The elderly are not the source of the virus!

The elderly are not the source of the virus!

Content Summary

Yaşlıların koronavirüs salgını sürecinde ihtiyaç duydukları psikolojik destek vurgulanmaktadır. Sosyal medyada yaşlılar hakkında yanlış bilgiler yayıldığından, aile bireylerinin onlarla sık sık iletişim kurarak, doğru bilgilendirme yaparak ve olumlu konuları konuşarak onlara destek olmaları önemlidir. Yaşlıların sosyal medyayı etkili kullanamamaları nedeniyle, aileleri tarafından güncel durum hakkında endişe yaratmadan bilgilendirilmeleri ve evde kalmanın önemi vurgulanmalıdır. Yaşlıların evde geçirdikleri zamanı değerlendirmeleri için bulmaca çözmek, film izlemek, kitap okumak veya el işi gibi alternatifler önerilebilir. Yaşlılara karşı nefret söylemlerinin yanlış olduğu ve toplumda dayanışmayı artırması gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Kırsal kesimdeki yaşlılar için de devlet ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının destekleyici önlemler alması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.

Positive topics that address the concerns of the elderly should be discussed

Individuals over the age of 65, who are advised to follow the social distancing rule and stay at home because their immune systems are more susceptible to being affected by the coronavirus, also need psychological support in this process. Stating that the discourses created about the elderly on social media are wrong, experts recommend that the needs of elderly individuals at home should be met by their relatives and motivational speeches should be made by constantly calling.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Social Services Specialist Özgür Varan shared important advice on how to support the elderly who cannot leave their homes during the coronavirus process.

The source of the virus is not the elderly

Stating that in this process, elderly people need to talk, express their feelings, and need caring people who listen to and understand them, Social Services Specialist Özgür Varan said, "This task falls on their relatives. It is a better approach to inform elderly individuals, listen to them and allow them to express their feelings. The most accurate way to prevent anxiety is correct information. Nowadays, there is a situation as if the elderly spread the virus, they are the source, and when they are caught, a serious situation will occur immediately. These discourses occupy their minds too much and can cause them to make misinterpretations in their emotional world. Therefore, it is necessary to explain why they should stay at home, why certain situations pose a risk, that they are not actually infected and that this is a basic virus."

Information should be provided without causing anxiety

Stating that elderly people cannot use social media as effectively and efficiently as young people, Varan said, "Since they may have limited opportunities to have sufficient information about the process, their relatives should inform them about the measures to be taken and the current situation without fear and anxiety. The importance of social isolation and social distance should be emphasized in the interviews. They should be told not to receive guests in their homes and not to go out of the house unless there is a very urgent situation. They should be told to keep their immunity strong and how important hygiene is. They can be supported for their basic needs, shopping and similar situations that they need to take care of outside."

Motivating speeches should be made

Varan emphasized the importance of frequent calls to elderly people and said the following: "Talking about topics other than the disease or this infection, talking about happy days, conversations about positive, positive topics will comfort them in this process. They may be more worried and anxious about this epidemic due to their advancing age. Their relatives have a great job in this regard. Motivating conversations, frequent video calls, asking how they are doing and remembering them will make them feel better. Apart from this, different occupations can also be suggested for them to spend time at home. Thus, they can have a better time while they are at home. They can decide what to suggest according to their characteristics."

Rhetoric on social media is wrong

Stating that there are discourses on social media such as why elderly people go out despite the restriction on going out and that they do not listen to the rules, Varan said, "Hate speech against the elderly in society has begun to exclude, offend and intimidate. The virus outbreak we are exposed to should cause solidarity in society, not segregation. These discourses are extremely wrong because older people may not perceive and experience this process as everyone else does. Since they cannot use news sources effectively, they cannot fully realize the seriousness of what is happening."

Varan continued his words as follows: "They may not have enough information about important issues such as how risky the environment is, what needs to be done, what are the measures to be taken. For this reason, they go out. As a result, they are going through a more sensitive period due to their age. Fear of being alone, death anxiety, resistance to death or the desire to continue their existing habits can also cause them to go out. They may also be trying to overcome one of the most basic ways of coping with anxiety, which is to ignore it and to push it. First of all, we need to understand why they behave like this."

They need constructive support

Reminding that apart from those living in big cities, there are also elderly people living in rural areas and villages in Anatolia or having relatives, Varan said, "More organizational work should be done. For them, the state and non-governmental organizations should take effective and multifaceted measures to make their lives easier and raise awareness. Just saying don't go out, it is risky to go out is not an effective method. Like all of us, they are in a sensitive state of mind. They experience troubles and anxieties for many reasons. Instead of such behaviors, it is necessary to be inclusive, understanding, listening and informative."

Positive activities should be recommended

Varan said that even the younger generation, who use social media more effectively and are more involved in life, have great difficulty in finding activities during this time at home: "This situation is even more serious for the elderly. Therefore, we should think for them and take into consideration what they like. They may like solving puzzles, they may like watching movies, books can be recommended for those who like to read, audiobook applications can be downloaded for those with vision and hearing problems, radio theaters can be recommended, they can be directed to various activities such as handicrafts. In this process, many opportunities and conditions can be provided for them. It is said that withdrawing money from ATMs and going to banks is very risky. Due to their advanced age, they may not be able to use technology as effectively as the younger generation. Their relatives should meet these needs instead."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 March 2020
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