What are the Benefits of Celery? What is it Good for?

What are the Benefits of Celery? What is it Good for?

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Kereviz, yüksek lif ve su içeriği, düşük yağ ve karbonhidrat oranıyla öne çıkan bir sebzedir. Bu özellikleri nedeniyle kilo problemi olanlar ve diyet yapanlar tarafından sıklıkla tüketilir. Soğuk algınlığı gibi rahatsızlıklar durumunda bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir. Antioksidan ve anti-inflamatuar özellikleriyle kalp sağlığını korur ve damarları korur. Ayrıca romatizma ve gut gibi rahatsızlıkları olan kişiler tarafından da tüketilebilir. Diüretik etkisiyle vücuttaki ödemi atmaya yardımcı olur, yüksek potasyum içeriğiyle de buna katkıda bulunur. Apigenin gibi bileşenleri sayesinde kanser hücrelerinin gelişmesini önlemeye yardımcı olur. Mide sağlığını korur ve hazımsızlığı önler. Vücudun alkali dengesini düzenleyerek metabolizmayı destekler ve bağırsak hareketlerini kolaylaştırır. Beyin ve sinir sisteminin sağlıklı çalışmasına katkıda bulunur. Düşük sodyum alımı olan kişiler için doğal bir sodyum kaynağıdır. Kereviz sapı suyu, göz sağlığına fayda sağlar ve mide asidini dengeler. Ancak ham kereviz bazı alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabileceğinden, pişirilerek tüketilmesi önerilir. Böbrek hastalığı olanlar veya hamileler kereviz tüketmeden önce doktora danışmalıdır. Aşırı tüketimi ishal gibi sorunlara yol açabilir. Kereviz, düşük kalorili olmasının yanı sıra yüksek oranda lif, antioksidan, vitamin ve mineraller içerir.

Celery is one of the root vegetables that is rich in vitamins and minerals and provides many benefits to human health. While it is among the most consumed and preferred vegetables in the winter months, its seeds can also be used as spices. In addition to its cardiovascular health protective properties, the benefits of celery are countless. While its consumption can be done in many different ways, it can be easily included in nutrition programs.

It contains high amounts of fiber and water. It has very little fat and carbohydrate properties. For this reason, it is usually included in the diet lists of people with weight problems and people who diet to lose weight. In case of discomfort such as colds, it contributes to the immune system and is good for such diseases.

Benefits of Celery

The vegetable, which has many benefits for the human body, has heart health and vascular protection properties. It protects the vessels with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. While there are many substances among the benefits of celery, it is a very important vegetable in terms of health.
It strengthens the immune system and prevents inflammation and infection. In addition to its strong antioxidant and vitamin properties, it contains significant amounts of polyphenols. With its contribution to the immune system, it is effective against winter diseases and especially against conditions such as colds.
While it benefits rheumatism problems, people with gout can consume it. One of its most remarkable features is that it has a diuretic effect. The vegetable, which is rich in potassium, has an active role in the elimination of edema in the body.
It prevents the development of cancer cells. It has a rich content of apigenin, one of the plant pigments. Apigenin and lueolin substances reduce the risk of cancer and prevent malignant cells. According to researches, apigenin prevents the increase of many cancer cells and reduces the spread of infection.
It prevents stomach problems and protects the stomach. Its high antioxidant content supports stomach health. Prevents conditions such as heartburn and stomach ulcers.
It supports metabolism and prevents problems that may occur as a result of consuming too much acidic foods by regulating the body's alkaline balance. With its high water content and fiber content, it contributes to the functioning of the intestines and facilitates movements.
The benefits of celery include the brain and nervous system. Contributes to brain health. Antioxidants, minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium support the functioning of the brain and nervous system and contribute to its normal functioning.
With its sodium content, it provides a useful, healthy, natural and good salt consumption benefit other than table salt. People who are sensitive to salt can get the amount of salt they need by consuming this vegetable.

What is Celery Good for?

It provides many benefits to human health with its blood thinning and antioxidant properties. In addition to its many beneficial properties, "what is celery good for?" The answers to the question are as follows:

  • Contributes to the removal of edema in the body
  • It has diuretic properties
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Good for constipation problems with its high fiber content
  • Eliminates inflammation in urinary and bladder disorders
  • Protects the brain and nervous system

What are the Benefits of Celery Stalk Juice?

There are many benefits of celery stalk as well as its benefits. Among the benefits of celery stalk is its contribution to eye problems and its ability to balance stomach acid.
Cleaning the stalk and squeezing it through the juicer is one of the best ways to benefit from its properties. While consuming it in liquid form delays aging, it is important for a balanced and healthy diet. However, care should be taken to ensure that it is unprocessed and fresh.
There are approximately 40 calories in 1 glass of celery stalk juice, which meets the daily vitamin A requirement at a certain rate. Its benefits are similar to the plant itself. It should be consumed fresh. It should not be stored for more than 1 day.
Since it is low in calories, it benefits those who want to lose weight. It contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and the functionality of the kidneys. In addition to its antibacterial properties, it is beneficial for digestion and reduces stomach problems. It helps to remove edema with its detox effect.
Since it has an intense taste, it may not be suitable for everyone. For this reason, it can be mixed and consumed with different vegetable juices.

What are the Side Effects and Harms of Celery?

It should not be forgotten that celery can have harms as well as benefits. Care should be taken about raw consumption. It should generally be consumed cooked as it can cause some allergic reactions.
People with kidney disease or during pregnancy should consult a doctor before consuming.
In addition, since it has the ability to excrete water, it can cause some problems if consumed too much, one of which is diarrhea problem.
In case of any allergic reaction, consumption should be stopped and support should be obtained from specialist doctors.

What are the Nutritional Values of Celery?

The plant, which has a low value in terms of calories, is among the most consumed winter vegetables with its high fiber content and antioxidant properties. The nutritional values of celery, which is about 100 grams, are as follows:
Calories: 42
Carbohydrate 9.1 grams
Protein 1.5 grams
Fat: 0.3 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
It is also rich in vitamins. It contains 9 mg Vitamin C, 15 mg Beta-carotene, 0.6 mg Vitamin E, 0.06 mg Vitamin B1, 0.09 mg Vitamin B2 and 0.21 mg Vitamin B6 and 76 mg Folic Acid.
It also contains 100 mg sodium, 110 mg potassium, 44 mg calcium, 14 mg magnesium, 70 mg phosphate, 0.7 mg iron and 0.5 mg zinc.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 December 2022
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