keep blood sugar levels in balance. With this feature, this healing tea contributes to the regulation of blood glucose balance in diabetics, while contributing to the prevention of discomfort in healthy people. It is also a very important nutrient in order to protect against cardiovascular diseases that cause a lot of deaths in the world.

Reduces the danger of developing cancer: Cancer, which occurs with the uncontrolled increase of cells, includes the other group of diseases that cause the most deaths in the world after cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to the important antioxidant properties of green tea, it prevents the formation of oxidative deterioration in cells and creates protection effects against all types of cancer, including breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancers. It is also very beneficial to consume green tea in terms of increasing the success rate of treatment and shortening the recovery time in individuals undergoing cancer treatment.

How should green tea be consumed?

Green tea has more than one effect. In order to benefit from these effects, consuming 2-3 cups during the day offers very important contributions. However, there are some points to be considered in this regard. First of all, the products of brands that are known for green tea and are sure of their quality should be preferred. Green teas sold in the open and waiting for a long time can cause more harm than good in the body, as they can be dangerous in terms of foreign matter interaction, excess moisture and aflatoxin formation. Low-quality green teas may contain excess fluoride. Regular consumption of these teas containing excess fluoride can also lead to various bad effects on the body. Preferring known brands should be prepared by paying attention to the healthy brewing time. It does not provide positive effects in green tea that is boiled more than it is. Therefore, tea brewed for 5 minutes in water close to boiling is sufficient for it to become ready for consumption. Green tea bags purchased from known brands can also be selected. It can be consumed plain or by adding various spices such as lemon, basil and mint. Even if many herbal teas are good for colds or nasal congestion, green tea is not one of the first things that come to mind when it comes to these. If nasal obstruction is caused by nasal curvature, bone and deformities that may occur due to anatomical structures, rhinoplasty may be considered. People who wonder what is closed rhinoplasty may also be people who are experiencing health problems such as breathing and sleep problems due to the deformity of the nose.
Green tea can be consumed 2-3 cups during the day. However, individuals with a certain chronic condition, pregnant women or individuals taking medication should definitely consult a specialist before consuming green tea regularly, and green tea can be consumed if no harm is seen.

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At29 December 2022
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