Those who say "My soul is too old" are at risk

Those who say "My soul is too old" are at risk

Content Summary

Yaşlanma, beyin de dahil olmak üzere tüm organları etkiler. Uzmanlar, "ruhun yaşlanması"nın aslında beynin yaşlanması olduğunu ve "ruhum yaşlı" diyen gençlerin beyinlerinin risk altında olabileceğini belirtiyor. Uzun süreli tükenmişlik sendromu ve depresyonun demansa yol açabileceği vurgulanıyor. Depresyon, demans ve madde bağımlılığı, beyin yaşlanmasını hızlandıran faktörlerdir; bunun sonucunda beyin küçülür ve nöron kaybı yaşanır. Bunun aksine, aktif bir yaşam, sosyal ilişkiler, mutluluk, egzersiz ve sürekli öğrenme beyin sağlığını korur. Yaşlanmayla birlikte beyin hacminde azalma olsa da, fonksiyon kaybı anlamına gelmeyebilir; çünkü sinaptik bağlantılar yeni deneyimlerle çoğalmaya devam eder. Sağlıklı beyin yaşlanması korkulacak bir şey değildir, ancak anormal yaşlanma, nörodejeneratif hastalıklarda görülen hızlı nöron kaybı ile karakterizedir. Depresyonun önlenmesi ve sağlıklı yaşam tarzı, beyin yaşlanmasının etkilerini azaltmada önemlidir.

Like every organ, the brain also ages. The organ that creates the being called "soul" is the brain. Stating that the aging of the soul is also the aging of the brain, experts warn that "the brain of young people who say 'my soul is old' may be at risk". According to experts, long-term burnout syndrome and depression can cause dementia.

Every year, October 1 is commemorated as World Elderly Day. Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin made important evaluations about aging.

The soul and brain are not independent of each other!

"The soul and the brain should not be separated from each other," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin, "The organ that creates what we call the soul is actually the brain. So the aging of the soul is also the aging of the brain. For this reason, the brain of young people who say their soul is old may also be at risk. Such situations are generally seen in diseases called Burnout Syndrome and depression. In these cases, in addition to the feeling of exhaustion, the brain also ages rapidly. The number of nerve cells, or neurons, decreases rapidly. If burnout and depression are prolonged, it can also cause dementia."

Depression and substance abuse accelerate brain aging

Stating that there are various factors that accelerate and slow down aging in the brain, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said: "Depression, dementia and addictive toxic substances are the leading factors that accelerate aging in the brain. Individuals with these diseases and those who use toxic substances have faster aging and shrinkage in their brains. Brain neurons die faster than in healthy individuals, the volume of the brain decreases and the amount of fluid in it increases. In a study we conducted, we found that the brains of individuals who use addictive substances are much smaller than healthy individuals. Factors that protect the brain from aging are feeling good, doing things that you enjoy, feeling happy and exercise. People who constantly use their brains in healthy activities keep their brains young. The brains of individuals who do sports are also healthier and larger than those who do not."

"Reduced brain volume does not mean reduced function"

Stating that important changes occur in our brain as we age, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin,

"These changes are generally recognized as a decrease in brain function. In fact, this is not exactly the case. As we age, the brain's functions such as quick decision-making and memory decline, while the ability to reason, analyze and make decisions based on them increases. When we look at the brain structure, we can talk about some shrinkage with aging. However, a decrease in volume does not always mean a decrease in function. The main factor determining brain function is the number of synapses, the connections between neurons. In healthy aging, the brain gains experience and learns through synapses while losing neurons. Learning does not stop as we age as we think. The brain has the ability to make new synapses at any age."

Do not be afraid of healthy brain aging!

Neurology specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "Like all our organs, aging is also seen in the brain. However, there are two types of brain aging: normal aging and abnormal aging."

"In normal aging, the number of cells (neurons) in the brain decreases. However, this decrease does not cause a loss in functions. In other words, the brain maintains enough neurons and synapses for itself. Abnormal aging is seen in neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. In these diseases, the number of neurons decreases very rapidly. This leads to serious losses in functions such as memory and attention that help the person to survive. Healthy brain aging is not something to be feared. It is a natural process that some of our functions become weaker as we age.

Prevent depression!

First of all, having expectations from life, dreams, hopes, ideals, living a happy life with our relatives, establishing quality social relationships, working but knowing how to rest when necessary protects us against brain aging. We should especially protect ourselves from depression, which accelerates brain aging, and consult a specialist if we have it. Healthy nutrition, avoiding a uniform diet protects our brain. In addition, physical exercise and sports also save the brain from aging."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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