Watch what you eat before YKS

Watch what you eat before YKS

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YKS sınavından önce doğru beslenmenin önemini vurgulayan uzmanlar, adaylara sınav sabahı kahvaltı yapmaları ve alışık olmadıkları yiyeceklerden uzak durmaları konusunda uyarıda bulunuyor. Önemli noktalar arasında B grubu vitaminleri, folik asit ve omega-3 bakımından zengin besinler tüketmek (kuru baklagiller, kırmızı et, ayçiçeği çekirdeği, balık, yoğurt, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler vb.) yer alıyor. Yeterli protein alımı, şekerli gıdalardan ve gaz yapıcı, yüksek lifli ve yağlı yiyeceklerden kaçınılması gerekiyor. Sınavdan önceki gün gaz yapıcı gıdalar tüketilmemeli, sınav sabahı ise hafif ve dengeli bir kahvaltı yapılmalı. Bol su tüketilmeli, kafeinli içecekler sınırlandırılmalı ve sınav sırasında susuzluk yaratabilecek yağlı ve tuzlu yiyeceklerden uzak durulmalıdır. Düzenli uyku düzeni de başarı için önemlidir.

There are only a few days left until the YKS, which millions of students are eagerly waiting for. One of the most important issues to be considered during the exam period is nutrition. Noting the importance of consuming the right foods before the exam on physical health and concentration, experts warn university candidates to have breakfast on the morning of YKS and not to consume foods they are not used to!


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü gave important warnings to university candidates about proper nutrition before YKS.

"If you do not have a regular sleep pattern, adjust yourself in the last 1 week so that you can wake up comfortably for the exam," said Özden Örkçü, "Taking the exam without sleep can lead to both demoralization and failure to remember the information."

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü stated the points to be considered before YKS as follows:

B group vitamins protect the mind from stress

"B group vitamins protect our mind against stress, fatigue and panic. In case of insufficiency, concentration decreases, forgetfulness and learning difficulties cause weakening of intelligence and memory performances. Dried legumes, red meat, sunflower seeds, fish, yogurt, milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, chicken meat, peanuts, bananas, melons, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, eggs, cantaloupe and artichokes are rich in B group vitamins. Vitamin B is known to strengthen memory as well as consciousness and strong communication from the nervous system to brain function.

Green leafy foods support brain health

Folic acid is also very important for brain development. Its effects on brain development and intelligence are monitored from the womb. Folic acid deficiency can cause mental retardation. In a way, we can say it is the food of the brain. We can easily meet the need for folic acid by consuming especially green leafy vegetables and fruits and rice.

Omega 3 strengthens memory

Omega 3, fatty acids, contains components called DHA and EPA. These components play an active role in regulating brain functions and strengthening intelligence development and memory. According to a study conducted in Australia, children who regularly consumed Omega 3 for 6 months had better results in memory tests than others. Omega 3 fatty acids are more abundant in foods such as sardines, tuna, salmon, dark green leafy vegetables and flaxseed.

Don't forget to consume protein!

Consuming enough protein reduces drowsiness and ensures that energy is fully utilized. Fish, meat, eggs, nuts, peanuts and walnuts are good sources of protein and the fatty acids they contain are very important for the nutrition of the brain vessels.

Watch out for these while studying!

While studying, instead of sugar and sugary foods, chips, nuts, carbonated drinks, biscuits, crackers, etc.; milk, yogurt, milk desserts, cheese between bread, freshly squeezed fruit juices, fresh fruits and vegetables and dried fruits should be preferred.

Beware of gas-forming and fiber foods!

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü said, "The day before the exam, you should be careful in consuming gas-forming foods such as legumes and foods with high fiber and fat content."


"With the increase in adrenaline levels during the exam, our digestive system starts to work more and causes us not to worry about whether I will need the toilet during the exam.

Do not consume a food that your body is not used to!

Any food that the body is not used to should not be consumed before the exam. It may increase the risk of stomach and digestive system problems during the exam."

Make sure you have breakfast on the morning of the exam!

Stating that breakfast should be made on the morning of the exam, Özden Örkçü,

"Do not consume heavy foods only at breakfast. You should get into the habit of eating breakfast regularly and make sure you have breakfast on the day of the exam. Since our body and brain urgently need energy to start the day after a night-long hunger, if breakfast is not eaten, attention is distracted more quickly, headaches and fatigue occur."

What should a healthy breakfast look like?

"A breakfast that provides adequate energy and nutrients should include foods in four food groups such as milk, freshly squeezed fruit juice, cheese, eggs, a few slices of bread, molasses, tahini, olives, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, parsley or fruit," said Örkçü,

"Another miracle that strengthens memory is apple peel. The antioxidants in apple peel are a protective shield against Alzheimer's and memory loss. One apple should be consumed every day. For our student friends who will prepare for the exam, freshly squeezed apple-carrot juice together with 1 boiled egg and 2-3 walnuts should be a must for breakfast."

Sugary foods cause relaxation!

Pointing out that there are false beliefs among the public that sugar and sugary foods increase attention and perception, Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü concluded his words as follows:

"However, these carbohydrate-rich foods, on the contrary, cause relaxation. Before and during the exam, foods such as raisins, plums, figs or fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C should be preferred instead. Carrots stimulate brain metabolism and increase the ability to remember. Since carrots contain enzymes that stimulate the metabolism of our brain, it activates the ability to remember by stimulating brain metabolism, I recommend that those who want to memorize or who do not easily forget what they study should consume carrots by adding a little olive oil. Pineapple, ginger, cumin, avocado and spices are also very effective for learning. Ginger and cumin also help the brain to generate new ideas.

Avoid fatty and salty foods that cause thirst!

You should avoid fatty and salty foods that will cause thirst during the exam. In addition to water consumption during the exam, freshly squeezed fruit juice will both meet the fluid needs and increase concentration.

Caffeine triggers stress!

Drinks containing caffeine can cause adrenaline to be released, thus increasing stress levels. For this reason, it is important to limit daily consumption to a maximum of 2 cups of coffee/tea. Excessive consumption of tea and coffee may increase your need to use the restroom during the exam due to its diuretic effect. Carry water with you when taking the exam. Your mouth may get dry from time to time due to excitement. For this reason, it would be good to take a pet bottle of water with you."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 June 2019
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