Treatment of children with ADHD should not be interrupted during the pandemic

Treatment of children with ADHD should not be interrupted during the pandemic

Content Summary

Pandemi, özellikle okul ve sosyal aktivitelerin kapanmasıyla birlikte, zaten eğitim, duygusal ve sosyal alanlarda desteğe ihtiyaç duyan DEHB'li çocuklar üzerinde olumsuz etkiler bırakmıştır. Çocuklarda dikkat eksikliği, dürtüsellik artışı, yeni davranış sorunları, anksiyete ve uyku problemlerinde artış gözlemlenmiştir. Ebeveynlerin duygusal durumları da çocukların durumunu etkilemekte; kaygılı ebeveynlerin çocuklarında şikayetlerde artış görülmektedir. Evde dikkat dağıtıcı unsurların daha fazla olması, online eğitimin zorlukları da durumu daha da kötüleştirmektedir. DEHB tedavisinin kesintiye uğramaması, ilaç kullanımı devam ediyorsa takiplerin online olarak dahi sürdürülmesi önem taşırken; aile eğitimi ve iletişiminin güçlendirilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Çocuklara günlük işlerini organize etmeleri için yapılacaklar listesi oluşturulması, motivasyonlarını artırmak için ödüllendirme sistemleri kullanılması önerilmektedir. Online eğitim olmadığı zamanlarda ise ekranlardan uzak durulması tavsiye edilmektedir.

Every year, October is recognized as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Awareness Month in Turkey. Stating that online education during the pandemic affects children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) more, experts point out that children need more emotional and social support during this period. Stating that the control can be left to the child with ADHD as much as possible to motivate him/her to do a job, experts emphasize that it may be useful to create a work list for the child.

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Child - Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel shared the effects of the pandemic on children with ADHD and her advice to parents within the scope of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Awareness Month.

The process has become more difficult for children with ADHD

Stating that the pandemic is not a short-term crisis moment but a long-lasting situation that requires changing our lives, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "As with adults, children's routines have changed. When it comes to the closure of schools and activity areas, not only the education of children, but also the development of their emotional and social areas has been affected. Especially for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who already need support in educational, emotional and social areas, this process has become a little more difficult."

Increase in complaints

Drawing attention to the fact that children stay away not only from the school environment but also from friend meetings, sports activities and courses, Yüksel said, "In addition, due to the susceptibility of children with ADHD to stress, decreased attention span, increased impulsivity, new behavioral problems, accompanying anxiety and sleep problems began to be seen. Individuals with ADHD, who have difficulty in organizing their daily activities and maintaining their attention, have started to have more difficulties in the process of intense anxiety and uncertainty brought by the pandemic. When they had to pay more attention in environments outside the home, an increase in complaints occurred."

Parents' emotional states affected children

Yüksel stated that the emotional state of the parents has an effect on the increase in complaints in children with ADHD and continued his words as follows: "During this period, children of parents whose anxiety increases and who have difficulty in controlling their emotions also have some complaints or an increase in the existing ones. Another reason why symptoms start to be seen more when schools are closed is that it is more difficult for them to maintain their attention at home than in the school environment. Because there are more distractions at home, such as more noise, maybe siblings or a pet or toy. Moreover, learning in front of a computer or television is more difficult than learning in a live environment."

Treatment of children with ADHD should not be interrupted

Pointing out that there are children and parents who do not apply to the health system for fear of being infected, Yüksel said, "However, mental health is as important as physical health and the treatment of children with ADHD or any complaints should continue without interruption. If medication is being used, treatment should not be interrupted and follow-up meetings with the physician and therapist should continue online if necessary. As family members started to spend more time at home, the importance of family education and guidance has increased in children with ADHD. Parents should empathize with the difficulty of being away from their children's friends and hobbies and take care to maintain strong communication with their children."

The to-do list will be useful

Stating that there are things that families and children can do to alleviate ADHD symptoms during this period, Yüksel said, "Children may be confused about how to start and what to do during the day, especially with homework. Organizing a to-do list will be very useful. Giving control of this to the child as much as possible will make the child more motivated to do it. When the teacher is not in the classroom, the child should know how to get help in areas of difficulty, how to reach the teacher and should not hesitate to get support. For young children, using stickers to increase motivation and a board that they can write on and erase will help their lessons. When there is no online education, children should be kept away from screens as much as possible."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At28 September 2022
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