Walking is the first thing to do after Iftar

Walking is the first thing to do after Iftar

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Ramazan ayında spor yapmak isteyen kişilerin, iftar ile sahur arası saatlerde, vücudun susuzluktan ve dehidratasyondan kurtulması için iftardan 1-2 saat sonra hafif egzersiz yapmaları önerilmektedir. Yaş ve sağlık durumuna uygun, ağır olmayan egzersizler tercih edilmeli (örneğin, koşu yerine hızlı yürüyüş), 45-60 dakikalık tempolu yürüyüş metabolizmanın yavaşlamasını önlemeye yardımcı olur. Ağır sporlar, özellikle iftar sonrası kan şekerindeki yükselme nedeniyle kalbi yorar ve ciddi sağlık sorunlarına, özellikle kalp hastalıklarına yol açabilir; özellikle ileri yaşlardaki kişilerin dikkatli olması gerekmektedir. Bol su tüketimi de önemlidir.

According to experts, heavy sports can tire the heart due to the rise in blood sugar after iftar, light exercises should be done and water should be drunk.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said that it is important to follow some rules to avoid injury or health problems while exercising during Ramadan.

Sports should be done 2 hours after iftar

Prof. Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer stated that fasting people should do sports in the hours between iftar and sahur and gave the following information:
"Those who fast during Ramadan can do sports in the evenings, between iftar and sahur. Since your body is dehydrated and dehydrated during the daytime, blood sugar will rise after iftar, you should not rush to exercise, you should rest for about 1-2 hours.

Take a 45-minute brisk walk

You should do sports that are not heavy according to your age and health condition. For example, you should prefer fast walking instead of jogging, and you should also drink water. A brisk walk of 45-60 minutes will prevent the metabolism from slowing down and keep you fit and healthy.

Heavy exercises can strain the heart

Stating that heavy exercise can lead to significant health problems, especially in advanced ages, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "Since the body needs nutrients and water all day, high intensity exercises after iftar unintentionally invite many health problems, especially heart disease. Thus, while trying to stay in shape, you unintentionally cause your health to deteriorate. It is especially recommended that people of advanced age should be more careful in their exercises as their metabolic rate decreases."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At17 May 2018
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