What are the Benefits of Black Seed Oil?

What are the Benefits of Black Seed Oil?

Content Summary

Kara kimyon yağı, antioksidan ve anti-enflamatuar özelliklere sahip, binlerce yıldır doğal ilaç olarak kullanılan ve Doğu Avrupa, Batı Asya ve Orta Doğu'da yetişen bir bitkiden elde edilir. Araştırmalar, kara kimyon yağının vücut kitle indeksini (VKİ) düşürmeye, akne, egzama ve sedef hastalığı gibi cilt rahatsızlıklarını iyileştirmeye yardımcı olabileceğini göstermiştir. Yağın içindeki timokinon bileşiğinin, bazı kanser hücrelerinde programlanmış hücre ölümünü (apoptoz) etkileyebileceği ve ayrıca karaciğer ve böbrek hastalıklarının komplikasyonlarını azaltabileceği öne sürülmüştür. Ayrıca, diyabet üzerinde olumlu etkileri ve kilo vermeye yardımcı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Ancak, bu faydaların çoğu hayvanlar veya hücre modelleri üzerinde yapılan çalışmalara dayanmaktadır ve insanlarda aynı etkiyi gösterip göstermeyeceği konusunda daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç vardır. Hamile veya emziren kadınlar, ilaç kullanan kişiler ve alerjik reaksiyon riski olan kişiler kara kimyon yağı kullanmadan önce mutlaka doktorlarına danışmalıdır. Ayrıca, kara kimyon yağı bazı kişilerde mide bulantısı, kabızlık ve kusma gibi sindirim sorunlarına neden olabilir. Kullanmadan önce cildinizde küçük bir alanda test edilmesi önerilir. Yüksek kaliteli, organik ve sertifikalı kara kimyon yağı kullanmak önemlidir.

What are the benefits of black cumin oil; healing on the skin, cancer, positive effect on diabetes and helping to lose weight can be given as examples.

Black cumin oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It grows in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and the Middle East. People have used black cumin seeds as a natural medicine for thousands of years. The seeds can also flavor dishes with cumin, oregano, etc. The benefits of black cumin oil are many.

Benefits of black cumin oil

Scientists with various specialties have investigated the benefits of black cumin oil.

- Research has shown that the addition of black cumin oil can help lower people's body mass index (BMI).

- Black cumin oil contains thymoquinone, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that may also have tumor-reducing properties.

- A systematic review published in 2013 in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders found that among the benefits of black seed oil, it may be effective in fighting obesity.

- People can use black seed oil with food for its benefits or apply it topically to benefit the skin. It is also possible to add the oil to massage oils, shampoos, homemade skin care products and fragrances.

- Black cumin oil can also be useful for people with the following skin conditions:

Eczema: Black cumin oil has therapeutic benefits, it can reduce the severity of hand eczema.

Acne: Research shows that the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of black cumin oil can improve acne.

Psoriasis: A 2012 study on mice suggests that the oil may also have antiporiatic benefits.

- Black cumin oil can also moisturize hair, soften the skin and act as a humectant.

- The benefits of black cumin oil are also numerous on health; recent research has shown that thymoquinone in black cumin oil can affect programmed cell death or apoptosis in several types of cancer cells. These include brain cancer, leukemia and breast cancer cells.

- According to a 2013 study on mice, another of black seed oil's benefits may reduce liver and kidney disease complications and improve organ structures. Researchers do not know if these effects will also occur in humans.

- Another of the benefits of black seed oil is that it has antidiabetic properties and improves blood sugar levels. Again, this study used animal models, so more research needs to be done to confirm the effectiveness of the oil in humans.

- A placebo-controlled clinical trial in men with abnormal sperm and infertility found that black cumin oil can improve sperm movement and increase sperm count.

What are the harms of black cumin oil?

Side effects and risks

- People should not use black cumin oil instead of medicines.

- People taking medication should talk to their doctor before using herbal supplements such as black cumin oil. It is essential not to stop taking medication without a doctor's advice.

- As with any supplement, pregnant or breastfeeding women should talk to their doctor before use to see if the benefits of black cumin oil are right for them.

- Black cumin oil can cause an allergic rash in some people. Therefore, it is vital to test on a small portion on the skin first to ensure that it does not trigger a reaction.

- People should also take care to keep the oil away from eyes, nostrils and other sensitive body parts.

- Black cumin oil can sometimes cause digestive problems such as upset stomach, constipation and vomiting.

To obtain the benefits of black cumin oil in the safest and most beneficial way, 100 percent pure, certified, high-quality, organic black cumin oil should always be used.

Many studies have shown that it may have health and cosmetic benefits for various medical and skin conditions, but these studies are usually used in animal or cell models rather than in humans.

Always talk to your doctor before taking black cumin oil, it is vital to be selective when buying products. Many health stores sell black seed oil and it is available online in both liquid and capsule form.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 September 2021
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